Govt of gopde pold budgot? budget fer lanuary. Wax is tequired to preduce a candle. Assume 497,125 pounds of material will he purchaced during lanuarri The canifle wax costs 51 in ther pound. overhad was budooted at 1300.000. For those bosers in which you must enter subtracted or negative numbers usen a minus righ. butpet for Sanuary. Wax is required to preduce a candle. Acsume 487.125 pounds of material will be purchased during Jaroary. The candle wax tosts 31.24 ger peund. materiais vax inventorv of 16,000 pounds; Alse assume the desired inventories on lanuary 31 for finished goods and work in process were 1120,000 and sas, 500 , respectively and dire 2 elit evariead was buiggeted at 8300.000. Far those boxes in which vau must enter suberacted dr negative numbern use a minus siga. 8. tio prohe mol histurt Peradena Cardle Inc. Cast of Geode solf sudget. Ior the Hants tnatien lanuary 31 hity wiet in prowers turirg zecod an wos saren. Govt of gopde pold budgot? budget fer lanuary. Wax is tequired to preduce a candle. Assume 497,125 pounds of material will he purchaced during lanuarri The canifle wax costs 51 in ther pound. overhad was budooted at 1300.000. For those bosers in which you must enter subtracted or negative numbers usen a minus righ. butpet for Sanuary. Wax is required to preduce a candle. Acsume 487.125 pounds of material will be purchased during Jaroary. The candle wax tosts 31.24 ger peund. materiais vax inventorv of 16,000 pounds; Alse assume the desired inventories on lanuary 31 for finished goods and work in process were 1120,000 and sas, 500 , respectively and dire 2 elit evariead was buiggeted at 8300.000. Far those boxes in which vau must enter suberacted dr negative numbern use a minus siga. 8. tio prohe mol histurt Peradena Cardle Inc. Cast of Geode solf sudget. Ior the Hants tnatien lanuary 31 hity wiet in prowers turirg zecod an wos saren