From the dropdown bok beside each numbered balance sheet item, select the option of its balance sheet classification. If the item should not appear on the balance sheet, choose the option "No Item required from the selection choices. Account Title Clasification 1. Land hold for future expansion 2. Notes payable (due in 2 months) 3. Notes receivable (due in 2 years) 4. Interest payabin (due in 1 wook) 5. Long-term investment in stock 6. Wages payable 7. Prepaid rent (2 months of Rent) 8. Salarios payable 2. Merchandise inventory 10. Current portion of long-term rote payable Clienti Account Title Long term investments 11. Short-torm notos receivable (duo in 1 month) 12. Uneared services revenue Current liabilities Accounts receivable Accounts payable Equity Short-term investments Intangible assets Tres payable (Due in 5 weeks) Long-term investments Supplies Long-term liabilities Goodwill Office supplies No Item required 120. Franchises From the dropdown box beside each numbered balance sheet item, select the option of its balance sheet classification. If the item should not appear on the balance sheet, choose the option "No Item required from the selection choices. Account Title Classification Account Title Classification 1. Land held for future expansion 2 Notes payable (due in 2 months) 3. Notes receivable (due in 2 years) 4. Interest payable (due in 1 week) 5. Long-term investment in stock 6. Wages payable 7. Prepaid rent (2 months of Rent) 8. Salorios payable 9. Merchandise inventory 10. Current portion of long-term note payable Long-term investments 11. Shortterm notes receivable (due in 1 month) 12. Uneamed services revenue UNY Accounts receivable Intangible assets Accounts payable Short-term Investments Long-term investments Taxes payable (Duo in 5 weeks) Long-term liabilities Supplies No Item required Goodwill Plant assets Office supplies 20. Franchises