Help me make a java class called with the following methods and fields,I have already made Reader,Book and Shelf classes Field Details Constant Fields
Help me make a java class called with the following methods and fields,I have already made Reader,Book and Shelf classes
Field Details
Constant Fields
This is the maximum number of books someone can check out at a time. Initially set to 5.
String name
The name of the library
Static int libraryCard
The current max library card number
A list of readers registered to the library
A HashMap containing the subject (String) of the shelf and the Shelf object
A HashMap that contains the Book objects registered to the library and the count of those books (Integer)
Method Details
init(String filename)
This is the method that is responsible for parsing the Library00.csv file into a collection of objects.
The parameter filename is the name of the file to be parsed (in this case Library00.csv).
The init method will call other methods from this class to aid in the processing of the csv file.
The csv files will always have a structure like that shown below. The csv file will contain a list of comma separated values that represent books, shelves, and readers respectively. The numbers 9,3,and 4 all correspond to the number of records to follow. Each of these will be parsed by their respective init methods ( initBooks, initShelves, and initReader respectively)
If the filename can't be found, return a Code.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR.
Use the convertInt method to return the number of books to parse. Details of the covertInt method below.
If the number returned by parseInt is less than 0 (corresponding to an error code) return the error code related to the number (Enums may be iterated). If there is no corresponding error return a Code.UNKNOWN_ERROR
It may be wise to make a method for this.
After the books have been parsed, call the listBooks() method.
Follow the same procedure for shelf and reader, listing the parsed shelves and the parsed readers after each call to their respective 'init' methods. Returning any related error codes.
1337,Headfirst Java,education,1337,Grady Booch,0000
42-w-87,Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy,sci-fi,42,Douglas Adams,0000
42-w-87,Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy,sci-fi,42,Douglas Adams,0000
1337,Headfirst Java,education,1337,Grady Booch,0000
42-w-87,Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy,sci-fi,42,Douglas Adams,0000
5297,Count of Monte Cristo,Adventure,999,Alexandre Dumas,0000
42-w-87,Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy,sci-fi,42,Douglas Adams,0000
1337,Headfirst Java,education,1337,Grady Booch,0000
34-w-34,Dune,sci-fi,235,Frank Herbert,0000
1,Drew Clinkenbeard,831-582-4007,2,42-w-87,2020-10-12,1337,2020-11-01
2,Jennifer Clinkenbeard,831-555-6284,1,42-w-87,2020-05-05
3,Monte Ray,555-555-4444,2,42-w-87,2020-12-12,1337,2021-01-02
4,Laurence Fishburn,831-582-4007,2,42-w-87,2019-02-18,1337,2025-10-10
initBooks(int bookCount, Scanner scan)
This method takes an integer, the number of books to parse, and a Scanner.
The scanner represents the current position of the CSV file that is being parsed.
The int bookCount represents the number of books to parse.
If bookCount is less than 1, return a Code.LIBRARY_ERROR
(this should never happen but let's be defensive.)
Iterate through the records in the CSV file converting each line to a book. Use the constant fields in the Book object to identify the indexes of the relevant data from the CSV file.
You can Use convertInt to parse the page number. If the page number is 0 or less, return a Code.PAGE_COUNT_ERROR
Use the converDate method described below to parse the date. If the date comes back as a null return a Code.DATE_CONVERSION_ERROR
EDIT: if ConvertDate is written correctly this will likely never happen. This is here because I am very paranoid and have had a lot of issues with null objects.
Finally call the addBook() method to add the book to the list of books in the Library object.
Return a Code.SUCCESS
initShelves(int shelfCount, Scanner scan)
This method works very similarly to initBooks. The int shelfCount is used to determine how many shelves to parse out of the Scanner object.
If shelfCount is less than 1 return a Code.SHELF_COUNT_ERROR
If the number for the shelf does not parse correctly, return a Code.SHELF_NUMBER_PARSE_ERROR
Use the addShelf() method to add the shelves to the HashMap shelves in the Library object.
Finally check that the size of the shelves object matches the value for shelf count, if it does return a Code.SUCCESS. If it does not print a message that reads
"Number of shelves doesn't match expected"
initReader(int readerCount, Scanner scan)
Works in the same way as initBooks and initShelves. The int is used to determine how many readers to parse and the scanner contains the current text file.
If the reader count is less than or equal to 0 return a Code.READER_COUNT_ERROR
Add each reader to the list of readers (use the List.add() addReader() method)
The thing that makes initReader tricky is that each reader may have a list of books. The number of books to parse is indexed by Reader.BOOK_COUNT_ and the starting position of the first book is stored in Reader.BOOK_START_
Find the books in the Library object using the getBookByISBN() method.
If a book does not exist in the library print out the string "ERROR" and continue to parse the remaining books.
Use the convertDate method to convert the due date to a LocalDate object.
Once the book is found, use the checkOutBook method to add the book to the reader.
When complete return a Code.SUCCESS
addbook(Book newBook)
If the HashMap of books in the Library object contains the book, increment the count and print out a String like:
"3 copies of [Book.title] in the stacks"
Where 3 is the number of copies and Best Served Cold is the title of the book that has been added.
If the book does NOT exist add the book to the HashMap of books setting the count to 1.
Print out a like like:
"[Book.title] added to the stacks."
Where Best Served Cold is the title of the book that has been added.
If there is a shelf with a matching subject, add the book to that shelf and return a Code.SUCCESS
Otherwise print out
"No shelf for [subject] books"
Where Adventure is the subject of the book and return a Code.SHELF_EXISTS_ERROR
returnBook(Reader reader, Book book)
If the reader does not have the book in their List print a message like
"[] doesn't have [book title] checked out"
Check that the book exists in the library, if not, return a Code.BOOK_NOT_IN_INVENTORY
Print out
"[Reader.getName] is returning [book]"
Use the Reader.removeBook(book) method to remove the book and store the Code that is returned.
If the code is a Code.SUCCESS then call the returnBook(book) method and return the resulting code.
If the code is NOT a success print
"Could not return [Book]"
And return the Code object
returnBook(Book book)
Check if there is a shelf with a matching subject in the HashMap of shelves, if not print out
"No shelf for [book]"
And return a Code.SHELF_EXISTS_ERROR
Otherwise call the shelf.addBook(book) method for the appropriate shelf from the HashMap stored in the library object.
addBookToShelf(Book book, Shelf shelf)
Try to return the book using the returnBook(book) method, if the returnBook method returns a Code.SUCCESS then return a Code.SUCCESS and exit.
If the shelf that was supplied does not match the subject of the book supplied return a Code.SHELF_SUBJEC_MISMATCH_ERROR
Use the shelf.addBook(book) method to add the book to the shelf. If it is successful print
"[book] added to shelf"
And return a Code.SUCCESS
Otherwise print
"Could not add [book] to shelf"
And return whatever code was returned from the shelf.addBook(book) method.
List all the books at the library, even those not on shelves. The print out should look like:
4 copies of Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ISBN:42-w-87
3 copies of Headfirst Java by Grady Booch ISBN:1337
1 copies of Dune by Frank Herbert ISBN:34-w-34
1 copies of Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas ISBN:5297
Return the total count of all books at the library. For the list above it would return 9 (4+3+1+1)
checkoutBook(Reader reader, Book book)
Check for the reader, if no reader print out
"[name] doesn't have an account here"
Check the reader has not exceeded the lending limit, if they have print out
"[NAME] has reached the lending limit, ([LENDING_LIMIT_])"
Check for the book in the HashMap books in the Library object, if it isn't there print out
"ERROR: could not find [BOOK]"
Check for a shelf for the book, if no shelf exists print out
"no shelf for [subject] books!"
If the Shelf has less than 1 copy of the book print out
"ERROR: no copies of [book] remain"
Use the reader.addBook() method if it does not return a Code.SUCCESS
Print out
"Couldn't checkout [book]"
and return the code that was returned from the addBook method
Call shelf.removeBook(book)
If the code from removeBook is a success print
"[Book] checked out successfully"
Return the code
getBookByISBN(String isbn)
Returns a Book object from the HashMap of books in the Library object that matches the book the String isbn. If no such object exists, print out
"ERROR: Could not find a book with isbn: [isbn]"
And return null
listShelves(boolean showbooks)
If the boolean showbooks is true, call the 'listbooks' method for each shelf.
If the boolean showbooks is false display the toString of the each shelf object
Return a Code.SUCCESS
addShelf(String shelfSubject)
Now help me make Shelf object and assign a shelf number of the size of the shelves HashMap plus one and a subject of shelfSubject. Call addShelf(shelf) with that object.
addShelf(Shelf shelf)
If a shelf already exists in the shelves HashMap print out
"ERROR: Shelf already exists [shelf]"
And return a Code.SHELF_EXISTS_ERROR
Add the shelf to the HashMap of shelves and assign it the next shelf number.
The next shelf number will be the largest number in the HashMap plus one.
Add all the books with matching subjects to the new shelf.
This line is probably okay... I need to verify and update
Return a Code.SUCCESS
getShelf(Integer shelfNumber)
Return the Shelf from the HashMap shelves that matches the shelfNumber.
If no Shelf matches the number print out
"No shelf number [shelfNumber] found"
And return a null
getShelf(String subject)
Return the Shelf from the HashMap shelves that matches the subject.
If no Shelf matches the number print out
"No shelf for [subject] books"
And return a null
Print out the toString of all the readers in the List of readers
Return the total number of readers
listReaders(boolean showBooks)
If showBooks is true, display the reader and all their books in a display like:
Drew Clinkenbeard(#1) has the following books:
[Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ISBN:42-w-87, Headfirst Java by Grady Booch ISBN:1337]
Jennifer Clinkenbeard(#2) has the following books:
[Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ISBN:42-w-87]
Monte Ray(#3) has the following books:
[Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ISBN:42-w-87, Headfirst Java by Grady Booch ISBN:1337]
Laurence Fishburn(#4) has the following books:
[Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy by Douglas Adams ISBN:42-w-87, Headfirst Java by Grady Booch ISBN:1337]
And return the total number of readers
If showBooks is false print out the toString of all the readers in the HashMap of readers
Return the total number of readers
getReaderByCard(int cardNumber)
Returns a reader whose library card number matches cardNumber
If no such reader exists print "Could not find a reader with card #[cardNumber]"
And return null
addReader(Reader reader)
Adds reader to the List of readers in the Library object. This method will require a new Code be added to the Code object.
READER_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR(-47, "Reader already exists!")
If there is already a reader object that equals reader, print
"[reader name] already has an account!"
If there is another reader with the same card number, print
"[existing reader name] and [] have the same card number!"
If the reader is successfully added print
"[] added to the library!"
If the reader object's library card value is larger than the current field libraryCard in the Library object, set the libraryCard field to that value.
Lastly return a Code.SUCCESS
removeReader(Reader reader)
Removes a reader from the List of readers in the Library object. This method will require a new Code to be added to the Code object.
READER_STILL_HAS_BOOKS_ERROR(-48, "Must return all books.")
If the reader exists in the List of readers but they have books in their inventory, print
"[reader name] must return all books!"
If the reader is not in the List of Readers in the Library object print
is not part of this Library"
If the reader exists in the Library object and has no books in their inventory, remove them from the List of readers and return a Code.Success
convertInt(String recordCountString, Code code)
Returns the Integer form of the recordCountString.
If there is a NumberFormateException when converting recordCountString to an integer, use the table below to determine which error message to display. Code objects may be used in a switch statement.
If there is a NumberFormateException the following is printed
"Value which caused the error: [recordCountString]"
"Error message: [Code.message]"
Return the numerical code associated with the Code object.
Additionally, depending on the Code that was supplied as a parameter, different messages are printed.
See the table below for which message to print.
Code SuppliedMessage printed
Code.BOOK_COUNT_ERROR"Error: Could not read number of books"
Code.PAGE_COUNT_ERROR"Error: could not parse page count"
Code.DATE_CONVERSION_ERROR"Error: Could not parse date component"
Any other code"Error: Unknown conversion error"
If there is not an error return the Integer from the conversion of recordCountString
For a bit of information on how this is used look at initBook.
convertDate(String date, Code errorCode)
Converts the date String to a LocalDate object. The date String is expected to be in the format:
For example for February, 18 1982 the String would look like:
If the date string is "0000" return a LocalDate object set to 01-Jan-1970
If the date String does not split into 3 elements on a "-" characters print out
"ERROR: date conversion error, could not parse [date]"
"Using default date (01-jan-1970)"
And return a LocalDate object set to 01-Jan-1970
If any of the converted values from the split String are less than 0 print out :
"Error converting date: Year [year] "
"Error converting date: Month [month]"
"Error converting date: Dat [day]"
"Using default date (01-jan-1970)"
Where [year], [month], and [day] are the converted values,
and return a LocalDate object set to 01-Jan-1970
If there are no errors return a LocalDate object set to the parsed date values.
HINT: Use the Oracle documentation.
Returns the current value for libraryCard +1
errorCode(int codeNumber)
Returns the Code object associated with codeNumber.
If there is no matching number return a
HINT: I don't think we even use this anymore so here is the code...
private Code errorCode(int codeNumber) {
for (Code code : Code.values()) {
if (code.getCode() == codeNumber) {
return code;
return Code.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
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