Hi there,
I need help with the following questions.
The questions are about math of finance.
You have to use the formulas which is attached
Please show the answer step by step.
Please shew nll Dr :ruur writ. Please include an appropriate timeline with each problem- interest compo und ed quarterly. 1. A $6,000 lean Is amenited with 4 quarterly payments at 10.2% Construct an ame rtlzatien schedule for this loan. til 91:: 2. A. used car Sells fer $5,0 cash or $1 1300 dawn . and $35K! a month for one ear F' . Fl interest rate (ta the nearest em} if the purchaser buys the car an the Instgilme'n; :aTtatEHLMIMI 3. Dn lttlu 15* 2MB .1 Sllr. 15-year home loan was obtained at 1255 eompounded monthly, With the flrst monthly payment due on August 15. 1:115. llnltl a. Flntl the site or the monthlyI payment 1?. h. The loan Is renanced on December 15, 2021 at 5.156 interest eomoou ntled monthly. Caloulate the new Ferment slte R if the term of the loan remains the same. IL A edtolershlp fund ls established by an endowment of $5,130 Invested at 1:196 compounded continuously. Detenhine the site of a 1\"return.r payment that can be made Indeniteltr from the endowment if the rst payment is made 10 veers from now. [I plsl LI "'1'\" 3"\""Phi""""\""'*\"* lit H_{tlttc]-R[i} I+i}1lll-]{I+i} tlunuuntot'ennuitydu 1.2 s-ptlm} Amoumnuit'nplcinlttrest 3.7 sufpthvf Ht}. ]]{l+t)' \"MN\" I mm 1 1.3 Putt Present vnlue ntlilnplc lttlcrell 3.3 '4- {dg'} = R[I______' '- I F]{I + ee m! \"I\": a\" hm annuity 1.4 p: _.5_ 1+\" I-resclltvnlue III timpleintcteet 3.9 i. =-(l+,=Jr )"c-v-w- I Et't'eetive periodic interest rate 1'5 F\" Simllle interest rate Ft 3-1" f E tr" -1 Effective periodic interest one using compound interest 1.6 Pi . + . !1+' \"-1 P]- Tlmc ofn'tplc Interest transaction 4.1 PU\") -R[ I.) ] til-Dill MINI\" immediately utter \"a lie" 1 payment} [l+i}' -l 1.1 3:?{Hi}: Amount using mm\" m 4.1 P{1-I-i)HR-R[ ][l+i} {Loan helmeconc period If rt" fullpann'ncnt] .' 2.2 l:'-"=S[l*l'i}\"E Presem value usingeompuund hterest 2-3 {Hi}, -I=[l +1] -1 Effective interest rate for oompotntd interest 5.] A... 2.31} Presertt value of m H -l 3. 2.311 {1+1}? -1 =[1+[-] --1 Effective periodic interest rate liar eotnpound interest perpetuity m 25f i. S=Pe" Amount at cantlrmus compounding 5.2 A,n 2? Present value of put-.rpeltuit;.l t' :ii. P'=S~e'rl Pram value at continuous compounding iii. a" -I Effective interest rate at continuous comaunding 5.3 A, {def} = x + II}-F +t' -- {1-H " -l _ 3.1 3. =R _ Amount ofnn annuity Present value of: deferred mutt}; 1 I4- 3. 2 AiR[-{iL-] Present velue ofm annuity.r 1 3.3 R: 1 I 5. liltnnuit}.r payment when amount is him {round up} {Ii-i] '1 an '0 .1- . 53' D- 3.4 R[l {II I)!\" ]A. Annuity payment when preeent value is Rom-m [round up) " .. '1'! _ 1- 1+1 \" - 3.5 A. {due]=R[ ( . ) )[Hi] Prescntwlucofamnuityduc our}? 1 1