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from the case below, please apply the 3 step problem solving approach using the case study that is pictured please! 1 of 2 PROBLEM-SOLVING APPLICATION

from the case below, please apply the 3 step problem solving approach using the case study that is pictured please! image text in transcribed
image text in transcribed
1 of 2 PROBLEM-SOLVING APPLICATION CASE White, Male, and Asian: The Diversity Profile of Technology Companies Managing diversity is a hot topic among technology companies, some of which have started to display transparency by publishing their diversity profiles Google's diversity report reveals its workforce is 69.1 percent male and 30 9 percent female. Ethnicity data for Google's US workforce indicates 1 percent white 36.3 percent Asian, 42 percent of two or more races, 36 percent Latinx, and 25 percent black This pattern is similar to Apple (32 percent female and 54 percent white, and US ethnicity data showing 21 percent Aslan 13 percent Hispanic, 9 percent black, 3 percent of two or more races, and percent other and Facebook (36 percent female and US ethnicity data of 46.6 percent white. 41.4 percent Aslan, 49 percent Hispanic, and 35 percent black Executives within the technology Industry have started to implemento variety of programs and poll cles to change the demographic profiles the com- panies. For example, Pinterest established a 2018 goal to have 25 percent of new hires in engineering roles be female and 8 percent from underrepresented ethnic groups. Intel established a hiring goal of full representation of underrepresented minorities and women in its US workforce by 2020" Is setting diversity hiring goals take? While companies that set them note the hiring goals are not meant to be quotas, some managers may perceive them that way. This would likely create feelings of reverse discrimina tion, fueling resistance to hiring diverse employees What has led to the skewed demographics at tech- nology companies? Some experts believe the root cause goes back to patterns and norms in elementary and high school, where girls are not encouraged to focus on the STEM subjects (science, technology, engl. neering, and math. If this is true, female high school students are not developing the proficiency that would help them major in STEM subjects in college Furthet a writer for Forbes concluded that an unconscious bias emists that science and math are typically male fields while humanities are primarily Yemale fields, and these stereotypes further inhibit girts kelihood of cul tating an interest in math and science A related issue is the information gap. High school students simply do not know which jobs are in high demand For example, research shows that 24 percent of high school seniors have no idea of what career they want to pursue of high school seniors who have pinpointed a desired profession. 23 percent said they made their career choice based on something they saw on TV or in a movie. This is a problem because TV shows ohen depict technology oriented people as geeky males who wants to be a geek? Others claim the tech Industry has a pipeline prob lem. In other words, not enough females and minorities are majoring in STEM subjects in college Statistics confict on this subject Some data indicate that females en fewer than 20 percent of college degrees in computer science and engineering, even though they achieve the majority of bachelor's degrees in the United States. In contrast, other studies suggest there is not a pipeline issue. According to EdSource welter Carolyn Jones, about half of the students in high school science and math courses are female 133 Data from the National Science Foundation indicate that women earn approximately 50 percent of science and engineering bachelor's degrees 122 A USA Today study further showed that top universities graduate black and Hispanic computer science and computer engineering students at twice the rate that leading technology companies hire them. There must be some reason these students are not being hired If the above data are accurate, then it is possible that companies have a systemic problem based on hiring managers' bellets, stereotypes, or unconscious biases This occurred a Pinterest for example, when it tried to Increase the number of women and minorities being hired. Although recruiters found qualified applicants from nontraditional backgrounds, managers often continued to prontize people from places like Stanford and MIT, which have less broed student bodies. And while Adam Ward, Pinterest's head of recruiting, and Abby Maldonado, es diversity programs specialist, had encouraged colleagues to pass along resumes from a range of candidates, most of the referrals were still white or Asian according to Fost Company Pinterest founder Evan Sharp believes technology companies may not be giving diversity the same type of attention they give to product development initiatives There may also be more over causes of the under representation of female and minority tech employees Consider results from a survey of 1,000 women who had held technology postions. These women explained why they beleve females leave the tech held at a rate 45 percent higher than males. A perceived lack of career growth trajectory was the most common factor Chapter because we generally select cases the in females decisions to leave sech Furmec almost ustre concepts in the current chapter 50 percent of the women interviewed beloved they STEP 2: Getty causes of the problem by using had been paid less than the male counterparts. Om merom this chapter, which has been summa top sons, particularly among women in toch aged bediening Framework shown gue 46 25-34, were difficulties breaking to management Causes waarinether the inputs box or the and leadership roles. perceived bias and discrimin Processes box tion, and a lack of female leadership representation in the company A Start by looking at Figure 46 to identify which Could something a bit os gender based com person factors, any are mostly causes of munication contribute to the problee? The wris the end problem. For each cause, explain Yes, according to a recent report presented in Fortune wyth a cause of the problem. Asking why A study of 1.100 technology resumes com 512 men mutilemes is more likely to lead you to root and 55 women uncovered gender-related to causes of the problem. For example, if you think ences that may tecta recruiter's perceptions For demographics-aninout in the Organizing example, women's rsumes are longer but share on Frameworks a cause, ask yourself why. This details. Yet when it comes to providing details might lead to the conclusion that there are not about previous jobs the men presentamore specific cough females and minorities who are taking content than the women dot according to the Fortune STEM jos in college. In turn, this might Read report Women wone found to end with the to the conclusion that a poor pipeline is root dentials and include more personal background on cause of demographics at technology compa average, the women's rumes cheve personal mes. Then ask yourself why this is happening distinctions apiece, while the men's te for Overall The cause might go all the way back to clemen women tend to use more news more tary and the school By following this process of precise about the experiences asking why multiple times you will be more Assume you are a senior leader at technology Sely to anive at a more complete list of cause company. What does the information in this cases Now.consider the Processes Dok shown in you about managing diversity Pgure 46. Consider whether perception utions psychological safety group team amics of options to manage diversity APPLY THE 3-STEP PROBLEM causes of the problem for any concept that SOLVING APPROACH TO OB might be a cute ask yourself why is this couse? Again, do this for several iterations to STEP 1: Defice the problem vert A Look Test at the outcome or of the Organizing C Follow the same process for the situation Framework in Figure 4610 het identify the factors important problems in this case Remember To check the accuracy or appropriateness of the that a problem is a gap between a desired and causes, be sure to map them onto the defined Current state State your problemas ago and problem be sure to consider problems at all three levels If more than one desired outcome is not being STEP 3: Mecommendations for solving the accomplished, decide which one is most impor problem. Consider whether you want to resolve tant and focus on it for stops 2 and 3 sovet or dissolve se Section 15). Which recom Cases have protagonists players and pro mendations desirable and feable lems are general viewed from a partico A Give the causes identified in Sep 2. what are tagonist's perspective. You need to identity the your best recommendations? Use the content perspective employee managed team of the Chapter 6 or one of the earlier chapters to pro organization from which youre defining the pose solution problem Potential solutions may be found in the On c use details in the case to identity the key prob Action and Apoving OB boxes within the em Dont assume, intet or create problems that Chapter These features provide insights about are not included in the che how the individuals of companies are handing To refine your choice ask yourselt Whythsa the toothand prom? Explaining why he retine and focus Cenaction plan for implementing your your thinking Focus on topics in the current recommendation 1 of 2 PROBLEM-SOLVING APPLICATION CASE White, Male, and Asian: The Diversity Profile of Technology Companies Managing diversity is a hot topic among technology companies, some of which have started to display transparency by publishing their diversity profiles Google's diversity report reveals its workforce is 69.1 percent male and 30 9 percent female. Ethnicity data for Google's US workforce indicates 1 percent white 36.3 percent Asian, 42 percent of two or more races, 36 percent Latinx, and 25 percent black This pattern is similar to Apple (32 percent female and 54 percent white, and US ethnicity data showing 21 percent Aslan 13 percent Hispanic, 9 percent black, 3 percent of two or more races, and percent other and Facebook (36 percent female and US ethnicity data of 46.6 percent white. 41.4 percent Aslan, 49 percent Hispanic, and 35 percent black Executives within the technology Industry have started to implemento variety of programs and poll cles to change the demographic profiles the com- panies. For example, Pinterest established a 2018 goal to have 25 percent of new hires in engineering roles be female and 8 percent from underrepresented ethnic groups. Intel established a hiring goal of full representation of underrepresented minorities and women in its US workforce by 2020" Is setting diversity hiring goals take? While companies that set them note the hiring goals are not meant to be quotas, some managers may perceive them that way. This would likely create feelings of reverse discrimina tion, fueling resistance to hiring diverse employees What has led to the skewed demographics at tech- nology companies? Some experts believe the root cause goes back to patterns and norms in elementary and high school, where girls are not encouraged to focus on the STEM subjects (science, technology, engl. neering, and math. If this is true, female high school students are not developing the proficiency that would help them major in STEM subjects in college Furthet a writer for Forbes concluded that an unconscious bias emists that science and math are typically male fields while humanities are primarily Yemale fields, and these stereotypes further inhibit girts kelihood of cul tating an interest in math and science A related issue is the information gap. High school students simply do not know which jobs are in high demand For example, research shows that 24 percent of high school seniors have no idea of what career they want to pursue of high school seniors who have pinpointed a desired profession. 23 percent said they made their career choice based on something they saw on TV or in a movie. This is a problem because TV shows ohen depict technology oriented people as geeky males who wants to be a geek? Others claim the tech Industry has a pipeline prob lem. In other words, not enough females and minorities are majoring in STEM subjects in college Statistics confict on this subject Some data indicate that females en fewer than 20 percent of college degrees in computer science and engineering, even though they achieve the majority of bachelor's degrees in the United States. In contrast, other studies suggest there is not a pipeline issue. According to EdSource welter Carolyn Jones, about half of the students in high school science and math courses are female 133 Data from the National Science Foundation indicate that women earn approximately 50 percent of science and engineering bachelor's degrees 122 A USA Today study further showed that top universities graduate black and Hispanic computer science and computer engineering students at twice the rate that leading technology companies hire them. There must be some reason these students are not being hired If the above data are accurate, then it is possible that companies have a systemic problem based on hiring managers' bellets, stereotypes, or unconscious biases This occurred a Pinterest for example, when it tried to Increase the number of women and minorities being hired. Although recruiters found qualified applicants from nontraditional backgrounds, managers often continued to prontize people from places like Stanford and MIT, which have less broed student bodies. And while Adam Ward, Pinterest's head of recruiting, and Abby Maldonado, es diversity programs specialist, had encouraged colleagues to pass along resumes from a range of candidates, most of the referrals were still white or Asian according to Fost Company Pinterest founder Evan Sharp believes technology companies may not be giving diversity the same type of attention they give to product development initiatives There may also be more over causes of the under representation of female and minority tech employees Consider results from a survey of 1,000 women who had held technology postions. These women explained why they beleve females leave the tech held at a rate 45 percent higher than males. A perceived lack of career growth trajectory was the most common factor Chapter because we generally select cases the in females decisions to leave sech Furmec almost ustre concepts in the current chapter 50 percent of the women interviewed beloved they STEP 2: Getty causes of the problem by using had been paid less than the male counterparts. Om merom this chapter, which has been summa top sons, particularly among women in toch aged bediening Framework shown gue 46 25-34, were difficulties breaking to management Causes waarinether the inputs box or the and leadership roles. perceived bias and discrimin Processes box tion, and a lack of female leadership representation in the company A Start by looking at Figure 46 to identify which Could something a bit os gender based com person factors, any are mostly causes of munication contribute to the problee? The wris the end problem. For each cause, explain Yes, according to a recent report presented in Fortune wyth a cause of the problem. Asking why A study of 1.100 technology resumes com 512 men mutilemes is more likely to lead you to root and 55 women uncovered gender-related to causes of the problem. For example, if you think ences that may tecta recruiter's perceptions For demographics-aninout in the Organizing example, women's rsumes are longer but share on Frameworks a cause, ask yourself why. This details. Yet when it comes to providing details might lead to the conclusion that there are not about previous jobs the men presentamore specific cough females and minorities who are taking content than the women dot according to the Fortune STEM jos in college. In turn, this might Read report Women wone found to end with the to the conclusion that a poor pipeline is root dentials and include more personal background on cause of demographics at technology compa average, the women's rumes cheve personal mes. Then ask yourself why this is happening distinctions apiece, while the men's te for Overall The cause might go all the way back to clemen women tend to use more news more tary and the school By following this process of precise about the experiences asking why multiple times you will be more Assume you are a senior leader at technology Sely to anive at a more complete list of cause company. What does the information in this cases Now.consider the Processes Dok shown in you about managing diversity Pgure 46. Consider whether perception utions psychological safety group team amics of options to manage diversity APPLY THE 3-STEP PROBLEM causes of the problem for any concept that SOLVING APPROACH TO OB might be a cute ask yourself why is this couse? Again, do this for several iterations to STEP 1: Defice the problem vert A Look Test at the outcome or of the Organizing C Follow the same process for the situation Framework in Figure 4610 het identify the factors important problems in this case Remember To check the accuracy or appropriateness of the that a problem is a gap between a desired and causes, be sure to map them onto the defined Current state State your problemas ago and problem be sure to consider problems at all three levels If more than one desired outcome is not being STEP 3: Mecommendations for solving the accomplished, decide which one is most impor problem. Consider whether you want to resolve tant and focus on it for stops 2 and 3 sovet or dissolve se Section 15). Which recom Cases have protagonists players and pro mendations desirable and feable lems are general viewed from a partico A Give the causes identified in Sep 2. what are tagonist's perspective. You need to identity the your best recommendations? Use the content perspective employee managed team of the Chapter 6 or one of the earlier chapters to pro organization from which youre defining the pose solution problem Potential solutions may be found in the On c use details in the case to identity the key prob Action and Apoving OB boxes within the em Dont assume, intet or create problems that Chapter These features provide insights about are not included in the che how the individuals of companies are handing To refine your choice ask yourselt Whythsa the toothand prom? Explaining why he retine and focus Cenaction plan for implementing your your thinking Focus on topics in the current recommendation

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