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Hello, I am going to have a study guide on this material so can you please develop a really detailed readable study guide. Thanks. I

Hello, I am going to have a study guide on this material so can you please develop a really detailed readable study guide. Thanks. I have constructed a bit of one, but please if you are able to add more detail and add samples of code and what it does if it is possible for her to ask coding questions.

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Rough mideterm study guide:

History Of OS

An operating system or OS is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software.

First Generation Computers (1940s)

The earliest computers had no OS. Machines of the time were so primitive that programs were often entered one bit at time on rows of mechanical switches (plug boards/Switch boards). Programming languages were not know/developed even assembly language was of not known hence Operating systems were unheard of. During this generation computers were generally used to solve simple math calculations, operating systems were not necessarily needed.

Second Generation Computers (1955-1965)

The first operating system was introduced in the early 1950s, it was called GMOS and was created by General Motors for IBM's machine the 701. Operating systems in the 1950's were called single-stream batch processing systems because the data was submitted in groups. These new machines were called mainframes, and they were used by professional operators in large computer rooms. Since there was such as high price tag on these machines, only government agencies or large corporations were able to afford them.

Third Generation Computers (1965 -1980)

The systems of the 1960's were also batch processing systems, but they were able to take better advantage of the computer's resources by running several jobs at once. So operating systems designers developed the concept of multiprogramming in which several jobs are in main memory at once; a processor is switched from job to job as needed to keep several jobs advancing while keeping the peripheral devices in use. For example, on the system with no multiprogramming, when the current job paused to wait for other I/O operation to complete, the CPU simply sat idle until the I/O finished. The solution for this problem that evolved was to partition memory into several pieces, with a different job in each partition. While one job was waiting for I/O to complete, another job could be using the CPU. Another major feature in third-generation operating system was the technique called spooling (simultaneous peripheral operations on line). In spooling, a high-speed device like a disk interposed between a running program and a low-speed device involved with the program in input/output. Instead of writing directly to a printer, for example, outputs are written to the disk. Programs can run to completion faster, and other programs can be initiated sooner when the printer becomes available, the outputs may be printed.

Fourth Generation Computers (1980 Present Day)

The fourth generation of operating systems saw the creation of personal computing. Although these computers were very similar to the minicomputers developed in the third generation, personal computers cost a very small fraction of what minicomputers cost. A personal computer was so affordable that it made it possible for a single individual could be able to own one for personal use while minicomputers where still at such a high price that only corporations could afford to have them. One of the major factors in the creation of personal computing was the birth of Microsoft and the Windows operating system. The windows Operating System was created in 1975 when Paul Allen and Bill Gates had a vision to take personal computing to the next level. They introduced the MS-DOS in 1981 although it was effective it created much difficulty for people who tried to understand its cryptic commands. Windows went on to become the largest operating system used in techonology today with releases of Windows 95, Windows 98, WIndows XP (Which is currently the most used operating system to this day), and their newest operating system Windows 7. Along with Microsoft, Apple is the other major operating system created in the 1980's. Steve Jobs, co founder of Apple, created the Apple Macintosh which was a huge success due to the fact that it was so user friendly. Windows development throughout the later years were influenced by the Macintosh and it created a strong competition between the two companies. Today all of our electronic devices run off of operating systems, from our computers and smartphones, to ATM machines and motor vehicles. And as technology advances, so do operating systems.

Vaccum Tubes Current

From UNIVAC to the latest desktop PCs, computer evolution has moved very rapidly. The first-generation computers were known for using vacuum tubes in their construction. The generation to follow would use the much smaller and more efficient transistor.

The on-or-off nature of the binary information and signal routing the computer uses, an efficient electronic switch was required. The first electronic computers used vacuum tubes as switches, and although the tubes worked, they had many problems. The type of tube used in early computers was called a triode and was invented by Lee De Forest in 1906. Unfortunately, the tube was inefficient as a switch. It consumed a great deal of electrical power and gave off enormous heata significant problem in the earlier systems. Primarily because of the heat they generated, tubes were notoriously unreliablein larger systems, one failed every couple of hours or so.


The invention of the transistor was one of the most important developments leading to the personal computer revolution.The transistor was invented in 1947 and announced in 1948 by Bell Laboratory engineers John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. Bell associate William Shockley invented the junction transistor a few months later, and all three jointly shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956 for inventing the transistor. The transistor, which essentially functions as a solid-state electronic switch, replaced the less-suitable vacuum tube. Because the transistor was so much smaller and consumed significantly less power, a computer system built with transistors was also much smaller, faster, and more efficient than a computer system built with vacuum tubes. The conversion from tubes to transistors began the trend toward miniaturization that continues to this day.

Integrated Circuits: The Next Generation

The third generation of modern computers is known for using integrated circuits instead of individual transistors. Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce at Fairchild are both credited with having invented the integrated circuit (IC) in 1958 and 1959. An IC is a semiconductor circuit that contains more than one component on the same base (or substrate material), which are usually interconnected without wires. The first prototype IC constructed by Kilby at TI in 1958 contained only one transistor, several resistors, and a capacitor on a single slab of germanium, and it featured fine gold flying wires to interconnect them. However, because the flying wires had to be individually attached, this type of design was not practical to manufacture. By comparison, Noyce patented the planar IC design in 1959, where all the components are diffused in or etched on a silicon base, including a layer of aluminum metal interconnects. In 1960, Fairchild constructed the first planar IC, consisting of a flip-flop circuit with four transistors and five resistors on a circular die only about 20 mm2 in size. By comparison, the Intel Core i7 quad-core processor incorporates 731 million transistors (and numerous other components) on a single 263 mm2 die


The operating system (OS) can be considered as the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to provide a software platform on top of which other programs (the application software) can run.

Types OF OS

Multi-user: Allows two or more users to run programs at the same time. Some operating systems permit hundreds or even thousands of concurrent users.

Multiprocessing: Supports running a program on more than one CPU.

Multitasking: Allows more than one program to run concurrently.

Multithreading: Allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.

Real-time: Real time operating system (RTOS) responds to input instantly. General-purpose operating systems, such as DOS and UNIX, are not real-time.

Parts Of OS

The operating system can be broken down into four main parts, namely


Device Drivers

User Interface

System Utilities


This has the task of loading the applications into memory, making sure they do not interfere with one another and allowing them to share use of the CPU efficiently. The kernel also handles file storage to and from secondary storage devices such as hard disks and optical drives.

Device Drivers

Every piece of hardware that makes up the computer or connected to it, will have a device driver that allows the operating system to control and communicate with it. There could be hundreds of device drivers pre-installed with the operating system, and the right ones for that particular computer set-up is loaded on boot-up.

User interface

This part of the operating system is directing what you see on the screen (via the device driver) and reacting to your key presses and other inputs. The user interface could be a basic command line interface or graphical.

System Utilities

This part of the operating system provides all the basic facilities that run in the background without user interaction. For example,

Print spool services

Cryptographic password management.

File management services

nsert Format Arrange View Share Window Help Midterm Study Guide View Zoom Insert Table ChartText Shape Media Comment Midterm Study Guide Operating Systems History of operating systems Timeline of Operating Systems o Be able to address significant changes from one OS to another Be able to identify significant years as well Vacuum tube-current rDefine what an OS is and be able to list the parts Fixed Partitions vs. Dynamic Partitions Best Fit and First Fit Allocations Know what they are, how to use them, differences between them 3 Cases of Deallocatiorn What registers are, what they do, whey we use the Know differences between multi and single process computers Multithread You may be asked to write pesudocode for the following topics o Process schedule o Scheduling algorithms o Managing interruptions .Comparing scheduling algorithms and how to pick one " Methods of interprocess communication . The limitations/advantages of IPC's - Pipes - Fifo - Shared Memory - Mapped Memory - Mailboxes - Signals - Semaphores - Locks Sockets nsert Format Arrange View Share Window Help Midterm Study Guide View Zoom Insert Table ChartText Shape Media Comment Midterm Study Guide Operating Systems History of operating systems Timeline of Operating Systems o Be able to address significant changes from one OS to another Be able to identify significant years as well Vacuum tube-current rDefine what an OS is and be able to list the parts Fixed Partitions vs. Dynamic Partitions Best Fit and First Fit Allocations Know what they are, how to use them, differences between them 3 Cases of Deallocatiorn What registers are, what they do, whey we use the Know differences between multi and single process computers Multithread You may be asked to write pesudocode for the following topics o Process schedule o Scheduling algorithms o Managing interruptions .Comparing scheduling algorithms and how to pick one " Methods of interprocess communication . The limitations/advantages of IPC's - Pipes - Fifo - Shared Memory - Mapped Memory - Mailboxes - Signals - Semaphores - Locks Sockets

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