How do you access the letter e in the string s - "the"? s"e"] s13] s12] sle] Question 2 (1 point What would the following Python program output? items = "the.quickfox".split(") for s in items: print(s) Output each character in the string, excluding the commas, with one character per line Output the, on the first line, quick, on the second line, and fox, on the third line. Output the on the first line, quick on the second line, and fox on the third line. Output the quick fox on one line What is printed by the following Python fragment? s "John Doe" print (s (2]) Doe John Question 4 (1 point) If you are going to use the accumulator pattern and append items to a list, what should you initialize the list to? ["accumulate"] Which of the following would remove the first character and last character from the string s and return the string between the first and last characters? s12:0] s12:-2] Question 6 (1 point) What is the result of the Python expression "3"+ "4" 7" "34" Question 7 (1 point) Which of the following is not a file reading method in Python? read readlines readall readline Question 8 (1 point What does the following Python expression output? print("{}-t52ty.format("". 3.14159)) pi 3.1415 pi-3.14159 0-:5.2f pi- 3.14 Question 9 (1 point) What does the Python expression 3 "A" evaluate to? It produces an error. 3A "3A3A3A" Question 10 (1 point) What would the following Python program output? for s in "the quick fox": print(s) Output each of the characters (including the spaces) in the string with one character per line Output each of the characters (excluding the spaces) in the string with one character per line. Output the on the first line, quick on the second line, and fox on the third line Output the quick fox on one line