Homework 1-Robot in Maze Upload your java file to Canvas, and be prepared to run your code for the TA in class on the due date. Create a robot that moves through your maze. The robot makes random moves up, down, left, and right. It can only see locations that are directly adjacent to its current location. After each move, display the robot in the maze, the number of moves so far, and pause for a moment. Here is an example display. X represents the robot: Move number 138 Begin this homework with your code for the Display Maze lab-Add an array robotPositionl of two integers to store the current row and column of the robo Add a method to determine the new robot position after each random move public static void randomMovel Values maze[JI, int robotPositionI) Use this code to pause the program 1000 milliseconds between each robot move: try ( Thread.sleep(1000); J catch (InterruptedException e) To clear the screen prior to displaying the maze, print 50 blank lines. OPTIONAL (1 bonus point) Make your robot 'smarter, so that it escapes the maze faster. For example, you can give your robot a memory. Ask the user to select 'dumb or 'smart robot before each run. Homework 1-Robot in Maze Upload your java file to Canvas, and be prepared to run your code for the TA in class on the due date. Create a robot that moves through your maze. The robot makes random moves up, down, left, and right. It can only see locations that are directly adjacent to its current location. After each move, display the robot in the maze, the number of moves so far, and pause for a moment. Here is an example display. X represents the robot: Move number 138 Begin this homework with your code for the Display Maze lab-Add an array robotPositionl of two integers to store the current row and column of the robo Add a method to determine the new robot position after each random move public static void randomMovel Values maze[JI, int robotPositionI) Use this code to pause the program 1000 milliseconds between each robot move: try ( Thread.sleep(1000); J catch (InterruptedException e) To clear the screen prior to displaying the maze, print 50 blank lines. OPTIONAL (1 bonus point) Make your robot 'smarter, so that it escapes the maze faster. For example, you can give your robot a memory. Ask the user to select 'dumb or 'smart robot before each run