Hements of the balanoed scorecard 1. Using the given balanced scorecard, identify the strategic objectives of the company. a. Acquire up-to-date technology b. Number of production errors c. Online custemer survey rating d. Average enployee tenure Using the given botanced scefecard, identify the perfermance metrics of the compamr. a. Nizmber of production errors b. Online customer survery ratino C. Avorage employen tenure it. All the above 2. Using the givan balanced scorecard, iocentify the atatement that explairs the strategic mag. a. Acquiring up-to-itate technologr reduces emptoyee tuinover and production malfunction, This in tharn increases the level of satisfaction-of the cintomer and proflablity, b. Improved dellvery time reduces the emolopee turnover and increases the profit, E. Decreaking houni from ordered to dellvered increases the percentage of returning custormers and the enline custemer survir rating d. None of the above. 1. Usling the given balanced scorexard, identify the strategic objectives of the company. 3. Acquire up-to-date techndogy b. Number ef production errors c. Online customer survey rating 4. Average emgloyee tenure Uaing the qiven balanced scorecard, identify the performance metrics of the company. a. Number of production errors b. Online contomer survey rating c. Average employee tenure d. All the above 2. Using the glven balanced scorecard, identify the statement that explains the strategic map. a. Acquiiling up-to date techinology reduces emplovee turnover and production malfunction. This in turn increases the level of satistaction of the customer and profitabiily. b. Improved delivery time reduces the employee turnover and increases the profit. c. Decreasing hours from ordered to delivered increases the percentage of returning customers and the online custemer surver rating. d. None of the above. 3. Using the given balanced scorecard, identify the statement that explains the measure map. a. Reducing the average age of production machinery and increasing the average employee tenure can reduce the nugber of production errors. b. Increased overage employee teture decreases the hours from ordered to delhered. c. Fecduction in hours from ordered to defivered increases the online customer survey rating and the market share. d. At the above