3C. What is the primary purpose of taxes in any economy? 3D. Other than taxes, LIST two more examples of "command" decisions in the U.S. mixed economic system. 3E. The U.S. is best described as a "mixed economic system." Explain what this means. 3F. Imagine that you live in a small community or small city, and the town council or city council is devising ways to increase revenue since a major employer has left town. As a result of this change, with its multiplier impact has altered the demographics. People have moved away; other jobs in town do not pay as well, it's harder to recruit new teachers for the school, but it's an area where well-off retirees like to live. A council member suggests an increase in "sales taxes" since everyone has to pay sales taxes. It's the same rate the council member argues. But another council member remembers Ms. Barth's economics class, and says, "No, wait ...." What is this second council member going to say about increasing sales taxes and its impact on a small town as described above?QUESTION 3. STAHLER. socomics rom ance MAYBE WE NEEDED SOME GOVERNMENT. In the cartoon above, two people look at a blank or empty canvas. A statement is made: "Maybe we needed some government." 3A. In the movie, Dances with Wolves, a lone soldier in the Colorado territory watches his closest human neighbours, people we name as Native Americans. He watches as they "read and listen to the land" to know when to move, how to hunt buffalo year after year, how the tribe determines who hunts and who remains, and when the hunters return how the tasks are divided. Within the tribe there is stability. This is an example of what Heilbroner and Milberg (The Making of Economic Society) refer to as a based economy. 3B. The former Soviet Union used "Planning Committees" to answer the basic questions of any economy necessitated by the scarcity of resources and unlimited wants. The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union (EU) and Parliament negotiated an end to its long-standing relationship with the EU. During the Great Recession of 2007-2009, both President G. W. Bush and President Obama endorsed fiscal policies to encourage householders to spend. These examples illustrate how a based economy can differ