help im not sure how to use helper methods and checking user input to make sure the choice is available but also store new patients.
Import Java. Util .* ; public class PatientManager [ private Priority Queue _ Patient _ waitingList = new Priority Queue _ Patient _ !) ; public static void startis [ Scanner in = new Scanner [ System . in) ; System . out . printIn` " _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - "^ System . out . printIng" (1) New Patient" + "nice; Next Patient " + " nez's Waiting List " + "`n[A] Exit") ; System . out . printIn[" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ boolean vaild = false" whilerivaild; [ System . out . printIn"* Choose an Item From the MENU : "` int choice = in . nextInt!) ; if [ start ( choice ) _ _ true ) [ public static boolean start( int is [ boolean [ !` if [i _ _ Illi _ _ 21/ 1 _ 31 1 1 _ _ 4) [ [_true; return [is ELSE return false :In this assignment , you are required to write a menu- driven Java program that allows the user to add patients to a priority queue , display the next patient land remove him / her from the queue !* show a list of all patients currently waiting for treatment , and exit the program . The program should simulate the scheduling of patients in a clinic . Use the attached Patient class provided along with this assignment . Your program should schedule patients in the queue according to the emergency of their cases from 1 to 5, I the higher the value , the higher the priority ) . If two patients have the same Emergency value , use their order of arrival to set their priority' ( the lower the order , the higher the priority ) . It is up to you to have the Patient class implement either Comparable or Comparator . Create a class Patient Manager that has an attribute named waiting List of the type Priorit Y Queue - Patient" and a public method , start Il . When start is called , it should display the following menu of choices to the user , and then ask the user to enter a choice* from 1 to 4 : (1) ( 2 ) How Patient . Next Patient ( 3 ) ( 4) waiting List . Exit . Here is a description of each choice ! |1 1 Ask the user for the patient's name and the emergency from 1 to 5. 1 1 = low , and 5 = life- and-death ) . Your program should create an instance of Patient using the entered data and add it to the priority queue . Note that your program should not ask the user for the value of the patient's order of arrival . Instead , it should use a counter that is automatically incremented whenever a patient is added to the queue . 12) Display the name of the next patient in the priority queue and remove him / her from the QUEUE . 131 Display the full list of all patients that are still in the queue . 14) End the program . Make sure your PatientManager' class is robust . It should not crash when a user Enters invalid value . Instead , it should display an error message followed by an action depending on the type of error ISEE the sample run below ) . Test your program by instantiating Your PatientManager class in a main method and calling the Start method . Note: Add more helper methods and attributes as needed to the PatientManage - classSample run (Read carefully to determine the required response in different situations ! ( 1) New Patient . ( 2 ) ( 3 ) Next Patient* Waiting List . Exit . . Choose an item from the menu ! {} ( * ) Wrong choice . * Choose an Item from the menu ; two` ( x ) Wrong choice . " Choose an item from the menu ! ?" . No more patients .` * Choose an item from the menu ; ]` . No patients in the list .` * Choose an item from the menu : !` Enter patient's name ; Abdallah Enter Emergency [ I (low) to 5 ( life - and - death ; ] : {` ( *) Wrong Vallur . Try again. critical ( * ) Wrong Value . Try again . I Patient added to the waiting list . * Choose an item from the menu : 1 Enter patient " & name : John* Enter Emergency [ I ( low) to 5 ( life_ and _ death; ] : `` Patient added to the waiting list . { Choose an item from the menu ; ]] Waiting list includes :" . John = Abdallah & Choose an item from the menu ; ] Enter patient " & name : Lill* Enter Emergency [ I ( low's to 5 ( life_and _ death ; ] : 4\\ Patient added to the waiting list . * Choose an item from the menu ; ]` Waiting list includes :" - John _ LILI - Abdallah * Choose an item from the menu ; 2) - John is treated . * Choose an item from the menu !` = Lill is treated .` . Choose an item from the menu : 2 = Abdallah is treated .` & Choose an item from the menu :``