How moch principal is outstanding after 50 payments tave been made? QUESTION 12 How much in intorest will you have paid in the first 50 payments? QUESTION 13 How mudi of the 5 tst payment wit go toward peincipal? QUESTION 14 (conthued from previous questions) After making 50 payments, you are consideding refinancing because inferest rates have fallen. The new mortgage wevid invelve borrowhg an ameunt equal to the principat on the orginal mertgage, and repaying that balance over 30 years at a 425% APR What is the monthy gayment on the now mongage? QUESTION 15 If up-froct refinancing fees =1.5% of the new mortgage amount, what is the net present value of refinancing your montgage assuming you tequire a 9 Sh rate of return on your money? 30-yr fixed rate mortgage: 500,000 borrowed, 5% APR What is the monthly payment? (format your answer as a positive number, round to nearest cent) QUESTION 9 How much of the first payment will go toward interest? QUESTION 10 How much of the first pavment will go to principar? QUESTION 11 How much principal is outstanding after 50 payments have been made? How moch principal is outstanding after 50 payments tave been made? QUESTION 12 How much in intorest will you have paid in the first 50 payments? QUESTION 13 How mudi of the 5 tst payment wit go toward peincipal? QUESTION 14 (conthued from previous questions) After making 50 payments, you are consideding refinancing because inferest rates have fallen. The new mortgage wevid invelve borrowhg an ameunt equal to the principat on the orginal mertgage, and repaying that balance over 30 years at a 425% APR What is the monthy gayment on the now mongage? QUESTION 15 If up-froct refinancing fees =1.5% of the new mortgage amount, what is the net present value of refinancing your montgage assuming you tequire a 9 Sh rate of return on your money? 30-yr fixed rate mortgage: 500,000 borrowed, 5% APR What is the monthly payment? (format your answer as a positive number, round to nearest cent) QUESTION 9 How much of the first payment will go toward interest? QUESTION 10 How much of the first pavment will go to principar? QUESTION 11 How much principal is outstanding after 50 payments have been made