HEALTH AND DISABILITY INCOME INSURANCE Jamie Lee and Ross, happy newlyweds with a new home and twins on the way, are an iously awaiting their new bundles of joy. Ross was understandably nervous as he wondered if everything would go smoothly with Jamie's pregnancy. Fortunately, they coordinated benefits from the medical insurance group plan offered by Ross's employment at t graphics agency and Jamie Lee's own plan, although Ross's plan would be their primar His employer offers a health care savings plan, but Ross had not previously realized th benefit of participating. Jamie Lee has had maternity care that she has been comfortable with so far, but Ross needed to review their health insurance policies with the potential of extensive medical expenses just on the horizon. He wondered if his salary would be enough to pay for the expenses that were not covered for out-of-network doctors. Current Medical Insurance Plan Provisions Jamie Lee and Ross have a PPO, or preferred provider organization, plan. In-Network Medical Care Jamie Lee and Ross currently have a $15 copayment on regular preventive care doctor vi its and a $30 copayment on specialists that are preferred providers or participating mem- bers from the PPO plan's list Out of Network Medical Care: Jamie Lee and Ross have the choice of seeking medical care from the professional their of choice outside the PPO member list, but will incur a deductible of S500 per person/$1,000 per family, per year. After the deductible is met, there is a coinsurance of 80 percent 20 percent. insurance The company will cover 80 percent of the allowable medical fees and the policyholders will be responsible for the other 20 percent of the allowable medical fees. Medical fees that are not allowed under the medical plan provisions would be 100 percent of the policyholders' responsibility. out-of-Pocket Limits Their health insurance plan provides an out-of-pocket limit of S7,500 per year