Hi, I've hit a roadblock on my homework assignment where my outputs are missing contact info or not in the right spot. Can you help me?
(3) Output the linked list using a loop to output contacts one at a time. (2 pts) EX: CONTACT LIST Name: Roxanne Hughes Phone number: 443-555-2864 Name: Juan Alberto Jr. Phone number: 410-555-9385 Name: Rachel Phillips Phone number: 310-555-66104:Compare output ~ 0 /2 Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Roxanne Hughes 443-555-2864 Juan Alberto Jr. Input 410-555-9385 Rachel Phillips 310-555-6610 Person 1: , ~ Person 2: Roxanne Hughes, 443-555-2864 Person 3: Juan Alberto Jr. , 410-555-9385 CONTACT LIST Your output starts Name: Roxanne Hughese Phone number: 443-555-2864- with Name: Juan Alberto Jr. Phone number: 410-555-93854 Name: Rachel Phillipse Phone number: 310-555-6610 Person 1: Roxanne Hughes, 443-555-2864 Expected output Person 2: Juan Alberto Jr. , 410-555-9385 starts with Person 3: Rachel Phillips, 310-555-6610Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Roxanne Hughes 443-555-2864 Juan Alberto Jr. Input 410-555-9385 Rachel Phillips 310-555-6610 Person 1: , Person 2: Roxanne Hughes, 443-555-2864 Person 3: Juan Alberto Jr., 410-555-9385 CONTACT LIST Name: Roxanne Hughes Your output Phone number: 443-555-2864 Name: Juan Alberto Jr. Phone number: 410-555-9385 Name: Rachel Phillips Phone number: 310-555-6610 Person 1: Roxanne Hughes, 443-555-2864 Person 2: Juan Alberto Jr. , 410-555-9385 Person 3: Rachel Phillips, 310-555-6610 CONTACT LIST Name: Roxanne Hughes Phone number: 443-555-2864 Expected output Name: Juan Alberto Jr. Phone number: 410-555-9385 Name: Rachel Phillips Phone number: 310-555-6610TU. 14 LAB: Warm up: Contacts A linked list is built in this lab. Make sure to keep track of the head node. (1) Define the class ContactNode per the following specifications: . Private data members o string contactName o string contactPhoneNumber o ContactNode* nextNodePtr . Constructor with parameters for name followed by phone number (1 pt) Public member functions . GetName() - Accessor (1 pt) . GetPhoneNumber() - Accessor (1 pt) o InsertAfter() (2 pts) . GetNext() - Accessor (1 pt) o PrintContactNode() Ex: If the name is Roxanne Hughes and the phone number is 443-555-2864, PrintContactNode() outputs: Name: Roxanne Hughes Phone number: 443-555-2864 (2) Define main() to read the name and phone number for three contacts and output each contact. Create three ContactNodes and use the nodes to build a linked list. (2 pts) Ex: If the input is: Roxanne Hughes 443-555-2864 Juan Alberto Jr. 410-555-9385 Rachel Phillips 310-555-6610 the output is: Person 1: Roxanne Hughes, 443-555-2864 Person 2: Juan Alberto Jr., 410-555-9385 Person 3: Rachel Phillips, 310-555-6610