How to calculate quick ratio and inventory turn over ratio? Detailed explanation.
Consolidated Balance Sheet As at October 31 (Canadian 5 in millions) 2022 2021 Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents [Note 2) $ 87,466 $ 93,261 Interest Bearing Deposits with Banks (Note 2) 5,734 8303 Securities (Note 3) Trading 108,177 104,411 Fair value through proiit or loss 13,641 14,210 Fair value through other comprehensive income 43,561 63,123 Debt securities at amortized cost 106,590 49,970 Investments in associates and joint ventures 1,293 1,135 213,262 232,349 Securities Borrowed or Purchased under Resale Agreements (Note-1) 113,194 107,332 Loans [Notes 4 and 6) Residential mortgages 148,880 135,750 Consumer instalment and other personal 86,103 77,164 Credit cards 9,663 8,103 Business and government 309,310 239,809 553,956 460,326 Allowance for credit losses (Note 4] (2,61 7) (2,564) 551,339 458,262 other Assets Derivative instruments (Note a) 48,160 36,713 Customers' liability under acceptances (Note 12) 13,235 14,021 Premises and equipment (Notes 1 and 9) 4,841 4,454 Goodwill [Note 11) 5,285 5,378 Intangible assets (Note 11) 2,193 2,266 Current lair assets 1,421 1,538 Deferred tax assets [Note 22] 1,175 1,287 other [Note 12) 31,894 22,411 108,204 38,118 total Assets 5 1.139.199 $ 988.175 Liabilities and Equity Deposits (Note 13) $ 769,478 5 685,631 other liabilities Derivative instruments (Note a) 59,956 30,815 Acceptances (Note 14) 13,235 14,021 Securities sold but not yet purchased (Note 14) 40,979 32,073 Securities lent or sold under repurchase agreements (Note a} 103,963 97,556 Securitization and structured entities' liabilities (Notes is and 7) 27,068 25,486 Current tax liabilities 425 221 Deterred tax liabilities (Note 22} 102 192 other {Note 14) 44,805 37,764 290,533 238,128 Subordinated Debt (Note is) 8,150 6,893 total Liabilities 1.068.161 930.652 Equity Preferred shares and other equity instruments (Nole16) 6,308 5558 Common shares [Note 16) 17,744 13599 Contributed surplus 31 7 313 Retained earnings 45,1 1 7 35,497 Accumulated other comprehensive income 1,552 2556 Fetal Equity 11,038 57,523 total liabilities and Equity 5 1,139,199 $ 988,175 rhe accompanying notes are an integral part or these consolidated financial statements