Good day tutor, could you kindly assist in answering the questions (11-13 only) below. Instructions The Data set contains data for the favorite sport freshmen
Good day tutor, could you kindly assist in answering the questions(11-13 only)below.
TheData set contains data for the favorite sport freshmen at Big Ten Universities best like to watch. (#s 11-13) is a Chi-Square Goodness of Fit test.
For Problems 11 - 13: The Favorite Sport worksheet contains data forthe sport that a sample of randomly selected freshmen at Big Ten Universities reported liking best to watch. A past study found the following percentages for the sports that freshmen at Big Ten Schools like to watch best: 35% football, 32% basketball, 18% volleyball, 8% wrestling, and 7% baseball/softball. Test whether the new data provide evidence to support that the distribution of favorite sports for freshmen at Big Ten Universities is as claimed by the past study. Use = 0.05.
-------- START HERE -------
11. In Cell G9, enter the degrees of freedom for the distribution of this test statistic. In Cell G11, use Excel to find this test's p-value. Type the p-value, to 6 decimals.
12. Use the Chi-Square table to find the critical value(s) for the rejection region for this test; type the value(s)
13. Compare the p-value to , or the test statistic to the critical value(s); type the conclusion
------------ END ------------------
Data sets given to solve the above questions/overview:
Freshmen's Favorite Sport | Frequency |
Football | 433 |
Basketball | 385 |
Volleyball | 241 |
Wrestling | 72 |
Baseball/Softball | 74 |
Grand Total | 1205 |
Football | Basketball | Volleyball | Wrestling | Baseball/Softball |
Hypothesized proportions | 0.35 | 0.32 | 0.18 | 0.08 |
Expected Counts | 421.75 | 385.6 | 216.9 | 96.4 |
Components for 2 | (433 - 421.75)2 / 421.75 | (385 - 385.6)2 / 385.6 | (241 - 216.9)2 / 216.9 | (72 - 96.4)2 / 96.4 |
2 Statistic (CHI-SQUARE TEST STATISTIC) | 10.42 | |||
Degrees of freedom | 4 | |||
p-value | 0.0339 |
Freshmen's Favorite Sport |
Football |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Baseball/Softball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Wrestling |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Wrestling |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Baseball/Softball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Baseball/Softball |
Wrestling |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Football |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Wrestling |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Volleyball |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Wrestling |
Volleyball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
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Football |
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Football |
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Football |
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Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Wrestling |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Volleyball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Wrestling |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Wrestling |
Volleyball |
Baseball/Softball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
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Football |
Football |
Volleyball |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
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Football |
Football |
Football |
Football |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Football |
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Football |
Football |
Baseball/Softball |
Football |
Wrestling |
Football |
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Baseball/Softball |
Football |
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Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Football |
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Volleyball |
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Football |
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Wrestling |
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Football |
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Wrestling |
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Football |
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Baseball/Softball |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
Basketball |
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Wrestling |
Wrestling |
Wrestling |
Volleyball |
Football |
Basketball |
Baseball/Softball |
Baseball/Softball |
Basketball |
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Football |
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Basketball |
Football |
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Football |
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Football |
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Football |
Football |
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Football |
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Football |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Volleyball |
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Football |
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Volleyball |
Volleyball |
Football |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
Basketball |
Football |
Volleyball |
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