Fulton Conpany produced 10,000 book bogs in June, and actual amounts were as follows: Requirements (Click the icon to view the actual amounts.) 1. Compute cost and efficiency variances for direct materials, dieet lasor, and varible Fulton's sfandards were as follows: coemead: (Click the icon to view the standards.) 2. Compute the cost and volume variances for fived eventesd Requirement 1. Compute cost and efficiency variances for direct materials, drect labor, and variable overhead. Select the formulas to calculate direct materials cost and effieiency variances, then enter the variance amounts and the total. (Abbreviations used: MC * actial covt, A i actial Quanticy, FoH * Favorable (FMUnhavorable (U) input blank) Next select the formulas to calculale drect labor cost and efficiency variances, then enter the variance amounts and the totai: (Abbeviations wased: AC = achial cont, Aa w acial Qantiri FoH ie Fulton Cornpany produced 10,000 book bags in June, and actual amounts were as follow: Requirements (Gick the icon to view the actual amounts.) 1. Compuie cost and effciency variances for diect materale, droct labor, and vivatie overhead. Fulloris standards were as follows: 2. Compute the coit and volume varances for foed oveitead. (Click the icon to view the standards.) Data table Data table Direct labor efficiency varianee Total direct labor variance Finaly, solect the formudas to calculate the variable overhead cont and efficency variances, then entoc the varianoe amoumis and the tetal (Abbrimiabent ined Ac = actual cont AC * Total direct materiais variance Next, select the formulas to caiculate direct labor cost and efficiency vaciances, then enter the variance amourts and the lotal, (Abbreviations usod: AC = actual cost AC = actual equartlyi FOH i. fixed overhead; $C = standard cost $Q = standard quantity. Label each varlance as favorable (F) or unfavoratle (U) ) Finaly, select the formulas to calculate the variable overhead cost and efficiency variances, then ender the variance amounts and the fotal. (Abbrevations used. Ac a achigg cobt, Aa = actual quantfy; FOH = ficed overhead; SC = standard cost, SQ = standisd quathty, VOH = variable overheod.) Requirnment 2 Compule the cost and volume variances for fixed oremead. Fayorable (F)UMavoroble (U) input blank.)