Hello Vjvgoe please help with this problem I'm having trouble with it.
In em E. the Westgats Cnnslructinn Ii'l'atrn'uulan'glI entered Inta a mmrast In ennstmst a res-ad tar Santa Clara Gnu ntr far Ei. The read was mmpistsd In 2MB. lnfnrmatlnn related In the senlrast Is as feliaws: 2015 201? 311! East incurred during the year El HEBREW $2.543 Estimated nests tn samplate as swear-end 5.323.000 RESIDIJEIEI El Billings durlng the year 2,1D.DIIi assume EJEIDHDEI Cash neilamlnns durlng the year Im 2.T. 5.420.DUEI Westgats rsmgnizss revenue ever time aemrdlng ta percentage at mmpistinn. Required: 1. l[Stalemate the amnunt nf menus and gross prdilt ln be redngnlzed In each at Ihe litres rears. [De net mund Intermediate calculatldns. Less arndunts shduld lee Indicated with a minus sign.) --- --_ 2-1 In tJ'Iejeurnal hslnw, namplals tJ'Is neesssaryjaurnal entries fer the year 201s {credit "u'arleus ammunts' fer mnstruntlnn nests Inmrred). {if rid entry ls required fer a transaI:tlIzli'm'ue'lrentr select "He jnu rnal entry required" in the first aeeeunl I'Ield.] 1 Record ennstrueiinn nests. 2 Reenrd progress billings. El Reenrd sash mlleenris. \\N\\\\ 4 Record grass pret. \f21:. In tJ'IeJournal below, oomplala the necessary journal enlrlae for the year 2013 {oradlt "u'lanoua aooounta' for oonatmoon ooata Incurred}. {If no entryI ls required for a tranaaotloI'Iu'a'u'orltr aoloot "No journal entry required" in than first account l'Iald.) tramon list . ' . Remrd construction costs. Retard progress billings. Renard cash oollecljorta. Reoord gross prot. Mote : . = journal El'ltr'f has been entered 3. [template the Intern-tatJen required belcw tp prepare a partial balance sheet fer EDIE and 311? chewing any Iterne related tn the contract. Indicate whether any efthe arnpunte ehewn are pennant aeeete er pentract liabilities. [De net reund intermediate calculatieneJ Curranwamlmas: ____ It. calculate the arrlpunt ef revenue and greee prptIt he he repugnlzed In each cf the three reare aeeun'tlng the fDIiWII'IQ caste Incurred and meta ta cerrtplele Inermatiuen. [De net reund Intermediate calcuietlene and reund yeur final anewere te the nearest whale duller ameunt. Leee ameunte eheuld be Indicated with a minus elgnJ 21115 2'01? 211"! eet incurred during the year EEIITEIIDD Elm HEBREW Estimated mete tct pprnplete ae pfyear-end semen-e 3.1M El Revenue --_ --- 5. Calculata ma amaurrt Inf manna and grass pram la ha ramgnlzad In aach af Iha mraa y'aara aaaumlng lha fallawlng msla lnwrrad and mala Ia mmplala lnfamraIi-nn. [Du not raund lntarmadlata calculatlnru and mund ynur nal answara In 111: manual wl'lnla dullar amnu nL Luau amaunta aha-"Id ha Indlmtad \"\"1 a minus algnJ 3116 2011 2111!! East lmurrad durlng The rear semanm Elli-EDDIE HJMBUD Eall matacl mall; ta mmplata aa afyaarantl Eim 4.26-D El --- --