Head the tosulteromets. Begh by delermining two folmais ior whe prot 4. Could wie explanition lor the labot vamiences be ted to tey rateral variances? 2. Devemine the derect tabor rase and ef able. The Morgan Rnsaunt Grovp manutachures the bogs of frocen French fries ised at ts tranchised restaurants. Last weok, Morgaris purchased and used 97 .coo poundr of polatoes at a price of So. 85 far pound. burno the week, 2.100 direct iabor hours were incurred in the plant at a rate of $12.30 per hour. The standard price per pound of potatoes is 50 so, and the atandard direct laber Read the recurements degn ty detmeming the lormin for the ptice varance, then compile the price vadance for drect materide. Requirements 1. Detemune the dred materal grice ans qaanty varances. Be wure to label Eati variange as tworable or urdavoratie. 2. Thiric of w piasible esplaration for the viriarces found in fegurement 1 : 1. Decarmine the drect leter rate and effoeecy viriasees. He sure to label each whirnce an farvemeite or unteworatilit 4. Caget the explarution for the licor varanoes be bed bo tee malerial varances? Head the tosulteromets. Begh by delermining two folmais ior whe prot 4. Could wie explanition lor the labot vamiences be ted to tey rateral variances? 2. Devemine the derect tabor rase and ef able. The Morgan Rnsaunt Grovp manutachures the bogs of frocen French fries ised at ts tranchised restaurants. Last weok, Morgaris purchased and used 97 .coo poundr of polatoes at a price of So. 85 far pound. burno the week, 2.100 direct iabor hours were incurred in the plant at a rate of $12.30 per hour. The standard price per pound of potatoes is 50 so, and the atandard direct laber Read the recurements degn ty detmeming the lormin for the ptice varance, then compile the price vadance for drect materide. Requirements 1. Detemune the dred materal grice ans qaanty varances. Be wure to label Eati variange as tworable or urdavoratie. 2. Thiric of w piasible esplaration for the viriarces found in fegurement 1 : 1. Decarmine the drect leter rate and effoeecy viriasees. He sure to label each whirnce an farvemeite or unteworatilit 4. Caget the explarution for the licor varanoes be bed bo tee malerial varances