fourFunctions Write a program to print one of three quotes. chosen at random by the computer. The program should generate a random number, in the range 0.2 (inclusivel and use a switch structure to select a quote. There should be three output functions, each showing a different quote, called from within the switch structure each case will call a different function). NOTE: You will need to use in.gell) so the display pauses after the instructions. Also, be sure to seed the random number generator. Prototypes: vold intro vold funcones void functwo void funcThree SAMPLE RUNS: Intro function: RANDOM MESSAGE This program will display a randon message related to computer science, Press Enter to see a random message... funcong Talk is cheap. Show me the code. Las Torvalds ADONG 2/ 13 google translate. GooX o Student Home X . (13) 12 angry men = 34831_18contentids_1441443.1 funcOne: Talk is cheap. Show me the code. -- Linus Torvalds Process returned @ (exe)_execution time : 28,428 S Press any key to continue. functwo: RANDOM MESSAGE This program will display a random message related to computer science. Press Enter to see a random message... Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand, -- Martin Fowler Process returned e (exe) execution time : 1.331 s Press any key to continue. funcThree: RANDOM MESSAGE This program will display a random message related to computer science, Press Enter to see a random message... Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. so if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, Thow will you ever debug it? e to search Movie Analysis * 12Angry MenEssay pdf x google translate - Goo Student Home Mymh * 18 content id-1441443.1 o Press Enter to see a random message... Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. -- Martin Fowler Process returned @ (@xe Press any key to continue. execution time : 1.331 s funcThree RANDOM MESSAGE This program will display a random message related to computer science. Press Enter to see a randon message... Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. so if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, Show will you ever debug it? -- Brian Kernighan process returned @ (@xe) execution time : 2.472 s Press any key to continue. bypot Search