Given the following data records that includes the employee's full name, Job, and the salary. The institute has decided to award the instructors a bonus of 200 due to their efforts during the pandemic. Adam Saleet,IT Support, 1000 Naji Shemmari, Registrar, 1250 Bilal Tweijari, Instructor,2000 Abdallah Mazem,Accountant, 1000 Nizar Hachem, Instructor, 1800 Nawwara Sleiman, Admission,900 Ameen Sinjer, QA Officer, 1400 Walaa Saeed, Instructor, 1900 Hamid Shami, IT Support,850 Nadine Khattar, Instructor, 1480 Using "csv", "table_utils", and "statistics" libraries, you are asked to do the following: a- Create a text file, SP21-Emp1.txt, and copy the above contents to it.b- Write a python program that does the following: 1- Read the contents of the file SP21-Emp1.txt into a list. 2- Extract the salaries into a new list. 2- For each instructor, you should add 200 to their salary. 3- Each name should also be split into first and last. 4- Using "statistics" library, calculate the mean and median of the salaries. 5- Print the records of the employees followed by the mean and the median as shown below in the expected output. 6- Include proper screenshots of the code and the output. Important Notes: 1- You can use only two Lists. 2- The whole program should include one loop and one If statement. 3- The format of the output should be identical to the given one. 4- The screenshots should also show part of your desktop in addition to the code/output. Expected Output: The updated records: Saleet , Adam : 1000 Shemmari , Naji : 1250 Tweijari , Bilal : 2200 Mazem , Abdallah : 1000 Hachem , Nizar : 2000 Sleiman , Nawwara : 900 Sinjer , Ameen : 1400 Saeed , Walaa : 2100 Shami , Hamid : 850 Khattar , Nadine : 1680 The mean is: 1438 The median is: 1325.0