FundType of Fiduciary Fund ype Tri-Centennial Fund. Accounts for money raised or contributed by several local area a. governments and other organizations. The purpose is to ensure availability of resources to elebrate the United States Tri-Centennial in 2076 Perpetual Care Fund. Accounts for endowed gifts and investment earnings dedicated to rpetual care of the city's cemeteries Poudre River Public Library District Fund. Accounts for cash and investments held by the ity on behalf of Poudre River Public Library District. School Impact Fee Fund. The city collects school impact fees as part of the cost of building permits issued. Money must be remitted periodically to the local school district, a legally eparate government that is not a component unit of the city ultural Services and Facilities Fund. Accounts for revenues received from the Lincoln enter performing arts facility, the city museum, and General Fund subsidies used to romote cultural activities for city residents Payroll Fund. The city has established a fund in which all payroll deductions are reported elephone Commissions Fund. The city collects commissions on pay telephones used by ail inmates. The funds are used to provide inmates such benefits as library resources and tness equipment. Block Grant Fund. The state receives federal funds for the homeless which it passes hrough to local not-for-profit organizations. The only responsibility the state has is to ontribute an additional amount of funds (match) to the federal grant. Health Benefits Fund. The county has agreed to pay a portion of the health insurance remiums for employees when they retire. Contributions for the benefit are paid into this und Required Indicate which of the following are fiduciary funds. If not a fiduciary fund, identify whic of fund should be used to account for the activities. h type