Hello Please answer questions 1 through 6
_ ; -3. Suppose your school and grade level (Grade 7 only) has the same score in 2017 as it did In 2016 (as ' deten'nlned in #2 above) but the standard deviation Increased by 10 points while the mean remained the same. Would your school snore still be 15% better than all other schools in Arizona [at your grade level)? Or would your school's snore be better than a greater or lesser percentage ofschools? Be prepared to explain how you know. -'4. Create a situation where your school score [and grade level) has a lowerscore in 201? than in 2016 (as determined in #2 above) but would score better than greater than 35% ofall other schools in Arizona. Assume the mean has not changed. 5. Create a situation where your school score (and grade level) has a higher score in 2017 than in 2016 [as determined in #2 above) but'would score better than greater than only 30% of ail other schools in Arizona. Assume the mean has not changed. Use the situations presented here to explain why it is important and necessary' for school districts, school ' t es, administrators, teachers, and parents to consider more than just the average score when comparing test MAT257 Analyzing Statistics AZMerit Data U M Take a moment to make sense of the data in Exhibits 3.4.1 and 8.3.1. For this activity, assume that the scale scores are normally distributed around the mean. We will focus on the Grade 7 Test only! Exhibit 3.4.1 Test Score Summary Statistics Number Scale Score Test Tested Mean Std. Dev. Min. Max Mathematics 86880 3520.93 39.46 3395.00 3605.00 85760 3551.93 37.63 3435.07 3644.71 85206 3585.07 38.32 3477.64 3687.64 84814 3614.88 35.76 3511.89 3721.89 83509 3631.61 37.40 3529.36 3739.36 8 83306 3659.91 38.01 3565.81 3775.81 Algebra I 81993 3668.81 33.36 3576.95 3786.95 Geometry 68136 3681.69 34.08 3609.46 3819.46 Algebra II 57259 3693.24 34.35 3629.35 3839.35 Exhibit 8.3.1 Scale Score Ranges for Performance Levels Test Minimally Proficient Partially Proficient Proficient Highly Proficient Mathematics Grade 3 Math 3395-3494 3495-3530 3531-3572 3573-3605 Grade 4 Math 3435-3529 3530-3561 3562-3605 3606-3645 Grade 5 Math 3478-3562 3563-3594 3595-3634 3635-3688 Grade 6 Math 3512-3601 3602-3628 3629-3662 3663-3722 Grade 7 Math 3529-3628 3629-3651 3652-3679 3680-3739 3673-3704 Grade 8 Math 3566-3649 3650-3672 3705-3776 3661-3680 3681-3719 3720-3787 Algebra l 3577-3660 3609-3672 3673-3696 3697-3742 3743-3819 Geometry 3690-3710 3711-3750 3751-3839 Algebra II 3629-3689