hi here are the question that should be answered
Totes & Bags Inventory Brand Style Materia Type Price Discour Sale Pri American Cottage Leather Satchel 251 0.2 200.8 Donna Islander Suede Shoulder Bag 142 142 Hayes Aspen Leather Tote 211 0.2 168.8 Kipling LeaPoplar Leather Satchel 221 0.2 176.8 Purloin Tennis Canvas Tote 134 OO 134 American Voyage Leather Hobo 181 0.2 144.8 Kiping Lea Alder Suede Satchel 201 201 Verona Savio Straw Tote 80 80 Donna Margarite Fabric Hobo 87 87 Verona Arno Leather Satchel 250 0.2 O 200 Hayes Emeline Canvas Tote 120 OO 120 Verona Belice Suede Shoulder Bag 132 132 Total 167.51. (20 Point) Format the cells between B2:E14 as Table (you can use any table style you like). Moreover, name the sheet as yourname_your student ID. For example, the sheet's name can be "Baris_1234567". 2. (10 Point) Add a Total Row in the table. In the total row, you need to calculate the average of the price. (Hint: the default value for this cell is sum function.) 3. (20 Point) Add a new header in column F as a table component. Name it as "Discount Rate". You need to write a formula for the discount rate variable by using structured references (the ones you write with "[ ]") as follows: the discount rate for "Leather" material should be 20% percent, and for the other material types it is 0%. You need to change the cell type into a percentage style with no decimals. For instance, F3 should read "20%". 4. (20 Point) Add another header named "Sale Price". Under this header, you need to enter a formula to calculate the sale price of the item by using a structured reference. You need to calculate the sale price as (original price of the item) times (1-discount rate). 5. (30 Point) Use conditional formatting for Sale price variable with the format style: Icon sets (three colored circles, the default style)). If the Sale Price is large than 175, then the cell should contain the first symbol (green circle); if the sale price is between 175 and 100, then the cell should contain the second symbol (yellow circle); and if the sale price is less than 100, then the cell should contain the third symbol (red circle)