Hi I need to know how to calculate parking and life insurance in order to answer a-2 and b-2
I have attached an example and it's same story but just different numbers however it doesn't show the steps. Please let me know if you can do this for sure thanks
In 2016, Jill, age 35. received a job offer with two alternative compensation packages to choose from. The rst package offers hIr $131,000 annual salarywith no qualied fn'nge benets, requires her to pay $5,100 a year for parking. and pay her life insurance premiums ate cost of$1,550. The second package otters $127,000 annual salary. employer-provided health insurance. annual free parking (worth $205 per month), $225,000 o'llife insurance (purchasing on her own would have been $1,550 annually). and freeight benets (she gures that it will save her $5,300 per year). lfJill chooses the rst package, she would purchase the health and life insurance benets herself at a cost ol$5,750 annually aer taxes and spend another 55,300 in ights while traveling. Assume her marginal tax rate is 20 percent. (Use Exhibit 12-10.) (Round your Intermediate computations to the nearest whole dollar amount] a-1. Which compensation package should she choose? I:tlF'aolrage 1 offers her $137,000 annual salary with no qualied fringI benets. oopaokage 2 otters $127,000 annual salary plus health and life insurance benets. 8-2. How much would she benefit in alterstax dollars by choosing this compensation package instead of the other compensaliln package? Answer is complete but: not entirely correct 3 ESSEX b-1. Assume the rst package offers $152,000 salary with no qualied benefits instead of $137,000 salary plus benets. Which compensation package should she choose? C'Paclrage 1 otters her $152,000 annual salary with no qualied fringI benets. eoPackage 2 offers $127,000 annual salary plus health and life insurance benets. Ill-2. How much would she benefit in aerstax dollars by choosing this package? Answer is complete but not entirely correct $ 5.834X Jill is better off by $8,342 by choosing Option 2. Option 2 ($5932) has a higher after-tax value than Option 1 ($50,630). So Jill would be better off taking Option 2. Option 1 Option 2 Salary $ 91.500 31,500 lncludible health insurance [II I] Inoluoible life insu ranoe 5 11's Inoluoible parking 0 5 EDD Includible flight benets [1 D [1 43.23! [1 41.231 ATCF from salary 3 65.330 5 59,022 Cost of health insurance $ {5.550} D Cost of parking $ {3.900} D Cost of life insurance $ {1.950} D Coal Dfights $ 15.500! D Afterm dollars $ 50.550 5 59.022 Io. Jill is better off by $1,142 by choosing Option 2. Option 2 ($59,022) still has a higher after-tax 1relue than Option 1 {$51330}. So Jill would be better off taking Option 2. b. Jill is better off by $1,142 by choosing Option 2. Option 2 ($50,022) still has a higher after-tax value than Option 1 {$51030}. So Jill would be better off taking Option 2. Opon 1 Option 2 Stellar}.r $ 101.500 31,500 Incluoible health insu ranoe 0 0 Includible life insurance 0 $ 1705 Includible parking 0 93 31W Includihle ight benets 0 0 E1 40.20! E1 4123! ATOF from salary $ 73.000 $ 50022 Cost of health insurance 55 {5.050) 0 Cost of parking $ {3.000} 0 Cost of life insuranoe $ {1.050} 0 C05t Ofights $ 15.500! 0 Aftertax dollars $ 5?.030 :3 50.022 EXHIBIT 12-10 Uniform Premiums for $1,000 of Group-Term Life Insurance Proteotion Cost per $1,000 of Proteotion 5-year Age Bracket for One Month Under 25 $0.05 25 to 29 .06 30 to 34 .08 35 to 39 .00 40 to 44 .10 45 to 40 .15 50 to 54 .23 55 to 59 .43 60 to 64 .66 65 to 69 1.27 7'0 and above 2.06 References eBook 8. Resources Comprehensive Problem Learning Objective: 12-01 Discuss Learning Objective: 12-03 Compare and contrast taxable and nontaxable and explain the tax implications of fringe benets and explain the employee and employer tax consequences compensation in the form of salary associated with fringe benets. and wages from the employee's and employers perspectives. parklng 'LW'DITH Moo per ITIDI'III'I}, magmwu UT II'I'B II'ISLITEI'ICB tpurcnaslng On her DWI'I WDIJIEI I'IE'U'B DBBI'I 1'9 | .39.) al'll'll..|all}i"'lJ EI'ICI TIES TIIQI'II benets (she gures that it will save her $5,300 per year). if Jill chooses the rst package. she would purchase the health and life insurance benets herself at a cost of $5,160 annually aftertaxes and spend another 55,300 in ights while traveling. Assume her marginal tax rate is 28 percent. (Use Exhibit 12-10.) (Round your Intermediate computations to the nearest whole dollar amount.) a-1. Which compensation package should she choose? C'Package 1 offers her $137,000 annual salary with no qualied fringe benets. GOPackage 2 offers $12?.000 annual salary plus health and life insurance benefits. 82. How much would she benefit in alter-tax dollars by choosing this compensation package instead of the other compensation package? Answer is complete but: not entirely correct s 95,01ax b-1. Assume the rst package offers 31529300 salary.r with no qualied benets instead of $137,005! salary plus benets. Which compensation package should she choose? C'Package 1 offers her $152,000 annual salary with no qualied fringe benets. GOPackage 2 offers $12?.000 annual salary plus health and life insurance benets. b-2. How much would she benet in aftertax dollars by choosing this package? Answer is complete but: not entirely correct $ 95,018X In 2016, Jill, age 35. receiVId a job ofier with two alternative compensation packages to choosI trom. The rst package offers hIr $137,000 annual salary with no qualied fringe benets. requires her to pay $5,100 a year for parking. and pay Mr life insurance premiums at a cost of $1,550. ThI SIcond packagI offers $127,000 annual salary. employer-provided health insurance. annual free parking (worth $285 per month), $225,000 oflife insurance (purchasing on hIr own would harm bIIn $1.550 annually). and eeight benets (she gures that it will save hIr$51300 pIr year). lfJill chooses the rst package. she would purchase the health and life insurance benets herself at a mat of$5,750 annually aftertaxes and spend another $5,300 in ights while traveling. Assume her marginal tax rate is 23 cement. (Use Exhibit 12-10.) {Round your Intermediate computations to the nearest whole dollar amount.) a-1. Which compensation package should she choose? IC'F'aokage 1 offers her $137,000 annual salary with no qualied fringe benets. Fackage 2 otters $127,000 annual salary plus health and life lnsuranoe benIl'rls. a-2. How much would she benet in alter-tax dollars by choosing this compensation package instead of the other compensation package? Answer is complete but not entirely correct s 14,0mx b-1. Assume the rst package offers 351521000 salary with no qualied benefits instead of $137,000 salary plus benets. Which compensation package should she choose?l C'Package 1 otters her $152,000 annual salary with no qualied fringI benets. Package 2 offers $127,000 annual salary plus health and life insurance benets. b-Z. How much would she benet in after-tax dollars by choosing this package? Answer is complete but not entirely correct 3 3,275