From the student files that accompany this chapter, open the Word document win10_10H_Help_Desk. Save the document in your chapter folder as Lastname_Firstname_10H_Help Desk The following email question arrived at the Help Desk from an employee at the Bell Orchid Hotel's corporate office. In the Word document, construct a response based on your knowledge of Windows 10. Although an email response not as formal as a letter, you should still use good grammar, good sentence structure, professional language, and a polite tone. Save your document and submit the response as directed by your instructor. To: Help Desk When I'm done using my computer at the end of the day, should I use the Sleep option or the Shut down option, and what's the difference between the two? END | You have completed Project 10H kein Lastname_Firstname_101 Help Desk From the student files that accompany this chapter, open the Word document win 10_101_Help_Desk. Save the document in your chapter folder as Lastname_Firstname_101_Help Desk The following email question has arrived at the Help Desk from an employee at the Bell Orchid Hotel's corporate office. In the Word document, construct a response based on your knowledge of Windows 10. Although an email response is not as formal as a letter, you should still use good grammar, good sentence structure, professional language, and a polite tone. Save your document and submit the response as directed by your instructor To: Help Desk I am not sure about the differences between copying and moving files and folders. When is it best to copy a file or a folder and when is it best to move a file or folder? Can you also describe some techniques that I can use for copying or moving files and folders? Which do you think is the easiest way to copy or move files and folders? END You have completed Project 101