Hello, can I get some help with my code? I don't know why it does not work. This is my code: linkedList.h #ifndef LINKEDLIST_H #define
Hello, can I get some help with my code? I don't know why it does not work.
This is my code:
using namespace std;
//Definition of the node
struct nodeType
Type info;
nodeType *link;
class linkedListIterator
//Default constructor
//Postcondition: current = nullptrptr;
linkedListIterator(nodeType *ptr);
//Constructor with a parameter.
//Postcondition: current = ptr;
Type operator*();
//Function to overload the dereferencing operator *.
//Postcondition: Returns the info conatined in the node.
linkedListIterator operator++();
//Overload the pre-increment operator.
//Postcondition: The iterator is advanced to the next
// node.
bool operator==(const linkedListIterator& right) const;
//Overload the equality operator.
//Postcondition: Returns true if this iterator is equal to
// the iterator specified by right,
// otherwise it returns the value false.
bool operator!=(const linkedListIterator& right) const;
//Overload the not equal to operator.
//Postcondition: Returns true if this iterator is not
// equal to the iterator specified by
// right; otherwise it returns the value
// false.
nodeType *current; //pointer to point to the current
//node in the linked list
current = nullptrptr;
linkedListIterator(nodeType *ptr)
current = ptr;
Type linkedListIterator::operator*()
return current->info;
linkedListIterator linkedListIterator::operator++()
current = current->link;
return *this;
bool linkedListIterator::operator==
(const linkedListIterator& right) const
return (current == right.current);
bool linkedListIterator::operator!=
(const linkedListIterator& right) const
{ return (current != right.current);
//***************** class linkedListType ****************
class linkedListType
const linkedListType& operator=
(const linkedListType&);
//Overload the assignment operator.
void initializeList();
//Initialize the list to an empty state.
//Postcondition: first = nullptrptr, last = nullptrptr, count = 0;
bool isEmptyList() const;
//Function to determine whether the list is empty.
//Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty,
// otherwise it returns false.
void print() const;
//Function to output the data contained in each node.
//Postcondition: none
int length() const;
//Function to return the number of nodes in the list.
//Postcondition: The value of count is returned.
void destroyList();
//Function to delete all the nodes from the list.
//Postcondition: first = nullptr, last = nullptr, count = 0;
Type front() const;
//Function to return the first element of the list.
//Precondition: The list must exist and must not be
// empty.
//Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program
// terminates; otherwise, the first
// element of the list is returned.
Type back() const;
//Function to return the last element of the list.
//Precondition: The list must exist and must not be
// empty.
//Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program
// terminates; otherwise, the last
// element of the list is returned.
virtual bool search(const Type& searchItem) const = 0;
//Function to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
//Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the
// list, otherwise the value false is
// returned.
virtual void insertFirst(const Type& newItem) = 0;
//Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list.
//Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is
// inserted at the beginning of the list,
// last points to the last node in the list,
// and count is incremented by 1.
virtual void insertLast(const Type& newItem) = 0;
//Function to insert newItem at the end of the list.
//Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem
// is inserted at the end of the list,
// last points to the last node in the list,
// and count is incremented by 1.
virtual void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem) = 0;
//Function to delete deleteItem from the list.
//Postcondition: If found, the node containing
// deleteItem is deleted from the list.
// first points to the first node, last
// points to the last node of the updated
// list, and count is decremented by 1.
linkedListIterator begin();
//Function to return an iterator at the begining of the
//linked list.
//Postcondition: Returns an iterator such that current is
// set to first.
linkedListIterator end();
//Function to return an iterator one element past the
//last element of the linked list.
//Postcondition: Returns an iterator such that current is
// set to nullptr.
//default constructor
//Initializes the list to an empty state.
//Postcondition: first = nullptr, last = nullptr, count = 0;
linkedListType(const linkedListType& otherList);
//copy constructor
//Deletes all the nodes from the list.
//Postcondition: The list object is destroyed.
int count; //variable to store the number of
//elements in the list
nodeType *first; //pointer to the first node of the list
nodeType *last; //pointer to the last node of the list
void copyList(const linkedListType& otherList);
//Function to make a copy of otherList.
//Postcondition: A copy of otherList is created and
// assigned to this list.
bool linkedListType::isEmptyList() const
return(first == nullptr);
linkedListType::linkedListType() //default constructor
first = nullptr;
last = nullptr;
count = 0;
void linkedListType::destroyList()
nodeType *temp; //pointer to deallocate the memory
//occupied by the node
while (first != nullptr) //while there are nodes in the list
temp = first; //set temp to the current node
first = first->link; //advance first to the next node
delete temp; //deallocate the memory occupied by temp
last = nullptr; //initialize last to nullptr; first has already
//been set to nullptr by the while loop
count = 0;
void linkedListType::initializeList()
destroyList(); //if the list has any nodes, delete them
void linkedListType::print() const
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
current = first; //set current so that it points to
//the first node
while (current != nullptr) //while more data to print
cout << current->info << " ";
current = current->link;
}//end print
int linkedListType::length() const
return count;
} //end length
Type linkedListType::front() const
assert(first != nullptr);
return first->info; //return the info of the first node
}//end front
Type linkedListType::back() const
assert(last != nullptr);
return last->info; //return the info of the last node
}//end back
linkedListIterator linkedListType::begin()
linkedListIterator temp(first);
return temp;
linkedListIterator linkedListType::end()
linkedListIterator temp(nullptr);
return temp;
void linkedListType::copyList
(const linkedListType& otherList)
nodeType *newNode; //pointer to create a node
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
if (first != nullptr) //if the list is nonempty, make it empty
if (otherList.first == nullptr) //otherList is empty
first = nullptr;
last = nullptr;
count = 0;
current = otherList.first; //current points to the
//list to be copied
count = otherList.count;
//copy the first node
first = new nodeType; //create the node
assert(first != nullptr);
first->info = current->info; //copy the info
first->link = nullptr; //set the link field of
//the node to nullptr
last = first; //make last point to the
//first node
current = current->link; //make current point to
//the next node
//copy the remaining list
while (current != nullptr)
newNode = new nodeType; //create a node
assert(newNode != nullptr);
newNode->info = current->info; //copy the info
newNode->link = nullptr; //set the link of
//newNode to nullptr
last->link = newNode; //attach newNode after last
last = newNode; //make last point to
//the actual last node
current = current->link; //make current point
//to the next node
}//end while
}//end else
}//end copyList
linkedListType::~linkedListType() //destructor
}//end destructor
(const linkedListType& otherList)
first = nullptr;
}//end copy constructor
//overload the assignment operator
const linkedListType& linkedListType::operator=
(const linkedListType& otherList)
if (this != &otherList) //avoid self-copy
}//end else
return *this;
#endif /* LINKEDLIST_H */
#include "linkedList.h"
using namespace std;
class unorderedLinkedList: public linkedListType
bool search(const Type& searchItem) const;
//Function to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
//Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the
// list, otherwise the value false is
// returned.
void insertFirst(const Type& newItem);
//Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list.
//Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is
// inserted at the beginning of the list,
// last points to the last node in the
// list, and count is incremented by 1.
void insertLast(const Type& newItem);
//Function to insert newItem at the end of the list.
//Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem
// is inserted at the end of the list,
// last points to the last node in the
// list, and count is incremented by 1.
void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem);
//Function to delete deleteItem from the list.
//Postcondition: If found, the node containing
// deleteItem is deleted from the list.
// first points to the first node, last
// points to the last node of the updated
// list, and count is decremented by 1.
void mergeSort();
void recMergeSort(nodeType* &head);
void divideList(nodeType* first1,
nodeType* &first2);
nodeType* mergeList(nodeType* first1,
nodeType* first2);
bool unorderedLinkedList::
search(const Type& searchItem) const
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
bool found = false;
current = this->first; //set current to point to the first
//node in the list
while (current != nullptr && !found) //search the list
if (current->info == searchItem) //searchItem is found
found = true;
current = current->link; //make current point to
//the next node
return found;
}//end search
void unorderedLinkedList::insertFirst(const Type& newItem)
nodeType *newNode; //pointer to create the new node
newNode = new nodeType; //create the new node
assert(newNode != nullptr); //if unable to allocate memory,
//terminate the program
newNode->info = newItem; //store the new item in the node
newNode->link = this->first; //insert newNode before first
this->first = newNode; //make first point to the
//actual first node
this->count++; //increment count
if (this->last == nullptr) //if the list was empty, newNode is also
//the last node in the list
this->last = newNode;
}//end insertFirst
void unorderedLinkedList::insertLast(const Type& newItem)
nodeType *newNode; //pointer to create the new node
newNode = new nodeType; //create the new node
assert(newNode != nullptr); //if unable to allocate memory,
//terminate the program
newNode->info = newItem; //store the new item in the node
newNode->link = nullptr; //set the link field of newNode
//to nullptr
if (this->first == nullptr) //if the list is empty, newNode is
//both the first and last node
this->first = newNode;
this->last = newNode;
this->count++; //increment count
else //the list is not empty, insert newNode after last
this->last->link = newNode; //insert newNode after last
this->last = newNode; //make last point to the actual
//last node in the list
this->count++; //increment count
}//end insertLast
void unorderedLinkedList::deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem)
nodeType *current; //pointer to traverse the list
nodeType *trailCurrent; //pointer just before current
bool found;
if (this->first == nullptr) //Case 1; the list is empty.
cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list."
<< endl;
if (this->first->info == deleteItem) //Case 2
current = this->first;
this->first = this->first->link;
if (this->first == nullptr) //the list has only one node
this->last = nullptr;
delete current;
else //search the list for the node with the given info
found = false;
trailCurrent = this->first; //set trailCurrent to point
//to the first node
current = this->first->link; //set current to point to
//the second node
while (current != nullptr && !found)
if (current->info != deleteItem)
trailCurrent = current;
current = current-> link;
found = true;
}//end while
if (found) //Case 3; if found, delete the node
trailCurrent->link = current->link;
if (this->last == current) //node to be deleted
//was the last node
this->last = trailCurrent; //update the value
//of last
delete current; //delete the node from the list
cout << "The item to be deleted is not in "
<< "the list." << endl;
}//end else
}//end else
}//end deleteNode
void unorderedLinkedList::
divideList(nodeType* first1,
nodeType* &first2)
nodeType* middle;
nodeType* current;
if (first1 == nullptr) //list is empty
first2 = nullptr;
else if (first1->link == nullptr) //list has only one node
first2->link = nullptr;
middle = first1;
current = first1->link;
if (current != nullptr) //list has more than two nodes
current = current->link;
while (current != nullptr)
middle = middle->link;
current = current->link;
if (current != nullptr)
current = current->link;
} //end while
first2 = middle->link; //first2 points to the first
//node of the second sublist
middle->link = nullptr; //set the link of the last node
//of the first sublist to nullptr
} //end else
} //end divideList
nodeType* unorderedLinkedList::
mergeList(nodeType* first1,
nodeType* first2)
nodeType *lastSmall; //pointer to the last node of
//the merged list
nodeType *newHead; //pointer to the merged list
if (first1 == nullptr) //the first sublist is empty
return first2;
else if (first2 == nullptr) //the second sublist is empty
return first1;
if (first1->info < first2->info) //compare the
//first nodes
newHead = first1;
first1 = first1->link;
lastSmall = newHead;
newHead = first2;
first2 = first2->link;
lastSmall = newHead;
while (first1 != nullptr && first2 != nullptr)
if (first1->info < first2->info)
lastSmall->link = first1;
lastSmall = lastSmall->link;
first1 = first1->link;
lastSmall->link = first2;
lastSmall = lastSmall->link;
first2 = first2->link;
} //end while
if (first1 == nullptr) //first sublist exhausted first
lastSmall->link = first2;
else //second sublist exhausted first
lastSmall->link = first1;
return newHead;
}//end mergeList
void unorderedLinkedList::recMergeSort(
nodeType* &head)
nodeType *otherHead;
if (head != nullptr) //if the list is not empty
if (head->link != nullptr) //if the list has more than
//one node
divideList(head, otherHead);
head = mergeList(head, otherHead);
} //end recMergeSort
void unorderedLinkedList::mergeSort()
if (this->first == nullptr)
this->last = nullptr;
this->last = this->first;
while (this->last->link != nullptr)
this->last = this->last->link;
} //end mergeSort
template int seqSearch(const elemType list[], int length, const elemType& item) { int loc; bool found = false;
loc = 0;
while (loc < length && !found) if (list[loc] == item) found = true; else loc++;
if (found) return loc; else return -1; } //end seqSearch
template int binarySearch(const elemType list[], int length, const elemType& item) { int first = 0; int last = length - 1; int mid;
bool found = false;
while (first <= last && !found) { mid = (first + last) / 2;
if (list[mid] == item) found = true; else if (list[mid] > item) last = mid - 1; else first = mid + 1; }
if (found) return mid; else return -1; } //end binarySearch
template void bubbleSort(elemType list[], int length) { for (int iteration = 1; iteration < length; iteration++) { for (int index = 0; index < length - iteration; index++) { if (list[index] > list[index + 1]) { elemType temp = list[index]; list[index] = list[index + 1]; list[index + 1] = temp; } } } } //end bubbleSort
template void selectionSort(elemType list[], int length) { int loc, minIndex;
for (loc = 0; loc < length; loc++) { minIndex = minLocation(list, loc, length - 1); swap(list, loc, minIndex); } } //end selectionSort
template void swap(elemType list[], int first, int second) { elemType temp;
temp = list[first]; list[first] = list[second]; list[second] = temp; } //end swap
template int minLocation(elemType list[], int first, int last) { int loc, minIndex;
minIndex = first;
for (loc = first + 1; loc <= last; loc++) if (list[loc] < list[minIndex]) minIndex = loc;
return minIndex; } //end minLocation
template void insertionSort(elemType list[], int length) { for (int firstOutOfOrder = 1; firstOutOfOrder < length; firstOutOfOrder++) if (list[firstOutOfOrder] < list[firstOutOfOrder - 1]) { elemType temp = list[firstOutOfOrder]; int location = firstOutOfOrder;
do { list[location] = list[location - 1]; location--; } while(location > 0 && list[location - 1] > temp);
list[location] = temp; } } //end insertionSort
template void quickSort(elemType list[], int length) { recQuickSort(list, 0, length - 1); } //end quickSort
template void recQuickSort(elemType list[], int first, int last) { int pivotLocation;
if (first < last) { pivotLocation = partition(list, first, last); recQuickSort(list, first, pivotLocation - 1); recQuickSort(list, pivotLocation + 1, last); } } //end recQuickSort
template int partition(elemType list[], int first, int last) { elemType pivot;
int index, smallIndex;
swap(list, first, (first + last) / 2);
pivot = list[first]; smallIndex = first;
for (index = first + 1; index <= last; index++) if (list[index] < pivot) { smallIndex++; swap(list, smallIndex, index); }
swap(list, first, smallIndex);
return smallIndex; } //end partition
template void heapSort(elemType list[], int length) { buildHeap(list, length);
for (int lastOutOfOrder = length - 1; lastOutOfOrder >= 0; lastOutOfOrder--) { elemType temp = list[lastOutOfOrder]; list[lastOutOfOrder] = list[0]; list[0] = temp; heapify(list, 0, lastOutOfOrder - 1); }//end for }//end heapSort
template void heapify(elemType list[], int low, int high) { int largeIndex;
elemType temp = list[low]; //copy the root node of //the subtree
largeIndex = 2 * low + 1; //index of the left child
while (largeIndex <= high) { if (largeIndex < high) if (list[largeIndex] < list[largeIndex + 1]) largeIndex = largeIndex + 1; //index of the //largest child
if (temp > list[largeIndex]) //subtree //is already in a heap break; else { list[low] = list[largeIndex]; //move the larger //child to the root low = largeIndex; //go to the subtree to //restore the heap largeIndex = 2 * low + 1; } }//end while
list[low] = temp; //insert temp into the tree, //that is, list }//end heapify
template void buildHeap(elemType list[], int length) { for (int index = length / 2 - 1; index >= 0; index--) heapify(list, index, length - 1); }
#include #include #include #include #include "searchSortAlgorithms.h" #include "unorderedLinkedList.h"
using namespace std;
int main() { int array = [10000]; //assign 10,000 elements in array int list1[array]; for(int i = 0; i < array; i++){ //randomize in list1 list1[i] = rand()% 10 + 1; } //copy list1 into other lists int list2 = list1; int list3 = list1; int list4 = list1; int list5 = list1; //initialize t1 clock_t t1; t1 = clock(); list1 = bubbleSort(list1,array);//bubble sort t1 = clock() - t1; double time_1 = ((double)t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "Bubble sorting time: " << time_1 << endl; //initialize t2 clock_t t2; t2 = clock(); list2 = selectionSort(list2,array);//selection sort t2 = clock() - t2; double time_2 = ((double)t2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "Selection sorting time: " << time_2 << endl; //initialize t3 clock_t t3; t3 = clock(); list3 = insertionSort(list3,array);//insertion sort t3 = clock() - t3; double time_3 = ((double)t3)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "Insertion sorting time: " << time_3 << endl; //initialize t4 clock_t t4; t4 = clock(); list4 = quickSort(list4,array);//quick sort t4 = clock() - t4; double time_4 = ((double)t4)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "Quick sorting time: " << time_4 << endl; //initialize t5 clock_t t5; t5 = clock(); list5 = mergeSort(list5,array);//merge sort t5 = clock() - t5; double time_5 = ((double)t5)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "Merge sorting time: " << time_5 << endl;
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