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For this section of the assessment, I need to have a summary of the findings and recommendations explored on the report. A. I have to

For this section of the assessment, I need to have a summary of the findings and recommendations explored on the report.

A. I have to summarize how the company can expand the number of its commendable accomplishments and how these changes in corporate policy improve on these accomplishments. Think about the connections to key stakeholders and its profitability.

B. I have to summarize how the recommended changes relate to the company's mission. Consider including the long-term impact of this company's policies on the key stakeholders and how this affects the profitability of the company in a positive manner.

Here is my paper to gather the information from:

The Stryker Corp is a market leader in medical technology, manufacturing a wide variety of products and providing services across many medical subspecialties. Dr. Homer Stryker, an orthopedic surgeon, founded Stryker Corporation in 1941 after inventing several medical devices that would later be used to improve patient outcomes. The company that started in Dr. Stryker's garage has expanded into a global powerhouse with more than 40,000 workers because of their commitment to innovation and patient care. Stryker Corp is devoted to fostering an inclusive workplace and has launched several initiatives to help its employees develop both personally and professionally. The company is dedicated to minimizing its negative effects on the planet. They have set ambitious targets for cutting back on carbon dioxide emissions, garbage production, and water consumption. Stryker is using renewable energy, reducing packaging waste, and encouraging environmentally friendly modes of transportation to accomplish these objectives.

Success and wealth: Stryker Corp has a solid financial track record. The company's long-term success can be attributed to its dedication to research and development, targeted acquisitions, and the penetration of new markets. Stryker's strong financial performance has allowed it to invest in R & D to drive continued growth, contributing to the company's well-deserved reputation for providing high quality products and services. The company's rise to the top of the medical technology market can be attributed to its founders' dedication to making decisions that are good for people, the planet, and business.

Commendable accomplishments: The primary motivation for the company's founder to create Stryker Corporation was to better the lives of patients. The organization is dedicated to creating a welcoming and inclusive workplace for all their employees. They have adopted several measures aimed at reducing the company's negative effects on the environment. To fuel its continuing expansion and innovation, the company has been able to invest in R & D thanks to its healthy financial performance.

Possible issues: Stryker Corp might experience difficulties in fostering an inclusive workplace and treating all workers equitably. The clearance and distribution of the company's goods may be delayed by regulatory concerns. Their rapid development has raised some worries about the company's potential effects on nearby residents and the natural environment. Stryker may have difficulties in this area as a healthcare provider concerned with the quality and efficacy of its goods and services.

The employees are a major stakeholder of Stryker Corp. The employees are responsible for the day-to-day operations and ensure that the production and delivery of products to customers in an efficient and timely manner. Having a diverse workforce represented in their workforce. Stryker challenges the way they do things from how they recruit, hire and onboard the talent they hire. The customer who benefits from the quality products they make.

Shareholders are one of the major shareholders of the company. Their success depends on the confidence and trust of its shareholders. They invest their money in the company to receive a return on investment. Stryker Corp works to ensure that the company's operations are profitable and compliant with government regulations to maintain the trust of the shareholders.

The customers are a major stakeholder of Stryker Corp. Customers provide the company with a steady stream of revenue. The company works to ensure that their customers' needs are met and they receive the highest quality products and services. Stryker is focused on their ability to develop the best devices possible. "Our passion for product quality and safety stems from a companywide goal of creating better patient and caregiver outcomes" (Stryker Frameworks, 2021).

Suppliers: Suppliers are another major stakeholder group of Stryker Corp. Suppliers provide the company with the raw materials necessary to manufacture their products. The company works to establish long-term relationships with its suppliers to ensure they receive the best possible quality and price.

Stryker corporation has invested in many ways to improve their employees by giving them the tools to do a great job. They launched a new initiative, Through Lessons Learned, where the leadership reviews and discusses ethical challenges they might be faced with. Their Speak Up campaign strengthens leadership's ability to listen and act upon employees concerns they might have.

Stryker has made progress in reducing carbon emissions. They are working towards a better and healthier world we live in. Stryker committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions carbon neutral by 2030. Stryker strives to reduce the amount of waste they send to the landfills. Several of their facilities throughout the world all have implemented ways to reduce the waste they put into landfills and the water.

Stryker's Ireland facilities have been environmentally friendly for years, before their facilities in America. In Limerick, the dust from this factory is now being collected and reused in products like Eco-Cement. By doing this, it has kept 20 tons out of their landfills.

Short term and long-term effects: Stryker Corp has implemented ways to reduce energy consumption and waste. They also have implemented a variety of initiatives to reduce the amount of energy used in their plants. One example of this is they have installed energy-efficient lights and appliances in their facilities and have encouraged employees to turn off lights when they leave a room. Stryker has also invested in green technology and renewable energy. They now use solar panels, wind turbines, and LED lighting systems. Their environmentally friendly policies will lead to a reduction in Stryker's footprint and increase the efficiency of its operations. By reducing their energy consumption, they can save on energy costs which then can be reinvested back into the company. By investing in green technology and renewable technology, they will help create a better quality of life for their customers and employees.

People do business with companies they recognize and trust just like employees continue to work for companies who are aligned with their values. Stryker gives back to the communities they live in. By doing this they will have higher profits allowing them to give more to their communities. This will allow all their stakeholders to benefit. When a company has defined a clear purpose, it attracts good employees who in turn will increase profits, when this happens, both employees, customer and community will profit.

Stryker has made a commitment that focuses on several sustainable solutions to be completed by 2025. The organization focuses on their core values while providing financial sustainability, tending to patient care sustainability, and environmental sustainability to their employees and their customers. There are several reasons why companies should have a healthy corporate social responsibility program. It builds meaningful relationships in the communities they serve, it's a way to give back to society, and it strengthens the employer-employee relationships. Sustainability has become one of the defining features on the 21st century. Manufacturing sector of the workforce is one of the main contributors to environmental degradation ( Zeng, 2008). A stakeholder is referred to anyone that has an interest in the company, in this case it is the employees, the environment, and the communities.

Stryker is a very successful company as they are a leader in their field, they have been a Fortune 500 company for more than 20 years. The company has had several notable recalls and lawsuits against them. In 2009 through 2013 Stryker recalled two of their biggest selling hip replacement parts, Rejuvenate and ABG II ceasing all production, sales, and use of these products. These products caused irritation of the skin around the device and the device itself was corroding in and around the product. Customers were sent to have blood tests looking for cobalt and elevated levels of chromium levels. Another error in judgement by Stryker is they were selling a hip implant to customers before FDA approval. They had to pay a large fine because of this. When companies make a bad decision this not only hurts their profits it damages their good name. Business ethics has become important to companies over the years as consumer's are more vocal about environmental, social, and corporate responsibility. Having business ethics can help a company grow, increases trust in the public and investors.

The employees of Stryker Corp's irresponsible behavior can affect its employees by creating a negative work environment, causing job insecurity, and affecting job satisfaction. For example, if the company's reputation is damaged due to product recalls and lawsuits, it may lead to layoffs, pay cuts, and a decline in morale among employees. Additionally, employees who work in departments related to the recalled products may face criticism and negative feedback from customers and the public. Stryker Corp's irresponsibility also affects their suppliers by reducing their business and revenue. If the company must stop the production and sales of a product due to a recall, it may lead to a decrease in demand for the raw materials and parts used in the production of that product, resulting in a loss of revenue for that supplier. Acting in a irresponsible behavior also affects the stakeholders by causing a decline in the company's stock price and dividends. If the company faces lawsuits and recalls that affect its financial performance, it may lead to a decrease in the value of its shares, resulting in lower returns for shareholders.

Diversity is important in the workforce as employees as it brings people together that have different perspectives how to get the job done. Stryker has 43,000 employees, out of which 34% are women and 66% are men. More than half of their employee's area white with 20% Hispanic or Latino, only 11% are Asian (Stryker, 2022). Diversity, equity, and inclusion are a big part of Stryker's culture. "Our diversity strategy calls on us to encourage, value and leverage differences to build inclusive and engaging work environment, and we continue our efforts to attract, develop and retain a diverse workforce". (Stryker, 2022). The company has several employee resource groups (ERGs) for their employees to foster a cohesive work environment. These groups are volunteer and led by employees. Stryker's Allies for Equality, Stryker's African Ancestry Network, Stryker's Women's Network, and SOMOS Hispanic/Latino Network are some examples of the diverse groups for their employees to be a part of. On Stryker's web site Kevin Lobo, the Chairman and CEO of the company writes that they company values the differences in all people and they their company will not tolerate any type of discrimination, injustice, or act of violence to those that are different. They have won many awards as being one of the top 50 employers from minority engineering, best companies to work for as the woman's choice award in 2020, and best places to work for LGBTQ+ in 2022. Stryker has committed to this approach to diversity by initiating a series of dialogue sessions called "Days of Understanding". This program is not just unique to Stryker but gives organizations the tools and resources needed to create more inclusive cultures. This program emphasizes advancing diversity and inclusion with a clear strategy from the CEO to the lowest employee. This program develops corporate policies that address systemic racism, social injustice and improve employee well-being.

Companies are realizing the value in sustainability as the perspectives of how corporations treat the environment are changing around the world. They developed Stryker's Sustainability solutions as an organizational strategy to help meet the environmental goals successfully. The company's sustainable journey approach was woven into every department of the company. Sustainability culture begins with the leadership and is motivated by the company's core values and beliefs. Developing a strategy to address and improve their sustainability allowed Stryker to compete with competitors in the same marketplace and used it to retain and attract top talent in the industry. In addition, Stryker's customers had been inquiring how the company was improving the communities they serve. The strategy developed had three areas of improvement, developing their employees to their greatest potential, process improvement, and making their resources more efficient. The goals for resource efficiency were to reduce the amount of water and energy used, and waste made. One example of how Stryker did this was to develop single-use medical devices (SUDs). A SUD is a device that can be used, sterilized, repackaged, and clinically used again. The company collects devices from hospitals, beings them back to a Stryker facility so they can be sterilized and used again on another patient. Using this reprocessing program, it has kept a significant amount of waste out of landfills. Stryker has saved $375.6M and eliminated 13.4 M pounds of waste that would have been disposed of in the landfill (Home, n.d.)

Corporate irresponsibility is when a business behaves in a less than morale way disregarding their legal obligations, ethical and morale values to benefit financially. This has been an age-old debate about ethical decisions in business. Stryker is typically responsible when it comes to the environment. They have a score of 28.5 in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating. This is average score. They only have an average score because of two issues, the executive board is not diverse as others, and they have a notice from February 10, 2023, from the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, a notice of disclosure that the company had a "limited and lawful dealings with the Federal Security of Russia" (Irannotice(, n. d.). As for the senior leadership team 33% identifies as racially/ethically diverse and 25% of the team identifies as female (MarketScreener, n. d.) Stryker has a Sustainalytics controversy score of 3, that is significant.

Realizing a company needs to develop an environmental policy is taking the first step to sustainability. Corporations are among the leading culprits of damage to the environment. When an organization decides to refocus their efforts to become environmentally friendly it does not happen overnight. Stryker started their sustainability journey by developing Stryker's Sustainability Solutions. This new division was an organic sustainability strategy with clear goals set for the organization by the year 2025. Short term goals of Stryker are to look at the companies they currently do business with. Do they have the same values? Do they have unethical labor practices? They have developed Supplier code of conducts for any supplier wanting to do business with Stryker. Another short-term goal could be use of more energy efficient lighting in their factories, shifting their company vehicles to electric or hybrid. One of Stryker's long-term goals through their sustainability solutions is to plant a tree for every single use devise that is collected. Developing a strong environmental policy has several benefits that have positive impacts on the company and they community.

Stryker has done well with operating in an efficient way as well as make a profit. When a corporation can generate money, the stakeholders benefit from the financial gains. One of the stakeholders that profit are the shareholders of the company. When a company makes a profit the stock prices also go up. Profits are good for the company as they can use this money to reinvest it into the company. The employees of the company benefit as they have better job security and possible pay raises. When employees are paid a fair wage, they feel valued, an employee who feels values by their employer will produce better work. The communities Stryker lives in also benefit when they make a profit. They have a greater ability to give back to the people who live near them.

One of the biggest marine disasters happened April 20, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico was Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Deepwater Horizon oil rig was leased by BP. Over an 87-day period 4 million barrels of oil leaked into the water before it was finally capped. This devastated the Gulf of Mexico and people who made their livelihood in their waters suffered as thousands of marine animals died. The company cut safety corners on safety procedures, neglected important equipment maintenance all for higher profits. Instead of spending the money on maintenance and doing what was right, the chose to not spend the money. The company's public image was ruined as it came out, they chose profits over people and the environment. After this disaster, BP had to rebuild their trust in the public, and rebranded their image assuring their commitment to safety.

III. Recommendations

  • People:
  • Hiring diverse employees-unbiased-promote diversity.
  • Pay employees fair wages. Paying employees fairly increases their productivity and increases retention.
  • Community outreach programs-
  • Safe work conditions-
  • Planet
    • Energy conservation- turning off lights, switching to LED lightbulbs.
    • Reducing water consumption by using water saving technology-install water filtration system
    • Reduce waste production by recycling or composting waste that would end up in a land fill. Leftover food could be donated to local charities/shelters.
    • Reduce carbon footprint by investing in renewable energy sources.
    • Look for ways to improve ecosystems.
  • Profit
    • Apply for government grants to implement some of the environmental sustainability goals.
    • Build Stryker's image. This will help customers think about quality and environmentally friendly initiatives they stand for.
    • Do business with companies that have similar values and offer their goods at a low price.


  • Develop a diversity and inclusion training program for all employees. Budget money for training classes. This might require hiring someone who is well versed on the subject. Stryker already has statistics that 34% women and 66% men make up the employee at Stryker. Look at the language used in employment ads to attract women or others underrepresented in the company.
  • Educate employees about diversity by having mandatory online self-paced classes. The world is changing every day and keeping up with the times is important.
  • Assess the culture within the organization by using qualitative and quantitative interviews, surveys, and analytics with the employees. Educate the leaders of the organization to help build and sustain a positive company culture.
    1. Planet

  • Have a friendly competition between departments to see who can reduce waste the most. How many bags of garbage is removed from each department? The department who has the least wins.
  • Optimizing energy efficiency at all facilities by making equipment upgrades, changing to LED lighting, and enhancing building management systems.
  • Facilities in Netherlands and Ireland run on 100% renewable energy. Bring this technology to more Stryker facilities.

c. Profit

  • Maximizing profits is a motivative force for the shareholders. Develop as designated grant writing team/person to apply for grants.
  • Stryker manufactures very good hip and knee implants. They should use this to build their brand by educating their sales force to increase sales. Work with the research and development team to learn more about future products, this way it will create curiosity about future products.
  • Communication and transparency. Leadership should be talking with their employees on a regular basis, not just when there are issues. Set up town hall meetings where employees have a chance to voice their concerns. Send weekly updates via email. Employees who are engaged are happy and will stay with the company. This will reduce onboarding costs and happy employees will be more productive.

When determining the state of an organization's health, it is necessary to consider all three components of the "triple bottom line": people, profits, and the environment. This requires considering how the ways in which the organization's policies and practices impact its workforce, its surrounding environment, and its bottom line. For an organization to be successful, it is necessary to be conscious of the impact that it has on all three of these areas.

A strong Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program can significantly improve stakeholder relationships for any company. Improving stakeholder relationships through initiatives in diversity, equity, and inclusion can lead to many benefits in the future for the company by improving customer and employee satisfaction. Here are some recommendations for Stryker Corp to consider:

Diversity: Encourage diversity at all levels of the organization by implementing policies to attract and retain qualified employees from different backgrounds. Stryker Corp. can promote diversity by offering inclusive recruitment practices, for example, removing bias in the job descriptions, recruiting from diverse networks, and investing in employee resource groups to support various employees.

Equity: Stryker Corp can promote equality by implementing policies that ensure all employees are treated fairly, regardless of their background. Some examples of this are equal pay for men and women, benefits, and promotion opportunities for everyone.

Inclusion: Foster a welcoming and respectful culture for all employees. One-way employees can feel that their ideas or opinions are heard to promote inclusive behaviors like active listening and communication and encouraging diverse points of view.

In the last several years, environmental policies have moved to the forefront of a company's business plan to minimize their environmental impact, create a culture of corporate responsibility, and maintain positive working relationships with stakeholders. Stryker Corp needs to work to set up and implement a strong environmental policy which reduces their environmental footprint and increase their sustainability efforts. One way to do this is to commit to reducing the amount of energy and resource consumption, reducing the waste used and take steps to reducing carbon emissions. Stryker Corp leadership should work with local stakeholders to ensure that their environmental policies are developed to meet the needs of the communities they live in. One way to do this is to include local environmental groups and community members to ensure that their environmental policies are appropriate and beneficial for the community. Stryker should monitor and report on the progress in their environmental policies and see that they are reaching their goals. These environmental policies would also benefit Stryker Corp by demonstrating a commitment to corporate responsibility, which would enhance their relationships with company and local stakeholders. By reducing their environmental footprint, Stryker Corp would be helping to reduce air and water pollution, reduce waste, and reduce the consumption of natural resources. This would greatly improve the quality of life in local areas they have facilities in, as well as provide economic benefits.

A firm's stakeholders gain profitability since it optimizes their return on investment and enables the corporation to put more money back into the business. Stryker Corp should think about making certain changes to turn a profit. Process streamlining, overhead cost cutting, and the creation of new goods or services are a few examples. Various actions can be taken to alter the corporate culture as well. For instance, business may promote a culture of efficiency and cost consciousness among employees by simplifying procedures and cutting expenses. The business may foster employee innovation and creativity by funding R & D and creating new products. To cut expenses and boost efficiency, Stryker Corp may potentially outsource some procedures or duties. To increase productivity, more may be learned about automation and task delegation. Involving the company's stakeholders to discuss problems and work together on workable solutions can assist to enhance relationships and develop trust. For the benefit of all parties, transparency and openness are essential. Stryker Corp. may demonstrate its commitment to its stakeholders and make sure their ideas and opinions are heard by conducting business in an ethical and open way. For the organization, looking at comparable businesses that have achieved financial success while maintaining ethical business practices might be helpful. For instance, Patagonia has demonstrated that it is possible to be financially successful as well as socially and environmentally responsible. Stryker Corp. may increase its profitability while upholding its dedication to ethical business practices while emulating these examples.

Stryker Corp should create a plan to build stakeholder relationships in diversity, equality, and inclusion initiatives: combining the company's core values and goals by developing a task force made up of employees and stakeholders from all backgrounds. The company will benefit from this as it will be able to set realistic goals and develop a strategy for its DE&I program. About 1 in 4 people who are looking for employment in 2021 say DE&I is the most important area of investment to improve company culture, according to a survey by LinkedIn Talent Solutions. The report suggested that increasing DE&I efforts to create a more diverse workforce helps employers build a dynamic relationship with employees (Gonzales & Gonzales, 2022). To find out if the task force is working or where they need to focus their attention on, is to have an audit in six-month intervals to help pinpoint problem areas and develop a strategy to fix them. The senior leadership needs to have open lines of communication to guarantee that the employees understand the importance of an inclusive workplace. Providing DEI training and education to all employees is another way to build a culture of inclusion. Stryker Corp should develop quantifiable goals and metrics frequently assessing progress to guarantee the DEI projects are bringing the desired changes that are needed. The company will reassess and make necessary changes based on what areas need improvement. By taking these measures, Stryker Corp will be able to build a more diverse and inclusive workplace where their workers feel appreciated and supported. This will then increase the company's connections with its stakeholders and its bottom line. The more corporations build a sense of belonging for all employees, the more they will want to work hard and give back to that organization.

Stryker can take the following immediate steps: establish a dedicated Environmental Sustainability Team that is responsible for creating and implementing environmental policies and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations. To improve Stryker Corp's environmental policies, the company should focus on reducing its environmental footprint, increasing sustainability efforts, and engaging with local stakeholders to ensure that its policies meet the needs of the communities they operate in. Conduct an environmental audit of all facilities to assess the current environmental impact of the company's operations and identify areas for improvement. Another recommendation is to develop a comprehensive environmental policy that outlines specific goals and targets for reducing energy use, waste, and carbon emissions. In terms of stakeholder relationships, Stryker Corp should prioritize the well-being of stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the environment. The company should develop a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy that includes regular communication and collaboration with all relevant stakeholders. By doing so, Stryker Corp can build a strong reputation as a socially and environmentally responsible organization and attract and retain customers, investors, and employees who share these values.

To remain profitable, Stryker Corp should consider streamlining processes, reducing overhead costs, and developing new products or services. They could also outsource certain processes or tasks to reduce costs and improve efficiency. To lower the overall costs of the company, it is essential to cut any extra expenditures that are incurred by the company and are not directly related to main business activities. Some examples of this would be cutting travel costs, cutting back on workplace expenditures or even reorganizing the whole organization. Another example of this would be to cut back on workplace space and allow some employees the opportunity to work from home. This will cut costs while keeping the same degree of effectiveness. Investing in Research & Development (R&D) now, could have significant benefits for the company in the future. It's possible that some of the suggested changes might incur increased costs right away. Those adjustments might end up saving money in the long run. Stryker Corp could develop new services that would supplement the products they already offer. One example of this would be establishing an internet customer support system that would help consumers troubleshoot any problems they may have with their merchandise. The company can guarantee that it will continue to be successful if these measures are taken, while simultaneously fostering a mindset of responsible corporate behavior within the company. Because of these changes, business will be able to save time and money as all of its employees and stakeholders will be informed and involved. In addition, Stryker Corp can develop cutting-edge products that are capable of catering to the requirements of clients and setting them up for sustained achievement.

It can be advantageous for Stryker Corp to interact with community stakeholders. Active participation not only benefits communities, but it may also increase the company's decision making, legitimacy, and competitiveness by utilizing local knowledge, lowering conflict, enhancing recruitment, and avoiding expensive delays. Developing effective communication channels and keeping up positive relationships with stakeholders are essential to engaging them. To help keep your projects on track, your positive reputation, and the company progressing, you'll be able to overcome challenges more quickly and efficiently if you have stronger stakeholder relationships. Social, economic, and political stakeholder groups can be broken down into separate categories.

Stryker Corp will be able to boost the satisfaction of its stakeholders by establishing a workplace that is more inclusive if it prioritizes diversity, equality, and inclusion in their business practices. They will also be able to lessen their impact on the environment by adopting more environmentally friendly practices. This will allow them to contribute to the reduction of air and water pollution, as well as the reduction of waste and the use of natural resources. Stryker Corp will be able to increase their profitability by streamlining processes, lowering overhead costs, and investing in research & development. This will allow them to reinvest more money into the company, which will result in a higher return on investment for the company's shareholders. Stryker will be able to establish themselves as a leader in the field if they follow these rules and put them into effect, as they reflect a commitment to corporate responsibility, they will earn a favorable reputation with their stakeholders. Being a leader in their field is the goal for the company. It demonstrates the devotion to offering high-quality goods and services as well as being responsible for its business practices.

The suggestions that were made for Stryker Corp to enhance their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, to establish robust environmental policies, and to increase profitability would be beneficial to the company in the short and long term. Implementation of DEI would result in improved relations between the company and its stakeholders, such as its employees and its clients. Stryker Corp can recruit and retain a more diverse workforce if it promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. By doing this, it would increase satisfaction and productivity. Increasing satisfaction and lowering turnover rates can be done by promoting equality within the organization and providing all employees with equal opportunities for pay, benefits and advancement. When it comes to the environment, developing a robust environmental policy would help the company lower their environmental footprint, which would be the advantage of the neighboring communities where they conduct business. If Stryker Corp were to cut back on the number of natural resources it used, it would not only save money over the long run but also see an increase in profits. Increasing profitability would ultimately be beneficial to the company as well as its stakeholders, both long and short term. They can improve their return on investment by streamlining their process, decreasing their overhead costs, and developing new products or services, allowing them to reinvest their profits. Stryker Corp can build stronger relationships with its stakeholders if it engages with them, keeps them informed and involved, and participates in the process. This would ultimately improve the company's bottom line.

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