* get pour answer bet uting the thace format. Subject: BUS 704 Company and Securities Law THIS IS A PROBLEM QUESTION - ANSWER USING THE IRAC TEMPLATE, XL. Led is a publicly listed compary on the ASX . The board of XL. Ltd have agreed to pay the Directors a bonas of $50,000 nach for theis services in the financlal year ending 30 Jurve 2022. They have also agreed to pay the Chaiman a further bonus of 340,000 They are planning to hold the Annul General Meeting of shareholders on the 200 . Aegust 2022 but the Chairman does not want to disciose these bonus payenents to the shareholders. He wants to keep them secret because there are a number of: shareholders who are unhappy with the management becaruse the company made a loss of $3 malion for the financial year 2022 . The Chairman has not faced this situabion in ary previous AGM of the cornoary. REQUIRED: Feplain whether the bonuses can legally be hept secret from the shareholders and the remedy provided to shareholders in this sort of situation. Set your answer out using the IRAC format Set your answer out baing the IRAC farmat. Your answer should reder to relevant legistation, Do not fust cut and paste your answer, * get pour answer bet uting the thace format. Subject: BUS 704 Company and Securities Law THIS IS A PROBLEM QUESTION - ANSWER USING THE IRAC TEMPLATE, XL. Led is a publicly listed compary on the ASX . The board of XL. Ltd have agreed to pay the Directors a bonas of $50,000 nach for theis services in the financlal year ending 30 Jurve 2022. They have also agreed to pay the Chaiman a further bonus of 340,000 They are planning to hold the Annul General Meeting of shareholders on the 200 . Aegust 2022 but the Chairman does not want to disciose these bonus payenents to the shareholders. He wants to keep them secret because there are a number of: shareholders who are unhappy with the management becaruse the company made a loss of $3 malion for the financial year 2022 . The Chairman has not faced this situabion in ary previous AGM of the cornoary. REQUIRED: Feplain whether the bonuses can legally be hept secret from the shareholders and the remedy provided to shareholders in this sort of situation. Set your answer out using the IRAC format Set your answer out baing the IRAC farmat. Your answer should reder to relevant legistation, Do not fust cut and paste your