for the Suppose I gave older adults a list of prices of items to try and remember, and Figure I shows the average dependent variable manipulated the time-period of the price (independent variable). Some of the prices were In order to test "Past" prices (i.e., what it used to cost). Other prices were "Future" prices (i.e., what the and the item will cost in the future. The data contains how many prices were correctly recalled. the other condition one of the conditions on participants' Paired Samples Statistics Std. Error the effect of label for the independent variable Mear N Std. Deviation Mean Pair 1 Past 6.5000 20 1.39548 31204 Future 5.1000 20 1.58612 35467 type of statistical test label for dependent variable Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig Pair 1 Past & Future was conducted. It was found that participants' memory for the prices of items in the past 20 357 123 Past Future their memory for prices SD = )were Paired Samples Test similar to, condition (M = st. dev Paired Differences mean significantly less than, 95% Confidence Interval of the significantly more than) Std. Error Difference Mean Std. Deviation Mean Lower Upper of Pair 1 Past- Future 1.40000 Sig. (2-tailed) _), with a mean difference of 2.45807 SD = .54964 24959 2.55041 2.547 19 .020 in the future condition (M = st. dev mean, d = Paired Samples Effect Sizes Cohen's d 95% CIL Point 95% Confidence Interval P= lower CI upper CI Standardizer t( p (sig) value Pair 1 Past - Future Estimate Lower Upper Cohen's d df t-value 2.45807 570 .089 1.037 mean Hedges correction 2.50795 558 088 1.016 difference a. The denominator used in estimating the effect sizes. Cohen's d uses the sample standard deviation of the mean difference. factor. Hedges' correction uses the sample standard deviation of the mean difference, plus a correction