Given the following two python files: Molecular mass calculation Classes: Molecule - the molecular formula as a string Examples: >>> x = Molecule(H2SO4) >>> print(x.mass())
Given the following two python files:
"""Molecular mass calculation
Molecule - the molecular formula as a string
>>> x = Molecule("H2SO4")
>>> print(x.mass())
import re
__all__ = ["Molecule"]
_atomic_mass = {
"H": 1.0079, "He": 4.0026, "Li": 6.941, "Be": 9.0122,
"B": 10.811, "C": 12.011, "N": 14.007, "O": 15.999, "F": 18.998,
"Ne": 20.180, "Na": 22.990, "Mg": 24.305, "Al": 26.982,
"Si": 28.086, "P": 30.974, "S": 32.065, "Cl": 35.453,
"Ar": 39.948, "K": 39.098, "Ca": 40.078, "Sc": 44.956,
"Ti": 47.867, "V": 50.942, "Cr": 51.996, "Mn": 54.938,
"Fe": 55.845, "Co": 58.933, "Ni": 58.693, "Cu": 63.546,
"Zn": 65.39, "Ga": 69.723, "Ge": 72.61, "As": 74.922,
"Se":78.96, "Br": 79.904, "Kr": 83.80, "Rb": 85.468, "Sr": 87.62,
"Y": 88.906, "Zr": 91.224, "Nb": 92.906, "Mo": 95.94,
"Tc": 97.61, "Ru": 101.07, "Rh": 102.91, "Pd": 106.42,
"Ag": 107.87, "Cd": 112.41, "In": 114.82, "Sn": 118.71,
"Sb": 121.76, "Te": 127.60, "I": 126.90, "Xe": 131.29,
"Cs": 132.91, "Ba": 137.33, "La": 138.91, "Ce": 140.12,
"Pr": 140.91, "Nd": 144.24, "Pm": 145.0, "Sm": 150.36, "Eu": 151.96,
"Gd": 157.25, "Tb": 158.93, "Dy": 162.50, "Ho": 164.93, "Er": 167.26,
"Tm": 168.93, "Yb": 173.04, "Lu": 174.97, "Hf": 178.49, "Ta": 180.95,
"W": 183.84, "Re": 186.21, "Os": 190.23, "Ir": 192.22, "Pt": 196.08,
"Au": 196.08, "Hg": 200.59, "Tl": 204.38, "Pb": 207.2, "Bi": 208.98,
"Po": 209.0, "At": 210.0, "Rn": 222.0, "Fr": 223.0, "Ra": 226.0,
"Ac": 227.0, "Th": 232.04, "Pa": 231.04, "U": 238.03, "Np": 237.0,
"Pu": 244.0, "Am": 243.0, "Cm": 247.0, "Bk": 247.0, "Cf": 251.0, "Es": 252.0,
"Fm": 257.0, "Md": 258.0, "No": 259.0, "Lr": 262.0, "Rf": 261.0, "Db": 262.0,
"Sg": 266.0, "Bh": 264.0, "Hs": 269.0, "Mt": 268.0
class Molecule(str):
"""Molecular formula calculations
mass - the molecular mass of the formula
check_formula - test if formula symbols are recognized
clean_copy - return a copy with unrecognized symbols replaced
ValueError - when parsing formula fails
KeyError - if it can't identify an atomic symbol
# calculate molecular mass recursively from list of formula tokens
def _parse(self, tokens, stack):
def _find_closing_paren(tokens):
count = 0
for index, tok in enumerate(tokens):
if tok == ')':
count -= 1
if count == 0:
return index
elif tok == '(':
count += 1
raise ValueError('unmatched parentheses')
if len(tokens) == 0:
return sum(stack)
tok = tokens[0]
if tok == '(':
end =_find_closing_paren(tokens)
stack.append(self._parse(tokens[1:end], []))
return self._parse(tokens[end + 1:], stack)
elif tok.isdigit():
stack[-1] *= int(tok)
return self._parse(tokens[1:], stack)
def _gettokens(self):
# divide the string up into contituent formula tokens
# return the list of tokens
# for example, "Ca(NO3)2" becomes [ 'Ca', '(', 'N', 'O', '3', ')', '2' ]
return re.findall(r'[A-Z][a-z]*|\d+|\(|\)|\S', self)
def mass(self):
"""Compute and return the molecular mass from constituent atoms
ValueError - if it cannot parse something
KeyError - if an atomic symbol is incorrect
return self._parse(self._gettokens(), [])
def check_symbols(self):
"""Confirm that the token symbols in the formula are valid
Raises: ValueError if an invalid symbol is in the formula
def is_valid(sym):
if sym in "()": return True
if sym in _atomic_mass: return True
if sym.isdigit(): return True
return False
for t in self._gettokens():
if not is_valid(t): raise ValueError("bad symbol " + t)
return True
def clean_copy(self):
"""Return a copy of the molecule with invalid tokens removed"""
# this is a stub implementation
return Molecule("H2O")
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
formula = input('Enter molecular formula: ')
m = Molecule(formula)
print('The molecular mass of {} is {:.3f} '.format(m, m.mass()))
import unittest
from molecule import Molecule
class TestMoleculeMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.water = Molecule('H2O')
self.salt = Molecule('NaCl')
self.ammoniumdichromate = Molecule('(NH4)2Cr2O7')
def test_mass_water(self):
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.water.mass(), 18.0148, msg="water mass incorrect")
def test_mass_badsymbols(self):
badsalt = Molecule('NalC')
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
def test_check_symbols(self):
self.assertTrue( self.salt.check_symbols() )
self.assertTrue( self.water.check_symbols() )
def test_clean_f(self):
badammoniumdichromate = Molecule('(NH4)2Cr2XqO7')
fixed = badammoniumdichromate.clean_copy()
self.assertTrue( fixed.check_symbols() )
self.assertEqual( str(fixed), '(NH4)2Cr2O7' )
def test_
if __name__ == '__main__':
Answer the following question:
A) Add a test for the "mass" method checking that formulas with parentheses "()" work correctly
B) Add another test of your own for the "mass" method.
C) Implement the stub method so the module will pass the clean_f test.
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