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Herman Swayne is a waiter at the Dixie Hotel. In his first weekly pay in March, he earned $360.00 for the 40 hours he worked.

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Herman Swayne is a waiter at the Dixie Hotel. In his first weekly pay in March, he earned $360.00 for the 40 hours he worked. In addition, he reports his tips for February to his employer ($700.00), and the employer withholds the appropriate taxes for the tips from this first pay in March. Click here to access the Wage-Bracket Method Tables. Round your answer to the two decimal places. Calculate his net take home pay assuming the employer withheld federal income tax (wage-bracket, married, 2 allowances), social security taxes, and state income tax (2%). 896.29 TAX TABLED 2020 Wage Bracket Method Tables for Manual Payroll Systems With Forms W-4 From 2019 or Earlier WEEKLY Payroll Period If the Wage Amount MARRIED Persons (line 1a) And the number of allowances is. WEEKLY 2020 Wage Bracket Method Tables for Manual Payroll Systems MARRIED PERSONS With Forms W-4 From 2019 or Earlier WEEKLY Payroll Period If the Wage Amount MARRIED Persons (line 1a) And the number of allowances is: Payroll Accounting 2021 is 8 9 10 1 2 8 9 10 29842328 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO SO 888888888 SO $0 $0 $0 SO SO so SO SO 50 $0 SC 50 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO SO $0 SO SO SO SO SO SO so SO SO SO $0 SO SO SO $0 $895 SO so SO SO so 30 SO SO SO so $41 $43 $44 $46 $48 $50 $52 $53 $55 $57 $59 $61 $62 $64 S66 S68 $70 $71 $73 $75 $77 $79 S80 S82 SO SO $0 $0 $0 SO SO SO so 30 SO SO $0 SO SO SO SO SO SO SO S2 $3 $5 $6 sa 59 SO SO so $0 SO $0 SO $0 $0 $1 SO SO SO 50 $0 SO SO $0 $51 $53 $54 $56 $58 $60 $62 $63 $65 $67 $69 $71 $72 $74 $76 $78 $80 $81 S83 $85 $87 $89 $90 $92 $94 $96 $98 599 $101 0 1 2 But less 6 7 At least than The Tentative Withholding Amount is so S230 SO SO SO so $0 SO SO SO $230 5240 $1 SO SO $0 SO SO SO SO S240 S250 So $0 SO $0 SO so $0 $250 $260 53 SO SO so $0 SO so SO 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so so $1,360 $11 $12 $14 $15 $17 $18 $20 $21 523 S24 $26 $27 529 $30 $32 $33 $35 $36 $38 $40 $42 $43 $45 $47 $49 S51 $52 $54 $56 $58 660 $61 $1,405 $105 $107 $108 $110 $112 $114 $116 $117 $119 $121 $123 $125 Stos $126 $128 $130 $132 $134 5135 S137 $129 $141 $0 SO $0 $0 SO $93 $95 $97 $9A $100 $102 $104 $106 $107 $109 $111 $118 $115 $116 $118 $120 $122 S124 $125 $127 $129 $131 $103 $0 $0 SO $0 SO $0 $0 $0 so SO $1,420 $25 $27 S2a S30 $31 $33 $34 $36 $37 $39 S41 $42 $44 $46 548 $700 $110 $112 $0 SO SO SO $0 TAX TABLES $0 $0 $0 $50 $51 Source: Internal Revenue Service. T-17

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