Happy Hollers (HH) sells West Virginia related products at its store in Morgantown, W Customers can email in orders and HH mails the items to the customer. They also email the is very trusting!). HH needs to track whether or.not an order has been paid. Order Order Date Jannary 12 2018 Order Number: 999 Customer Number: 100 Item Num Item Name Price Quantity Total HH03 Cookies S1.00 3 S5.00 5 HH09 $25.00 H123 Hats $15.00 S15.00 Total Bill: $43.00 permanent cust can place an order using any email address HH just needs to know which order came (they HH's items are stored in a back room. takes them out of inventory, packs them up, and mails th em to the customer address on their first and last names. HH also needs to know how long the employee has been working for them, as they give bonuses need to store the employee's visa status, to adhere to employment laws. At the end of each month, HH's manag chases for the month. Happy Hollers (HH) sells West Virginia related products at its store in Morgantown, W Customers can email in orders and HH mails the items to the customer. They also email the is very trusting!). HH needs to track whether or.not an order has been paid. Order Order Date Jannary 12 2018 Order Number: 999 Customer Number: 100 Item Num Item Name Price Quantity Total HH03 Cookies S1.00 3 S5.00 5 HH09 $25.00 H123 Hats $15.00 S15.00 Total Bill: $43.00 permanent cust can place an order using any email address HH just needs to know which order came (they HH's items are stored in a back room. takes them out of inventory, packs them up, and mails th em to the customer address on their first and last names. HH also needs to know how long the employee has been working for them, as they give bonuses need to store the employee's visa status, to adhere to employment laws. At the end of each month, HH's manag chases for the month