How do i work out the 'credit sales revenue' and 'credit purchases' with this information?
NOTE SM $M Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 4.5 909.4 948.1 Trade and other receivables 3.1 744.7 763.9 Inventories 4,080.4 4,558.5 Other financial assets 3.2 16.1 56.0 5,750.6 6,326.5 Assets held for sale 5.2 1,243.6 1,100.5 Total current assets 6,994.2 7,427.0 Non-current assets Trade and other receivables 3.1 72.1 85.9 Other financial assets 3.2 506.9 638.2 Property, plant and equipment 3.3 8,437.5 8,262.8 Intangible assets 3.4 6,532.8 6,590.6 Deferred tax assets 3.6.3 372.3 497.7 Total non-current assets 15,921.6 16,075.2 Total assets 22,915.8 23,502.2 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 3.7 6,684.7 6,266.1 Borrowings 46 253.5 4907 Current tax payable 80.9 39.5 Other financial liabilities 3.8 313.8 120.3 Provisions 3.9 1,470.6 1,873.5 8,803.5 8,790.1 Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale 5.2 20.7 202.6 Total current liabilities 8,824.2 8,992.7 Non-current liabilities Borrowings 4.6 2,777.0 3,870.9 Other financial liabilities 3.8 115.7 179.8 Provisions 3.9 1,010.9 1,382.4 Other non-current liabilities 3.10 311.9 294.5 Total non-current liabilities 4,215.5 5,727.6 Total liabilities 13,039.7 14,720.3 Net assets 9,876.1 8,781.9 Equity Contributed equity 4.3 5,615.0 5,252.2 Reserves 4.4 113.8 93.9 Retained earnings 3,797.2 3,124.5 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent entity 9,526.0 8,470.6 Non-controlling interests 350.1 311.3 Total equity 9,876.1 8,781.92017 2016 NOTE SM SM Continuing Operations Revenue from the sale of goods and services 55,475.0 53,473.9 Other operating revenue 193.6 189.8 Total operating revenue 55,668.6 53,663.7 Cost of sales (39,739.7) (38,538.6) Gross profit 15,928.9 15,125.1 Other revenue 244.2 275.5 Branch expenses (10,671.4) (10,683.9) Administration expenses (3,175.7) (3,221.8) Earnings before interest and tax 2,326.0 1,494.9 Financing costs 2.2 (193.6) (245.6) Profit before income tax 2,132.4 1,249.3 Income tax expense 3.6 (650.4) (486.4) Profit for the period from continuing operations 1,482.0 762.9 Discontinued Operations Profit/(Loss) from discontinued operations, after tax 5.1 111.4 (3,110.8) Profit/(Loss) for the period 1,593.4 (2,347.9) Profit/(Loss) attributable to: Equity holders of the parent entity 1,533.5 (1,234.8) Non-controlling interests 59.9 (1,113.1) 1,593.4 (2,347.9) Profit/(Loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent entity relates to: Profit from continuing operations 1,422.1 726.3 Profit/(Loss) from discontinued operations 111.4 (1,961.1) 1,533.5 (1,234.8) CENTS CENTS Earnings Per Share (EPS) attributable to equity holders of the parent entity Basic EPS 4.1 119.4 (97.7) Diluted EPS 4.1 119.1 (97.7) EPS attributable to equity holders of the parent entity from continuing operations Basic EPS 4.1 110.8 57.5 Diluted EPS 4.1 110.5 57.5