how do use analysis of variance (ANOVA) and theF-test to determine if there were overall differences in means? How do I tell the differences to determine if the mean of the specific group identified differs from that of the others? Besides comparing all possible pairs of means?
attend = 1
bring = 2
tour = 3
visit = 4
ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. p_ink Between Groups 514.085 3 171.362 1.382 .253 Within Groups 12025.756 97 123.977 Total 12539.842 100 Itp_cpi Between Groups 5702.667 3 1900.889 4.745 004 Within Groups 38855.967 97 400.577 Total 44558.634 100Descriptives 95% Confidence Interval for Std. Mean N Mean Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum p_ink 1.00 32 70.53 11.402 2.016 66.42 74.64 45 94 2.00 20 74.00 10.198 2.280 69.23 78.77 41 94 3.00 30 74.23 11.383 2.078 69.98 78.48 51 100 4.00 19 68.63 11.211 2.572 63.23 74.04 49 87 Total 101 71.96 11.198 1.114 69.75 74.17 41 100 Itp_cpi 1.00 32 234.84 21.356 3.775 227.14 242.54 187 282 2.00 20 234.75 18.261 4.083 226.20 243.30 195 262 3.00 30 228.77 18.827 3.437 221.74 235.80 187 274 4.00 19 214.58 21.217 4.867 204.35 224.81 173 243 Total 101 229.21 21.109 2.100 225.04 233.38 173 282Tests of Homogeneity of Variances Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig p_ink Based on Mean .377 3 97 .770 Based on Median .292 3 97 .831 Based on Median and .292 3 96.439 .831 with adjusted df Based on trimmed .416 W 97 .742 mean Itp_cpi Based on Mean .320 3 97 .811 Based on Median . 168 3 97 .918 Based on Median and .168 3 92.462 .918 with adjusted df Based on trimmed .280 3 97 .839 meanMultiple Comparisons Scheffe Mean Difference (1- 95% Confidence Interval Dependent Variable (1) newfield () newfield J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound p_ink 1.00 2.00 -3.469 3.174 755 -12.50 5.56 3.00 -3.702 2.830 636 -11.75 4.35 4.00 1.900 3.225 951 -7.28 11.07 2.00 1.00 3.469 3.174 755 -5.56 12.50 3.00 -.233 3.214 1.000 -9.38 8.91 4.00 5.368 3.567 .522 -4.78 15.52 3.00 1.00 3.702 2.830 636 -4.35 11.75 2.00 .233 3.214 1.000 -8.91 9.38 4.00 5.602 3.265 405 -3.69 14.89 4.00 1.00 -1.900 3.225 951 -11.07 7.28 2.00 -5.368 3.567 .522 -15.52 4.78 3.00 -5.602 3.265 .405 -14.89 3.69 Itp_cpi 1.00 2.00 094 5.705 1.000 -16.14 16.33 3.00 6.077 5.086 .700 -8.39 20.55 4.00 20.265 5.797 009 3.77 36.76 2.00 1.00 -.094 5.705 1.000 -16.33 16.14 3.00 5.983 5.778 .784 -10.46 22.42 4.00 20.171 6.412 024 1.93 38.41 3.00 1.00 -6.077 5.086 .700 -20.55 8.39 2.00 -5.983 5.778 .784 -22.42 10.46 4.00 14.188 5.868 127 -2.51 30.88 4.00 1.00 -20.265 5.797 .009 -36.76 -3.77 2.00 -20.171" 6.412 .024 -38.41 -1.93 3.00 -14.188 5.868 127 -30.88 2.51