GNED 129 Reflecting on Consciousness M.Roberts ASSIGNMENT- 25% of final grade DUE- By Thurs. Dec. 1st. 2022 @ 11:00 p.m. Background-We have reviewed the chapter on "consciousness"and all of the terms/concepts that must be considered when making sense of this concept: consciousness,. altered states of consciousness (sleep, meditation, drug/alcohol influences of.. ), selective attention/inattentional blindness, dual processing and more Task- Over three consecutive nights, evaluate how well you have slept! Waking in the morning and through the early afternoon, is probably the best time to (journal?) make note of how well, or how poorly, rested you feel. Using only your text/ppts. pick concepts/terms which you feel have had an influence on your "state of consciousness" over the three consecutive days. The point of this assignment is to show application of these concepts/terms to your three days! To make this reflection. meaningful, pick ideas/concepts which you understand and are relevant to your day. If you take a direct quote or are closely paraphrasing, credit the text by using a bracket ie. (Everyday Life, pg. 152.) An "A" paper will reflect a variety of terms/concepts, all effectively showing application to your day(s). If you take material from ANY source, and fail to cite the "borrowed" material, you are guilty of plagiarism. A "0" grade will be entered, as per School policy. Format- A brief into/summary must be a part of the assignment. (See Rubric). The body of the paper may be written in a report style, that is, using a date (or heading) and then providing your reflection. For instance: Introduction-Purpose of the assignment? Have you defined the task? What do you want to tell me? What do you think I need to know before you start your reflection? Identify the terms/concepts to be discussed. Reflections: Sun. Feb. 6th -woke up at 1:00 p.m. now...your discussion, your terms/concepts, examples. Mon. Feb. 7th woke up at 7:45 a m. (now.-.your discussion, terms/concepts, examples