How do you find the Basic earnings per common share? Also what's 2020 Year-ebd Closing Market Price of 1 Common Share?
Lowes Fiscal 2020 Equity Investor Indicators Use the information in Lowe's Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Bouty to calculate Lowe's Dividend Payout Use the information at the bottom of Lowe's Commodited Statements of Earrings and Lowe's Year-End Closing Market Price of 1 Common Share to calculate Lowe's Price Earnings Ratio Use the information in Lowe's Consolidated Statements of Shareholders Equity and love's Your-End Closing Market Price of 1 Common Share to calculo Lowe's Dividend Yield Enter the financial statement dollar amounts just as they are shown on the frontements Round the percentos to 2 decimal places Round the decimal results to 2 decimal places. OK 2020 2019 Dividend Payout % Total Dividend Bu $1,724 29562 38.61 Net Earnings 55,835 Sex 1 E Year-End Closing Market Price of 1 Common Share The Year-End Closing Market Price of 1 share of Lowe's Common Stock is not even in Lowe's annual report. The Year-End Closing Market Price is used in the two calculations below. The last day in Lowe's 2020 fiscal year was Friday, Jan 23, 2021. Lowe's common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). On the NYSE Lowe's year and closing market price on Friday, Jan 29 2021 was 166.85 Enter that price in the box below 2000 Year-End Cloning Market Price of 1 Common Share 2020 2019 (PER) Price Earnings Ratio Market Price Share Basilic earrings per common share $166.85 21.17 Didend Yield Cashdvideos por share 5230 138 Market Price Share S1665 Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Earnings (In millions, except per share and percentage data) Fiscal Years Ended January 29, 2021 January 31, 2020 February 1, 2019 Amount % Sales Amount % Sales Amount % Sales 5 89,597 100,00 % S 72,148 100,00 % 5 71,309 100,00 % 60,025 66.99 49,205 68.20 48,401 67.88 29,572 33.01 22,943 31.80 22,908 32.12 20.65 Current Earnings Net sales Cost of sales Gross margin Expenses: Selling, general and administrative Depreciation and amortization Operating income Interest - net Loss on extinguishment of debt Pre-tax earnings Income tax provision Net earnings 18.526 1,399 9,647 848 1,060 7,739 15,367 1.262 6.314 691 21.30 1.75 8.75 0.96 17,413 1,477 4,018 624 24.41 2.07 5.64 0.88 1.36 10.77 0.95 1.18 8.64 2.13 651 % S 1904 5.623 1 342 4,281 7.79 1.86 5.93% 5 3,394 1,080 2,314 4.76 152 3.24% S 5,835 Basic earnings per common share Diluted earnings per common share S $ 5 7.77 7.75 $ 5 5.49 5.49 2.84 2.84 s Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (In millions, except percentage data) Fiscal Year Ended January 29, 2021 January 31, 2020 February 1, 2019 Amount % Sales Amount % Sales Amount % Sales Net earnings 5 5.835 6.51 %5 5.93 % 5 2314 3.24% Foreign currency translation adjustments - set of a 78 0.09 94 0.13 (221) (0.30) Cash flow hedges niet of tax (79) (0.09) (22) (0.03) (1) Other 1 1 2 Other comprehensive Income (loss) 73 0.10 (220) (0.30) Comprehensive income S 5.835 6.51 95 4,354 6,03 %5 2,094 2.94% See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity (In millions, except per share data) Accumulated Common Stock Capital in Other Total Excess Retained Comprehensive Shareholders' Shares Amount of Par Value Earnings Income (Loss) Equity Balance February 2, 2018 830 415 5 22S 5,425$ 11 $ 5.873 Cumulative effect of accounting change 33 33 Net earnings 2,314 2,314 Other comprehensive loss (220) (220) Cash dividends declared, $1.85 per share (1,500) (1,500) Share-based payment expense 74 74 Repurchases of common stock (32) (16) (209) (2,820) (3.045) Issuance of common stock under share based payment plans 113 115 Balance February 1, 2019 801 S 4015 S 3,4525 (209) 3,644 Cumulative effect of accounting change (263) (263) Net carning: 4,281 4,281 Other comprehensive income 73 73 Cash dividends declared, $2.13 per share (1,653) Share-based payment expense (1,653) 98 98 Repurchases of common stock (41) (21) (214) (4,090) Issuance of common stock under share (4,325) based payment plans 1 116 117 Balance January 31, 2020 7635 3815 s 1,727 'S (136) $ Netcative 1.972 5,835 Cash dividends declared, 52.30 per share 5,835 (1,724) Share-based payment expense (1.724) 155 155 Repurchases of common stock (34) (16) (214) (4.721) Issuance of common stock under share (4.951) based payment plans 2 149 Balance January 29, 2021 150 7315 3665 90 $ 1,117 (136) S See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements, 1,437 IIIIIIIIIIIII III 1 Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity (In millions, except per share data) Accumulated Common Stock Capital in Other Total Excess Retained Comprehensive Shareholders Shares Amount of Par Value Earnings Income Loss) Equity Balance February 2, 2018 830 4155 225 5,4255 11 5.873 Cumulative effect of accounting change 33 33 Net eamings 2,314 2314 Other comprehensive loss (220) (220) Cash dividends declared, S1.85 per share (1.500) (1,500) Share-based payment expense 74 74 Repurchases of common stock (32) (16) (209) (2,820) (3.045) Issuance of common stock under share based payment plans 3 2 113 115 Balance February 1, 2019 8015 401 S - S 3,4525 (209) S 3.644 Cumulative effect of accounting change (263) (263) Net earnings 4.281 4,281 Other comprehensive income 73 73 Cash dividends declared, $2.13 per share (1.653) (1.653) Share-based payment expense 98 98 Repurchases of common stock (41) (21) (214) (4,090) (4,325) Issuance of common stock under share based payment plans 3 1 116 117 Balance January 31, 2020 7635 3815 - S 1,727's (136) 1,972 Net earning 5.833 Cash dividends declared, 5230 per share 5.835 (1.724) Share-based payment expense (1.724) 155 155 Repurchases of common stock (34) (16) (214) (4.721) Issuance of common stock under shure- (4,951) based payment plans 2 1 149 Balance January 29, 2021 150 7315 3665 90 5 1.1175 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements, (136) 5 1.437 !!!!! ELLIE Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (In millions Fiscal Year Ended January 29, January 31, February 1, 2021 2020 2019 S 5,8355 4,281 S 2,314 1,594 1,607 479 1,410 468 172 117 (151) (108) 139 630 952 1,060 155 98 74 (2.967) 326 3.211 512 813 11,049 (600) (364) (637) (15) (639) 4.296 (1.289) (ton) 1,720 27 414 6,193 Cash flows from operating activities Net camings Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization Noncash lease expense Deferred income taxes Loss on property and other assets-net Impairment of goodwill Loss on extinguishment of debt Share-based payment expertise Changes in operating assets and liabilities Merchandise inventory - net Other operating assets Accounts payable Deferred revenue Other operating liabilities Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of investments Proceeds from sale/maturity of investments Capital expenditures Proceeds from sale of property and other long-term asset Othernet Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities: Net change in commercial paper Net proceeds from ince of debt Repayment of debt Proceeds from issuance of common stock under share-based payment plane Cluh dividend payments Repurchases of common stock Other - Det Net cash used in financing activities Effect of exchange rate changes on cash Net increase (decrease in cash and cash equivalents, including cash classified within current assets held for sale Less: Net decrease increase) in cash classified within current assets held for sale Net increase/docrease) in cuth and cash equivalent Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of your Cash and cash equivalents, end of year See accompanying to consolidated financial statement 2,094) 2,926 (1.791) 90 (25) (1.890 (743) 695 (1,484) 163 (1,375) 12193 (1,174) 76 (2) (1.050) (1,369) (415) 220 3,973 (1,113 118 (941) 7.929 (5,618) 152 (1,704) (4,971) (38 (5.191) 10 (1.618) (4,313) ( 2,735) (326) 114 (1.455) (3,037 (5) (5,124 (12) 1 3,974 3,974 716 4,6905 193 12 205 511 7165 125 (54) 67 58% 511 5 Lowes Fiscal 2020 Equity Investor Indicators Use the information in Lowe's Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Bouty to calculate Lowe's Dividend Payout Use the information at the bottom of Lowe's Commodited Statements of Earrings and Lowe's Year-End Closing Market Price of 1 Common Share to calculate Lowe's Price Earnings Ratio Use the information in Lowe's Consolidated Statements of Shareholders Equity and love's Your-End Closing Market Price of 1 Common Share to calculo Lowe's Dividend Yield Enter the financial statement dollar amounts just as they are shown on the frontements Round the percentos to 2 decimal places Round the decimal results to 2 decimal places. OK 2020 2019 Dividend Payout % Total Dividend Bu $1,724 29562 38.61 Net Earnings 55,835 Sex 1 E Year-End Closing Market Price of 1 Common Share The Year-End Closing Market Price of 1 share of Lowe's Common Stock is not even in Lowe's annual report. The Year-End Closing Market Price is used in the two calculations below. The last day in Lowe's 2020 fiscal year was Friday, Jan 23, 2021. Lowe's common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). On the NYSE Lowe's year and closing market price on Friday, Jan 29 2021 was 166.85 Enter that price in the box below 2000 Year-End Cloning Market Price of 1 Common Share 2020 2019 (PER) Price Earnings Ratio Market Price Share Basilic earrings per common share $166.85 21.17 Didend Yield Cashdvideos por share 5230 138 Market Price Share S1665 Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Earnings (In millions, except per share and percentage data) Fiscal Years Ended January 29, 2021 January 31, 2020 February 1, 2019 Amount % Sales Amount % Sales Amount % Sales 5 89,597 100,00 % S 72,148 100,00 % 5 71,309 100,00 % 60,025 66.99 49,205 68.20 48,401 67.88 29,572 33.01 22,943 31.80 22,908 32.12 20.65 Current Earnings Net sales Cost of sales Gross margin Expenses: Selling, general and administrative Depreciation and amortization Operating income Interest - net Loss on extinguishment of debt Pre-tax earnings Income tax provision Net earnings 18.526 1,399 9,647 848 1,060 7,739 15,367 1.262 6.314 691 21.30 1.75 8.75 0.96 17,413 1,477 4,018 624 24.41 2.07 5.64 0.88 1.36 10.77 0.95 1.18 8.64 2.13 651 % S 1904 5.623 1 342 4,281 7.79 1.86 5.93% 5 3,394 1,080 2,314 4.76 152 3.24% S 5,835 Basic earnings per common share Diluted earnings per common share S $ 5 7.77 7.75 $ 5 5.49 5.49 2.84 2.84 s Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (In millions, except percentage data) Fiscal Year Ended January 29, 2021 January 31, 2020 February 1, 2019 Amount % Sales Amount % Sales Amount % Sales Net earnings 5 5.835 6.51 %5 5.93 % 5 2314 3.24% Foreign currency translation adjustments - set of a 78 0.09 94 0.13 (221) (0.30) Cash flow hedges niet of tax (79) (0.09) (22) (0.03) (1) Other 1 1 2 Other comprehensive Income (loss) 73 0.10 (220) (0.30) Comprehensive income S 5.835 6.51 95 4,354 6,03 %5 2,094 2.94% See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity (In millions, except per share data) Accumulated Common Stock Capital in Other Total Excess Retained Comprehensive Shareholders' Shares Amount of Par Value Earnings Income (Loss) Equity Balance February 2, 2018 830 415 5 22S 5,425$ 11 $ 5.873 Cumulative effect of accounting change 33 33 Net earnings 2,314 2,314 Other comprehensive loss (220) (220) Cash dividends declared, $1.85 per share (1,500) (1,500) Share-based payment expense 74 74 Repurchases of common stock (32) (16) (209) (2,820) (3.045) Issuance of common stock under share based payment plans 113 115 Balance February 1, 2019 801 S 4015 S 3,4525 (209) 3,644 Cumulative effect of accounting change (263) (263) Net carning: 4,281 4,281 Other comprehensive income 73 73 Cash dividends declared, $2.13 per share (1,653) Share-based payment expense (1,653) 98 98 Repurchases of common stock (41) (21) (214) (4,090) Issuance of common stock under share (4,325) based payment plans 1 116 117 Balance January 31, 2020 7635 3815 s 1,727 'S (136) $ Netcative 1.972 5,835 Cash dividends declared, 52.30 per share 5,835 (1,724) Share-based payment expense (1.724) 155 155 Repurchases of common stock (34) (16) (214) (4.721) Issuance of common stock under share (4.951) based payment plans 2 149 Balance January 29, 2021 150 7315 3665 90 $ 1,117 (136) S See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements, 1,437 IIIIIIIIIIIII III 1 Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity (In millions, except per share data) Accumulated Common Stock Capital in Other Total Excess Retained Comprehensive Shareholders Shares Amount of Par Value Earnings Income Loss) Equity Balance February 2, 2018 830 4155 225 5,4255 11 5.873 Cumulative effect of accounting change 33 33 Net eamings 2,314 2314 Other comprehensive loss (220) (220) Cash dividends declared, S1.85 per share (1.500) (1,500) Share-based payment expense 74 74 Repurchases of common stock (32) (16) (209) (2,820) (3.045) Issuance of common stock under share based payment plans 3 2 113 115 Balance February 1, 2019 8015 401 S - S 3,4525 (209) S 3.644 Cumulative effect of accounting change (263) (263) Net earnings 4.281 4,281 Other comprehensive income 73 73 Cash dividends declared, $2.13 per share (1.653) (1.653) Share-based payment expense 98 98 Repurchases of common stock (41) (21) (214) (4,090) (4,325) Issuance of common stock under share based payment plans 3 1 116 117 Balance January 31, 2020 7635 3815 - S 1,727's (136) 1,972 Net earning 5.833 Cash dividends declared, 5230 per share 5.835 (1.724) Share-based payment expense (1.724) 155 155 Repurchases of common stock (34) (16) (214) (4.721) Issuance of common stock under shure- (4,951) based payment plans 2 1 149 Balance January 29, 2021 150 7315 3665 90 5 1.1175 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements, (136) 5 1.437 !!!!! ELLIE Lowe's Companies, Inc. Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (In millions Fiscal Year Ended January 29, January 31, February 1, 2021 2020 2019 S 5,8355 4,281 S 2,314 1,594 1,607 479 1,410 468 172 117 (151) (108) 139 630 952 1,060 155 98 74 (2.967) 326 3.211 512 813 11,049 (600) (364) (637) (15) (639) 4.296 (1.289) (ton) 1,720 27 414 6,193 Cash flows from operating activities Net camings Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization Noncash lease expense Deferred income taxes Loss on property and other assets-net Impairment of goodwill Loss on extinguishment of debt Share-based payment expertise Changes in operating assets and liabilities Merchandise inventory - net Other operating assets Accounts payable Deferred revenue Other operating liabilities Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of investments Proceeds from sale/maturity of investments Capital expenditures Proceeds from sale of property and other long-term asset Othernet Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities: Net change in commercial paper Net proceeds from ince of debt Repayment of debt Proceeds from issuance of common stock under share-based payment plane Cluh dividend payments Repurchases of common stock Other - Det Net cash used in financing activities Effect of exchange rate changes on cash Net increase (decrease in cash and cash equivalents, including cash classified within current assets held for sale Less: Net decrease increase) in cash classified within current assets held for sale Net increase/docrease) in cuth and cash equivalent Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of your Cash and cash equivalents, end of year See accompanying to consolidated financial statement 2,094) 2,926 (1.791) 90 (25) (1.890 (743) 695 (1,484) 163 (1,375) 12193 (1,174) 76 (2) (1.050) (1,369) (415) 220 3,973 (1,113 118 (941) 7.929 (5,618) 152 (1,704) (4,971) (38 (5.191) 10 (1.618) (4,313) ( 2,735) (326) 114 (1.455) (3,037 (5) (5,124 (12) 1 3,974 3,974 716 4,6905 193 12 205 511 7165 125 (54) 67 58% 511 5