Marginal tax rates Portera single trayer, is one of two partes in a small business. As such, the receives pass-through income that is and the personal tax rates. After al justments and deductions have been made, including the 20% qualified business income deduction, this preparing to come heroes owed for the year. Using the tax rate schedule given here perform the following: 2. Find the marginal tax rate for the following levels of sole proprietorship earnings before we $14.500.550.200.588,200,5156,000 $250,000 448.000 and 1.3 milion b. Plot the new taxes measured on they ) against the pretthoone levels ensured on the axis). Explain the relationship between these variables The main role for cars before of $14.500 5 0 IX Round to the newest Integer P2-3 (similar to) Marginal arts Partner Ayer one of two partners in a small business. As suchthe respons through income isted her personal taxes. Ahor at sents and deductions to be made, including the 20 ledures come to the preparing to calculate her to cwed for the you. Using the tax rate schedule given here perform the following Farma owing levels of sole proprietorshaming before 14.500.550.000, 200, 5155.000, 5252.000 540.000, and 13 milion ered on the date prin come levels mesured on the planer on these variables The morning before 14.00 und to the nearest Integer Marginal tax rates Portera single trayer, is one of two partes in a small business. As such, the receives pass-through income that is and the personal tax rates. After al justments and deductions have been made, including the 20% qualified business income deduction, this preparing to come heroes owed for the year. Using the tax rate schedule given here perform the following: 2. Find the marginal tax rate for the following levels of sole proprietorship earnings before we $14.500.550.200.588,200,5156,000 $250,000 448.000 and 1.3 milion b. Plot the new taxes measured on they ) against the pretthoone levels ensured on the axis). Explain the relationship between these variables The main role for cars before of $14.500 5 0 IX Round to the newest Integer P2-3 (similar to) Marginal arts Partner Ayer one of two partners in a small business. As suchthe respons through income isted her personal taxes. Ahor at sents and deductions to be made, including the 20 ledures come to the preparing to calculate her to cwed for the you. Using the tax rate schedule given here perform the following Farma owing levels of sole proprietorshaming before 14.500.550.000, 200, 5155.000, 5252.000 540.000, and 13 milion ered on the date prin come levels mesured on the planer on these variables The morning before 14.00 und to the nearest Integer