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Highlight the answer 1. REIT distribute at least of its distributable income as dividend. a. 80% b. 90% c. 50% 2. To be deducted from

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1. REIT distribute at least of its distributable income as dividend.

a. 80%

b. 90%

c. 50%

2. To be deducted from the loan proceeds of pag-ibig loan

a. 4,000.00

b. 3,000.00

c. 2,000.00

3. What is the interest rate if the pag-ibig loan amount is over P2M-P3.0M ?

a. 11.5%

b. 12%

c. 10%

4. We mean the ultimate economic effect of a tax on the real incomes of producers and consumers by

a. Incidence

b. Choice

c. Random

5. Percentage change in quantity demanded greater than percentage change in price.

a. Inelastic demand

b. Elastic demand

c. Unit elastic demand

6. In REIT, A fine of not less than P200,000 nor more than P5,000,000.00 or imprisonment of not less than 6 years and 1 day nor more than 21 years referred as

a. Penalty

b. Penal Provision

c. Imprisonment

7. What is the maximum loan term

a. 20 years

b. 30 years

c. 50 years

8. The shares of stock of the REIT must be registered with the Commission and listed in accordance with the rules of the Exchange.

a. Nationality Requirement

b. Investment in the REIT

b. Registration and Listing

9. Government credit agencies that provide loans directly for farmers and home mortgagors.

a. Government-sponsored enterprises

b. Finance companies

c. Securities firm

10. The change in revenue that is generated by an additional unit of sales .

a. Marginal revenue

b. Total revenue

c. Average revenue

11. If demand rises ,the demand curve shifts to the .

a. Center

b. Left

c. Right

12. The movement of prices will tend to go up because of the higher demand.

a. Public Market

b. Sellers market

c. Buyers Market

13. Real estate Economics tries to describe, explain, and predict patterns of

a. prices, supply, and demand

b. prices, income , and demand

c. prices, consumer, and demand

14. Basically a result of the interplay of supply and demand of a certain product, such as real

estate housing.

a. Price

b. Area

c. Construction

15. A key determinant of demand

a. Average Income

b. Special Influences

c. Size of the market

16. Important kinds of market structures are .

a. Monopolistic competition and perfect competiton

b. Monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic and perfect competition .

c. oligopoly, monopolistic and perfect competition

17. Take deposits and make loans; they are what most people think of as bank.

a. Pensions Funds

b. Insurance Company

c. Depository Institutions

18. Income payment to a REIT shall be subject to a lower creditable withholding tax of 1%.

a. Creditable Withholding Tax

b. Income Taxation of REIT

c. Transfer of Real Property

19. Failure to pay 3 consecutive monthly amortizations and/or membership contributions.

a. Default

b. Redemption

c. Inflation

20. Must have at least 2 years repayment history with current bank/institution

a. Insurance

b. Capitalization

c. Refinancing

21. Refinancing must have how many years for repayment history with current bank/institution

a. at least half year

b. at least 2 years

c. at least 4 years

22. The percentage change in quantity supplied divided by the percentage change in price .

a. Price elasticity of supply

b. Price elasticity

c. Price elasticity of demand

23. A tax is shifted forward to consumers if the demand is inelastic relative to supply

a. The statement is correct

b. The statement is not true

c. Statement A & B is correct

24. Refers to the flow of wages ^interest payments dividends ,and other things of value accruing during a period of time .

a. Status

b. Salary

c. Income

25. Another element which affects the movement of real estate

a. statement b and c

b. the availability financing, both for the production side or the developers

c. the demand side which is the buying market

26. Involves generally the acquisition of property through loan financing sources

a. Real estate economics

b. Real Estate Service Practice

c. Real Estate Financing

27. Refer to funds of the REIT that can be placed in investment vehicles other than income generating real estate

a. Investment fund

b. Investible Funds

c. Investors fund

28. Means a corporation that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, is controlled by, or is under the common control of another corporation, which thereby becomes its parent corporation.

a. Affiliate

b. Subsidiary

c. intermediary

29. A very important formula for the computation involving real estate financing is:

MONTHLY AMORTIZATION [ M A ] = Principal to be financed x Amortization Factor

a. False

b. True

c. Both A and B

30. Refinancing must have at least 2 years repayment history with current bank/institution

a. True

b. False ,at least 3 yrs

c. False , at least 4 yrs

31. When demand is price inelastic ,a price decrease and makes the total revenue

a. Reduces

b. Unchanged

c. Increases

32. The practice of charging different prices for the same service to different customers

a. Price Discrimination

b. Price

c. Price Elasticity

33. In pag-ibig, the six months interim insurance and 2k processing fee is referred to as .

a. Deductions on final loan releases

b. Deductions on the first loan release

c. Deductions on prospective loan releases

34. A financial institution that include brokers, investment banks, under writers and mutual fund companies.

a. Pension funds

b. Securities firms

c. Saving banks

35. Issue stocks and bonds to the corporate customers, trade them, and advise costumers.

a. Mutual fund companies

b. Real estate

c. Brokers and investment banks

36. The structure of the financial industry that includes insurance companies, securities firms, and mutual fund companies and pension funds.

a. Financial Institutions

b. Depository Institutions

c. Nondepository institutions

37. Which of the statement is not correct

a. Not all securities firms are very much in the business of producing information

b. Finance companies are in the lending business.

c. Brokers also provide loans to the customers

38. If supply falls ,the supply curve shifts to the left, and .

a. Price falls and quantity goes down

b. Price rises and quantity goes down

c. Price rises and quantity goes down

39. The price at which quantity demanded equals quantity supplied.

a. Demand Curve

b. Market equilibrium

c. Shifts in Supply

40. The application of economic techniques to real estate markets.

a. Real estate economics

b. Real Estate Financing

c. Real Estate Service Practice

41. Simply means the effect of one aspect of the economy with the other economic activities.

a. Multiplier effect of Real estate

b. Binding effect

c. Repulsion effect

42. The pag-ibig maximum loan amount.

a. P3 Million

b. PI Million

c. P6 Million

43. Pagibig Principal borrower's age shall not exceed .

a. 70 years old at date of loan maturity

b. 48 years old at date of loan maturity

c. 55 years old at date of loan maturity

44. Whether or not the country provides equal health care for all its residents ,health care must

be rationed because .

a. Supply is available

b. Supply is limited

c. Public goods is needed

45. Takes large individual risks and spreads them so broadly that they become acceptable to a large number of individuals

a. Banks

b. Loans

c. Insurance

46. In refinancing latest one year amortization must reflect default is true

a. Yes

b. No ,must not reflect default

c. A & B is correct

47. Number of contribution inorder that a borrower elible for pag-ibig loan.

a. 24

b. 12

c. 48

48. Not more than years old at the date of loan application and must be insurable;

provided further, that he is not more than seventy (70) years old at loan maturity.

a. 65

b. 70

c. 75

49. Refers to a professional administrator of real properties who is engaged by the REIT to provide property management services and lease management services.

a. Property owner

b. Property Manager

c. Property administrator

50. Refinancing loan 5% of the loan amount retained to ensure cancellation of mortgage/s

prior to PAG-IBIG Fund is referred to

a. Investment

b. Real Interest Rate

c. Retail Accounts

51. Which of the statement is not true

a. Borrower will start the 3 construction if the total cost is lower than the approval loan

b. Borrower will start the 3 construction if the total cost is higher than the approval loan

c. Borrower to request inspection prior to every release of loan proceeds

52. It is said that for every PI million invested in housing it is translated to P16.6 million of economic housing activity in the country

a. True

b. Maybe

c. False

53. Pag-ibig loan charges and deductions processing fee.

a. P2,000.00

b. P3,000.00

c. P4,000.00

54. Based on the Pag-ibig membership Contribution if the loan entitlement over PI.7 M to 1.8 M ,what will be the monthly contribution ?

a. 700

b. 950

c. 850

55. Retail and Developer Accounts with Transferred Titles Under Borrower's Name (REM Accounts) referred as

a. Effects of loan

b. Effects of sales

c. Effects of default

56. To be paid upon filing of pag-ibig Housing Loan Application, non-refundable

a. 1,000.00

b. 10,000.00

c. 2,000.00

57. Is the largest insurance program

a. Health care

b. Social

c. Educational

58. A REIT that owns land located in the Philippines must comply with the foreign ownership limitations imposed under the Philippine law.

a. Registration and Listing

b. Nationality Requirement

c. Investment in the REIT

59. A REIT must have a minimum paid-up capital of P300,000,000.00.

a. Finance

b. Profit

c. Capitalization

60. Thp spirit of unity, harmony, ramaradarip, rooppration and profpssional rplationship among

the practitioners is essential, and shall be promoted under .

a. The principle of solidarity

b. Standards of the practice

c. Government authorities

61. Net revenues, or the difference between total sales and total costs.

a. Profits

b. Price

c. Demand

62. In the case where there are more buyers than sellers, then it is considered a seller's market as

there are fewer real properties available vis-a-vis a highe' demand for it. In this case,

a. the movement of supply will tend to go up because of the higher demand

b. the movement of prices will tend to go down because of the higher demand.

c. the movement of prices will tend to go up because or' the higher demand

63. The price of real estate has a tendency to go down in view of the excess in supply vs. the

actual demand of the market, is normally referred to as

a. Wet Market

b. Suppliers Market

c. Buyers Market

64. Penalty of the amount due for everyday of delay of pag-ibig loan.

a. 1/20 of 2%

b. 1/20 of 1%

c. 1/20 of 5%

65. The primary asset of modern commercial banks, accounting for nearly two thirds of assets.

a. Securities

b. Loans

c. Funds

66. Which statement is true

a. Maximum of three qualified pag ibig members may be tacked into a single loan

b. Maximum of two qualified pag ibig members may be tacked into a single loan

c. Maximum of five qualified pag ibig members may be tacked into a single loan

67. Loans over P400 to P3M maybe subject to repricing

a. Every 3 years but not to exceed 2% from the original rate

b. Every 2 years but not to exceed 2% from the original rate

c. Every 4 years but not to exceed 2% from the original rate

68. To be deducted from the loan proceeds

a. One year prepayment insurances

b. Interim Mortgage Redemption Insurance

c. Retail Accounts

69. Is a stock corporation established in accordance with the Corporation Code of the Philippines and the rules and regulations promulgated by the Commission principally for the purpose of owning income-generating real estate assets.

a. Nationality Requirement

b. Investment in the REIT

c. Real Estate Investment Trust

70. Properties with "Rights" instead of "Title" as proof of ownership.

a. NOT ALLOWED for Pag-IBIG Housing Loan

b. Maybe ALLOWED for Pag-IBIG Housing Loan

c. ALLOWED for Pag-IBIG Housing Loan

71. Real Estate Investment Trust Act of 2009 (R.A. no. 9856)

a. An act providing the legal framework for real estate investment trust and for other purposes

b. An act Providing areas and facilities

c. An act for maintenance and insurance policies,including power to enforce the provision of declarations of restrictions

72. Use as an instrument to help finance and develop infrastructure projects

a. Capital Market

b. Economic Market

c. Community

73. Pag-ibig monthly repayment shall not exceed of the borrowers gross

monthly income for loans not exceeding PI,250,000.

a. 25%

b. 30%

c. 35%

74. Minimum total stock public ownership of shareholders in REIT

a. 50,000 shares

b. 1,000 shares

c. 5,000 shares

75. If a corporation builds a factory, it will employ construction workers and their suppliers as

well as those who work in the factory. The statement best explains .

a. an effect in Society

b. an effect in Economics

c. an effect in Macroeconomics

76. Refers to the total quantity of goods and services that the nations businesses willingly produce and sell in the given period.

a. Investment

b. Consumption

c. Aggregate Supply

77. Which occurs because a good becomes relatively more expensive when its price rises?

a. Substitution effect

b. Market demand

c. Income effect

78. The earnings in the market economy are distributed to the owners of the economy7s factors of production in the form of:

a. Wages ,profit, rent, and interest

b. National income corporate profits and rental income

c. National income salaries and labor income

79. Is by definition equal to price times quantity (PxQ)

a. Total Sales

b. Total Revenue

c. Total Income

80. Provides and sets of a domino effect on other economic activities which can be referred to the "multiplier effect of real estate".

a. The housing or real estate sector

b. Real Estate Finance

c. Real Estate Economics

81. Which of the following does not describe the loans purpose

a. Analyzes financial and economic conditions ,both domestic and international

b. Refinancing of an existing mortgage, specifically a lot loan, with house construction

c. Purchase of a residential house and lot, townhouse or condominium unit

82. Which of the following statement is not true about policy declaration

a. Democratize wealth by broadening the participation of Filipinos in the ownership of real estate in the Philippines

b. Promote the development of the capital market;

c. Use the capital market as an instrument to help finance only

83. Basic borrower eligibility requirements

a. Not more than 65 years old upon filing, not more than 80 years old upon loan maturity

b. Not more than 65 years old upon filing, not more than 70 years old upon loan maturity

c. more than 65 years old upon filing, not more than 70 years old upon loan maturity

84. Shifts in the supply and demand curves change the .

a. Equilibrium price and quantity

b. Equilibrium price and demand

c. Equilibrium price and supply

85. An increased in supply,which shifts the supply curve to the right ,will

a. Decrease price and increase quantity demanded

b. Increase price and increase quantity demanded

c. Decrease price and decrease quantity demand

86. Quantity supplied generally responds positively to price ,so the supply curve is .

a. Downward-sloping

b. Upward-sloping

c. No slope

87. Listed are the different depository institutions except

a. Saving banks

b. Commercial banks

c. Insurance companies

88. Real estate financing involves generally the acquisition of property through loan financing sources, which may be sourced from the following,except

a. Bank Financing and lending companies

b. Pilfering from Relatives/Friends

c. Assumption of Loan/Mortgages and Government Financing

89. Deductions on the first loan release:

a. 6 months interim insurance and 2k processing fee

b. 2 months interim insurance and 2k processing fee

c. 3 months interim insurance and 2k processing fee

90. The 1st release of loan is based on lot value or 40% of the approved loan whichever is lower

a. Incorrect

b. Correct

c. Statement a and B

91. When the price of a commodity is raised, buyers tend to buy less of commodity.

a. Law of Supply

b. Law of Demand

c. Law of downward -sloping demand

92. When there are changes in factors other than a good's own price which affect the quantity

purchased, we call these changes .

a. Shifts in Supply

b. Shifts in Demand

c. Shifts in Income

93. Interim interest and advance one year insurances.

a. Deductions on final loan releases

b. Deductions on first loan releases

c. Deductions on second loan releases

94. NOT ALLOWED for Pag-IBIG Housing Loan

a. Less than 28 sqm. Lot area

b. Less than 30 sqm. Lot area

c. Less than 50 sqm. Lot area

95. Married individuals not legally separated and cannot secure marital consent or Special Power of Attorney (SPA) from spouse is allowed for Pag ibig housing.

a. No

b. Yes

c. Maybe

96. Revenues will increase when price

a. Decreases

b. Increases

c. Unchanged

97. The pag-big ratio of the loan amount to the appraisal value of the collateral up to 1,250,000.00

a. 80%

b. 90%

c. 50%

98. REIT act of 2009

a. RA 9856

b. RA 9756

c. RA 9586

99. The loan amount retained to ensure cancellation of mortgage/s prior to PAG-IBIG Fund.

a. 3%

b. 2%

c. 5%

100. Income payment to a REIT shall be subject to a lower creditable withholding tax of

a. 1%

b. 0.5%

c. 25%

101. Loan charges and deduction Processing Fee of pag-ibig

a. P3,000.00

b. PI,000.00

c. P2,000.00

102. To carry out the purposes of this Act the Commission shall retain and use 50% of all fees paid to it, relative to the establishment of REITs and the registration of their securities to annual budget.

a. Use of Registration Fees

b. Registration

c. Transfer of Real Property

103. Loan purpose is Refinancing of an existing mortgage with home improvement

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

104. For something to have value, it must first have .

a. Scarce

b. Utility

c. Demand

105. Even if a thing has utility, it will not have value if it is overabundant.

a. Market

b. Demand

c. Scarcity

106. Based on Pag-IBIG Membership Contribution if you have loan entitlement up to 500,000 ,how much is the Monthly Contribution?

a. 200

b. 350

c. 250

107. The sale or transfer of real property to REITs, which includes the sale or transfer of any and all security interest thereto, shall be subject to 50% of the applicable DST.

a. True

b. False

c. None of the above

108. The largest source of wages,rents and interest payment at every level form

a. International income

b. Bank

c. Government

109. It tries to describe, explain, and predict patterns of prices, demand and supply

a. Real Estate economics

b. Real Estate Market Economy

c. Real Estate

110. The equilibrium price is also called .

a. Market -clearing price

b. Equilibrium cost

c. Increased supply

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