hi there i need help with this question asap please. also please make sure answers are correct
White Rhino provides daycare for chliden Mondays through Frideys. White Rohino chargen each parent $540 per chld per month (Click the icon to view the monthly variabie per chld and fowed coaks) Read the reaulrements Requirement 1. Calculate the breakeren point: The breakeven poirt at the cumbert revenue and costs per child is Requirement 2. White Rhino's target operating income ia 511,200 per month. Conpute the tumber of childen who must be enroled to achieve the target operating inoome White Phino would need a tapet quantity of children to produce a tarpet operating incme of 511,200 per mionith. Requlrement 3. White Rhine loat is lease and had to move to another bulding. Morthly rent bor the new bulding is $3.000. in add tion, at the wegention of parents. White Rhino plans to take children on field trigs. Morithy coss of the feld trips are $1,800. By how much should Whit Anino ingrease fees per chld lo meet the tarpet operating income of $11,200 per month, assuming the same number of chlidien as in Jequirement 27 Using the number ef chldren from requirement 2 , the tee would need to increase ty pec child bo sili meet the target operating income of 511,200 per month. Data table Monthly foxed costs consist of the following: White Rhino provides daycare for chliden Mondays through Frideys. White Rohino chargen each parent $540 per chld per month (Click the icon to view the monthly variabie per chld and fowed coaks) Read the reaulrements Requirement 1. Calculate the breakeren point: The breakeven poirt at the cumbert revenue and costs per child is Requirement 2. White Rhino's target operating income ia 511,200 per month. Conpute the tumber of childen who must be enroled to achieve the target operating inoome White Phino would need a tapet quantity of children to produce a tarpet operating incme of 511,200 per mionith. Requlrement 3. White Rhine loat is lease and had to move to another bulding. Morthly rent bor the new bulding is $3.000. in add tion, at the wegention of parents. White Rhino plans to take children on field trigs. Morithy coss of the feld trips are $1,800. By how much should Whit Anino ingrease fees per chld lo meet the tarpet operating income of $11,200 per month, assuming the same number of chlidien as in Jequirement 27 Using the number ef chldren from requirement 2 , the tee would need to increase ty pec child bo sili meet the target operating income of 511,200 per month. Data table Monthly foxed costs consist of the following