Given the following data from a recent Comparative Competitive Efforts page in the CIR: Your Industry Your Company INTERNET SEGMENT Company Average vs. Ind. Avg. Retail Price ($ per pair) $63.00 $76.28 -17.4% Search Engine Advertising (5000s) 5,000 6,225 -19.7% Free Shipping No None Same S/Q Rating 4.3 6.3 -31.7% Model Availability 400 300 +33.3% Brand Advertising 12,000 14,350 -16.4% Celebrity Appeal 0 111 -100.0% Brand Reputation 80 76 +5.3% Online Orders (000s) 598 538 +11.2% Pairs Sold (000s) 598 538 +11.2% Market Share (%) 11.19 10.0% +11.2% Based on the above data for your company, which of the following statements is false? Your company's percentage competitive advantages and disadvantages on the 8 competitive factors affecting Internet sales and market share resulted in a net overall competitive advantage of a size sufficient to produce an 11.1% market share for your company, which was above the 10.0% average market share for the region. Your company's branded sales volume and market share in the Internet segment were Search Engine Adverusing (UUUS) Free Shipping S/Q Rating Model Availability Brand Advertising Celebrity Appeal Brand Reputation Online Orders (000s) Pairs Sold (000s) Market Share (%) 5,UUU No 4.3 400 12,000 0 80 598 598 11.1% 0,220 None 6.3 300 14,350 111 76 538 538 10.0% -19.7% Same -31.7% +33.3% -16.4% -100.0% +5.3% +11.2% +11.2% +11.2% Based on the above data for your company, which of the following statements is false? Your company's percentage competitive advantages and disadvantages on the 8 competitive factors affecting Internet sales and market share resulted in a net overall competitive advantage of a size sufficient to produce an 11.1% market share for your company, which was above the 10.0% average market share for the region. Your company's branded sales volume and market share in the Internet segment were negatively impacted by your company's competitive effort in search engine advertising and brand advertising Your company's branded sales volume and market share in the Internet segment were positively impacted by your company's brand reputation. Your company's biggest percentage competitive advantage in the Internet Segment related to model availability Your company's most powerful competitive disadvantage in Internet segment related to the fact that your company's retail price was 17.4% below the industry average