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For this discussion, you are going to examine the two texts linked below as to their document design. Use what you learned from the video

For this discussion, you are going to examine the two texts linked below as to their document design. Use what you learned from the video resources for this lesson and determine which document is stronger from a design perspective. Why is it stronger? What could be done to the weaker document to make the design flow better to a readers eyes? How would you change the design of the one you consider to be the stronger document?

As always, your original post should be a minimum of 200 words in length. You should think of this as a very short paper that features an argument for one document being stronger than the other solely from the standpoint of the design of the page. What is written in the text of the document should not factor into your decision. Defend your choice, and then note what you would change about this document to make it even better and what you would change in the weaker document to make it stronger. Be specific saying, I would create more white space doesnt help your classmates learn from your posts.

You should respond to a minimum of two student posts this week after completing your own. Do you agree or disagree? Looking at the argument made by your peer, use those same points to showcase why the other project is stronger, or how you chose the same document but looked at very different factors of the design. Your responses to classmates should be a minimuimage text in transcribedimage text in transcribedm of 100 words each.

When we think of doeurecnt deaian. Wz ofter: bedin bu thin'ding sbout the deeument ea an dosurset. ou will notisz thst thie dosurset. with no apecing or peregrephirg ia quitz ditfieult te frod. but thes sames deeument. Inid sut n bit differentlig is made mens plansing We zsin do this is te uaz eur wurd prosezsing prugiure le seun bul ge fer the he son the longler resd the wonde on the fagj so nuah so eqf how tha fok or blank text cuslans you ers vaing other aclece) loek as ireskez end bsisnez bztheen inked (or bleck) epsec on the manner za rony truagf lyrlalete trated rossle a reeie in the 199C a. Whllle rosny flople Kind of rezaashe snd inateed tresied the voiez az luat andher inatrument is ercsic aound. Nivono iz that dnasis awompls band. 65 Kurt Cobbin wha en reeend stoting thot this whs the wag ta treat almens'e lyrica snd sooge. That ezld, good docuropnt deaign refado to do more than jua leok goed. It ia dealaned to halp resta underalund jour mformeben. help nhders loante infermation quiakly, bnd to notiag. ths: most important information quiade Be. 6s on nals dooument design faks cas to peu nthention to things that exterd bejend white afack. For exsrpli, oprtaln fonta are rueh useler to wad than othere whpn alsiltg le of the Lircsi rreportange. you wint te uaz aur-acrif fonla. as the lettare will leek arnhrogetation that onn be distreating hnd difficult on the fupe of meng mendyrs. bicu will aleo went to look st how font eisce losk neit to ons arolher. f good cxsrople of that ie to compare w. polet firsi with is-polnt Tlmpe kew Rorsn. it yed ook at than togathpe, gou will poltee thut the; sre airos: the zome aisc. Tha meare that jou nexd % peg atlention to worp than just the "pumber" of thas. font sizs. hat how it makes ths doaumgent reare. Ar. Iskeriksdable. The acsond thing you Went to sonccrn yourezit with ia how apecing and morgirz oon ehenge how o recder tede ubedi 6 desenthent. If thej open e soejeent ond opt w wall of teyt with orsall margins, no disozmible paregraphing, and Litli Bpsod for and leee resptive to the roseasd dod sre intending to del serses. Howkver, htitz apess urd nergins cen bi so hote parpese bejend there vesticties. Fer geverne who hos oomp trouble resding texte (se l dol, s lseix of epsaing asn arzata a barrlar to underaiending. In thot asrs vein. When the doeuncnt bund reed will hevz nelea pleeed en andidatgo istari, or se amolher ahpet of papAr where tha ;ading the intervlewe got frome the inlerticuez is pat diasenoseted frore the nerez. sense the epuraz ie rocatly about writing doerregets in endiah. it is werth potieg that ths. why wy. Whet cur doaments 10 Rype on the rigt bid of tha pegr, and by utilining good narghb, ofacing, and hasdars (elond with sigphica. Liate. rosad lshedte. ctej. Whitere cer: ecesmrevdatz theac need pesegnted. Theez ralee apply to bath phyalcal tert on pepar and ts eleatroola taxts that diferent roodis preseststions in ordior to retsin the ecathelie and fonetionsl desian of the Some Basics on Document Design Iater), or on another ahect of paper where the feeling the Intervewer gat from the Interviswse When we think of decament design, we ottan begin hy thirking ahout the diccument as an gesthetic wark rather than what the wands en the doanent sor, Part of the way we cen de this is now discennected trom the name. is to use our word processing program to coom cout sa for that we can no lanzer read the wurds Letting the Reader Rest on the poge so much as see how the ink or tlak text (urless you are using other colors) lock ase Sinco the course is mottly about witting documents in Engllith, It is worth noting that the way Imoges and talanoe between inked ior black) space on the canvez that t the puge (whitte,- Part. we wart aur documents to laak is retiected by the tact that we read lstt to right. We want of whis we want to co here is treat the text in the same meerer as many bingue vitists come "restine spane" for the cyes on the right side of the page, and hy utilizing gocd mareins, treated vocals nn musac in the 1950 s. Whie many people search for mearing in the lyrics to song5, eeme bands specf ically those to aveid any kind of message and instead treated the those needs without avinicing sn adherence to cuality and rules that gavern hos dotuments woce as juet ancther instrument to ereate sound. Nirvans is the classis ceample here, as Kurt are presented. These rules apply to bath physilal test on paper and to electranic taxts that Cobaln wac en rocord stating that this was the way to trost Ninvana's yriles and scngs. That appese on sereens, though you sheuld expect that yeu will reed to medify dozuments for saik, gaod document design needs to do mons than just laak good. it is designed to halp bifrerent metio peesentatans in ander to reloin the aesthet x and Funtiants design of the readers iasserctand your informatian, hselp readers larate infermation quikkly, and to natios the document, You should notoe that this document is much esser to read and more plessing to mest important in'armation cguidkly, Se, tes a nule document desien asks us to p8y attentien to the eye. There's spoce for the eves to rest and for the mind to digest information before the things that extend beyond white space. Font Choice For commple, certaln fonts are much casier to resd than others. When clartty ts of the utmect importance, you want to use san-serit tants, as the lotters will lack arnamentation that can be dictracting and difficut an the eyes of many readers. You wal also want ta bosk at how font sizes leck rext to ene onother. & geed esemple of that is to campere 10-point arisl with 12 puint Imes New Honman. If you leok at theem tonethet, wou wil notve that they ate alnost the same size. Tris meacs that you need to pay attention to more than juct the "number" at the fort sios, hut how it makes the document moreor less readiahle. Spacine and Margins The second thing you want to concern ycurself with is how spscing and margins can charge how a reader feels about a document. If they open a document and see a wall of toxt whih small margins, no clscernlblo paragraphing, and ltttle space tar thelr eyos to rest, it can prove clfikit to read which leases ycur audience untomtortable and less receptive to the message you are intandine to eat arrass. Prattics Corsiderstion for spacing However, white apace and margins can abo have purposes beyond mere aeathetica, For someone who has seme trouble reading texts [as I dol, a lack of spacng can create a barrier to understanding. In that same vein, when the decument beirg read will have notes plsced en it (aay en a resume durng a job intorvew), a lack of white spuce mesine that thoces notes are on the back (where they may not be viewed when reviswing the decument and ranking candidates

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