how create php for it
to insert in table
9.710 La le Password must be o characters Tong and must include atteast I number 10-9 User Login - login.php This page will hold a login form containing a username (the user's email) and a password field. Both 'customer' and 'admin' users can login through this login form. Remember, when checking if a user's password is valid you will have to encrypt it before you can check if the password is correct. This encryption is the same process found in register.php. A postback must be used to login the user. If all credentials are valid, a user session is created and then the user is redirected to the home page (index.php). If the credential are invalid, the user is presented with an error informing them the username and password entered is incorrect. Remember to store the admin field in your session, as this will be used throughout the site and in the navigation bar to determine if an 'admin is shown the Flights link (flights.php). Logoff - logoff.php This page is not a presentation page. When a user navigates to this page their user session is destroyed. Once destroyed, the user is then redirected to the home page (index.php) Flights - flights.php 1 Warning: Be aware of what pages require the user to be logged in. This page is only for those users who have admin status. All other users are to be redirected to login.php Type here to search 9.710 La le Password must be o characters Tong and must include atteast I number 10-9 User Login - login.php This page will hold a login form containing a username (the user's email) and a password field. Both 'customer' and 'admin' users can login through this login form. Remember, when checking if a user's password is valid you will have to encrypt it before you can check if the password is correct. This encryption is the same process found in register.php. A postback must be used to login the user. If all credentials are valid, a user session is created and then the user is redirected to the home page (index.php). If the credential are invalid, the user is presented with an error informing them the username and password entered is incorrect. Remember to store the admin field in your session, as this will be used throughout the site and in the navigation bar to determine if an 'admin is shown the Flights link (flights.php). Logoff - logoff.php This page is not a presentation page. When a user navigates to this page their user session is destroyed. Once destroyed, the user is then redirected to the home page (index.php) Flights - flights.php 1 Warning: Be aware of what pages require the user to be logged in. This page is only for those users who have admin status. All other users are to be redirected to login.php Type here to search