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how to edit the standard form allow for invoice numbering by going on the custom form styles window il paid invoices. How would you use

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how to edit the standard form allow for invoice numbering by going on the custom form styles window
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il paid invoices. How would you use Obtain that information? t0 view all the invoices and collection activity for a How would you use QuickBooks Online to obtain the requie information? 6. Compare and contrast a manual accounting system with a ude an accounting system for processing customer trans explanation of how the su uired a com the Customer List, cont receivable subsidiary ledger compares Case Problem emonstrate your knowledge of the QuickBooks Online features in this chapter by completing the following case problem. discussed une 1, 2018, Olivia Chen began her business, Olivia's Web ations. She has now begun consulting services to individuals and small businesses.met Consulting Desi gn Services are billed at $125 per hour, and the Internet Services at $100 se 2018 un providing web design and Internet The Web Page n the below per hour. You will record the transactions listed of June. The company file should include the beginning balances information for Olivia's Web Solutions along with the transaction from Chapter 3. 1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online. 2. Change the company name to OWS4 [Your Namel Olivia's Web Solutions. 3. Edit the Standard form to allow for invoice numbering by going to the Custom Form Styles window and clicking Edit in the ACTION column for the Standard form. (Do not use the New style button arrow.) 4. Enter the following customers in the Customers window First name: Leon Artie Last name: Artie's Auto Repair Artie's Auto Repair Company: Display name as: 516-555 122 516-555-1231 32 West 11th Street Mobile Billing addess New IHyde Park NY 11523 Prferned payment method Check Net 30 Prferred delievery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 First name Last name Long Island Water Works Long Island Water Works 516-535-4747 516-555-4748 87-54 Bayview Ave. Mobile Billing address Glen Cove NY 11563 Prefered paryment method: Check Preferved delivery method: Opening balance None 06/01/2018 First name Last name: Schne Schneider Family Schneider Family 516-555-8989 516-555-8990 363 Farmers Rd. Syosset M. i i 547 Display name as: Phone Mobile: Billing address: Preferred payment method: Check Net 30 None Preferred delivery method: Opening balance: 06/01/2018 First name: Last name: Miguel Perez Company Display name as: Miguel's Restaurant Miguel's Restaurant 5 16-555-3236 516-555-3237 30 Willis Avenue Roslyn NY 11541 Mobile Billing address: CUSTOMERS 127 Preferred payment method: Check Preferred delivery method: None Opening balance First name: David Last name: Singh Singh Family Singh Family 516-555-3233 516-555-3239 363 Marathon Parkway Little Neck NY 11566 Display name as: Mobile: Billing address Preferred payment method: Check Net 30 Preferred delivery method: Opening balance None 06/01/2018 First name Last name Company: Display name as Breathe Easy A/C Contractors Breathe Easy A/C Contractors Mobile: 556 Atlantic Ave. Billing address: Freeport NY 11634 Check Net 30 Preferred payment method: Preferred delivery method: Opening balance as of None 06/01/2018 First name: Last name: Thrifty Stores Thrifty Stores 718-555-2445 718-555-2446 23 Boston Ave. Display name as Phone Mobile Billing address: Bronx NY 11693 Check Net 30 Preferred payment method: Preferred delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 28 CHAPTER 4 irst name Last name Company Sehoin Sehorn & Smith Sehorn & Smith 212-555-3339 iplay name Phone: 212-555-3338 510 Fifth Ave. New YorkNY 10022 Mobile illing address Polered payment method: Check Net 30 Prferved delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 Joseph First name ast RAM Porter South Shore School District South Shore School District Company: Display name as: Phone Mobile Billing address 516-555-1545 51 6555-1546 3666 Ocean Ave. South Beach NY 11345 Prefered payment method: Check Terms Preferred delivery ethod: None Opening balance Net 30 06/01/2018 HINT5. Using the appropriate window, record the following transactions for All cash receipts should be deposited to June 2018: Jun. 11 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 10 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Long Island Water Works, Invoice no. 1001, Net 30 Days. Jun. 14 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Sehorn & Smith, Invoice no. 1002, Net 30 Days. Jun. 15 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services orn account to the Schneider Family, Invoice no. 1003. Jun. 17 Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Miguel's Restaurant, Invoice no. 1004, Net 30 Days. Jun. 18 Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services to the Singh Family, Invoice no. 1005. Received payment Undeposited Funds immediately, Check no. 687 Jun. 21 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Breathe Easy, Invoice no. 1006, Net 30 Days. Received payment in full from Long Island Water Works for Invoice no. 1001, Check no. 124554. Jun. 25 Jun. 25 Provided 12 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Thrifty Stores, Invoice no. 1007, Net 30 Days. CUSTOMERS 129 Jun. 28 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services on account to Artie's Auto Repair, Invoice 1008, Net 30 Days. Received payment in full from Sehorn & Smith for Invoice no. 1002, Check no. 3656. Provided 12 hours of Internet Consulting Services on account to South Shore School District, Invoice no. 1009, Net 30 Days. Received payment in full from Miguel's Restaurant for Invoice no. 1004, Check no. 3269. Jun. 28 Jun. 29 Jun. 29 Jun. 30 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services on account to Sehorn &Smith, Invoice no. 1010, Net 30 Days. Received partial payment of $250 from Breathe Easy for Invoice no. 1006, Check no. 1455. Deposited all receipts for the month. Jun. 30 Jun. 30 Display and print the following reports for June 1, 2018, to June 30, 2018: a. Open Invoices b. Customer Balance Detail c. Customer List d. Journal 6. Phone Mobile 516-535-1221 516-555-1231 32 West 11th Street Billing address New Hyde Park NY 11523 Prefered payment method: Check Terws: Net 30 Preferred delivery method None Opening balance as of 06/01/2018 Customer Service First name Last name Company: Display name as Phone: Long Island Water Works Long Island Water Works 516-555-4747 516-355-4748 87-54 Bayview Ave. Glen Cove NY 11563 Mobile: Billing address: Preferred payment method: Terws Check Net 30 None Preferred delivery method: Opening balance 06/01/2018 Johnny Schneider Schneider Family Schneider Family 516-555-8989 First name Last name: Company Display name as Phone: 51 6-555-8990 363 Farmers Rd. Mobile Billing address: Syosset NY 11547 Preferred payment method: Terms: Check Net 30 Preferred delivery method: Opening balance None 06/01/2018 Miguel First name Last name Company Display name as: Phone Mobile: Billing address: Perez Miguel's Restaurant Miguel's Restaurant 516-555-3236 516-535-3237 30 Willis Avenue Roslyn NY 11541 CUSTOMERS 127 Prferred payment method: Check Terms Net 30 Prferred delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 (45 David First name Singh Singh Family Singh Family 516-555-3233 516-555-3239 Last name: Company Display name as: Phone: Mobile Billing address: 363 Marathon Parkway Little Neck NY 11566 Preferred payment method: Terms Check Net 30 Preferred delivery method None Opening balance 06/01/2018 Allen First name: Scott Last name: Breathe Easy A/C Contractors Breathe Easy A/C Contractors 516-555-6868 516-555-6869 556 Atlantic Ave. Company: Display name as Phone: Mobile Billing address: Freeport NY 11634 Preferred payment method: Terms: Check Net 30 Prferred delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 William Way Thrifty Stores Thrifty Stores 718-555-2445 718-555-2446 First name: Last name: Display name as Mobile Billing address: 23 Boston Ave. Bronx NY 11693 Prferred payment method: Check Terms: Net 30 Preferred delivery method None Opening balance: 0 06/01/2018 as First name: Last name: Jerry Company: Display name as: Phone Mobile Billing address Sehorn & Smith Sehorn &Smith 212-555-3339 212-555-3338 510 Fifth Ave New York NY 10022 Preferred payment method: Chechk Terms: Net 30 Preferred delivery method: Opening balance: None 06/01/2018 Joseph Porter First name: Last name Company Display name as: Phone: South Shore School District South Shore School District Mobile Billing address: 5 I 6-555-4546 3666 Ocean Ave. South Beach NY 11365 Preferred payment method: Terms: Check Net 30 None Preferred delivery method: Opening balance: r5. Using the appropriate window, record the following transactions for June 2018: h receipts be deposited to osited Funds Jun. 11 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 10 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Long Island Water Works, Invoice no. 1001, Net 30 Days. Jun. 14 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Sehorn & Smith, Invoice no. 1002, Net 30 Days. Jun. 15 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on ol account to the Schneider Family, Invoice no. 1003. Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Miguel's Restaurant, Invoice no. 1004, Net 30 Days. Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services to the Singh Family, Invoice no. 1005. Received payment Jun. 17 Jun. 18 immediately, Check no. 687 Jun. 21 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Breathe Easy, Invoice no. 1006, Net 30 Days. Jun. 25 Received payment in full from Long Island Water Works for Invoice no. 1001, Check no. 124554. Jun. 25 Provided 12 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Thrifty Stores, Invoice no. 1007, Net 30 Days. GUSTOMERS 129 il paid invoices. How would you use Obtain that information? t0 view all the invoices and collection activity for a How would you use QuickBooks Online to obtain the requie information? 6. Compare and contrast a manual accounting system with a ude an accounting system for processing customer trans explanation of how the su uired a com the Customer List, cont receivable subsidiary ledger compares Case Problem emonstrate your knowledge of the QuickBooks Online features in this chapter by completing the following case problem. discussed une 1, 2018, Olivia Chen began her business, Olivia's Web ations. She has now begun consulting services to individuals and small businesses.met Consulting Desi gn Services are billed at $125 per hour, and the Internet Services at $100 se 2018 un providing web design and Internet The Web Page n the below per hour. You will record the transactions listed of June. The company file should include the beginning balances information for Olivia's Web Solutions along with the transaction from Chapter 3. 1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online. 2. Change the company name to OWS4 [Your Namel Olivia's Web Solutions. 3. Edit the Standard form to allow for invoice numbering by going to the Custom Form Styles window and clicking Edit in the ACTION column for the Standard form. (Do not use the New style button arrow.) 4. Enter the following customers in the Customers window First name: Leon Artie Last name: Artie's Auto Repair Artie's Auto Repair Company: Display name as: 516-555 122 516-555-1231 32 West 11th Street Mobile Billing addess New IHyde Park NY 11523 Prferned payment method Check Net 30 Prferred delievery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 First name Last name Long Island Water Works Long Island Water Works 516-535-4747 516-555-4748 87-54 Bayview Ave. Mobile Billing address Glen Cove NY 11563 Prefered paryment method: Check Preferved delivery method: Opening balance None 06/01/2018 First name Last name: Schne Schneider Family Schneider Family 516-555-8989 516-555-8990 363 Farmers Rd. Syosset M. i i 547 Display name as: Phone Mobile: Billing address: Preferred payment method: Check Net 30 None Preferred delivery method: Opening balance: 06/01/2018 First name: Last name: Miguel Perez Company Display name as: Miguel's Restaurant Miguel's Restaurant 5 16-555-3236 516-555-3237 30 Willis Avenue Roslyn NY 11541 Mobile Billing address: CUSTOMERS 127 Preferred payment method: Check Preferred delivery method: None Opening balance First name: David Last name: Singh Singh Family Singh Family 516-555-3233 516-555-3239 363 Marathon Parkway Little Neck NY 11566 Display name as: Mobile: Billing address Preferred payment method: Check Net 30 Preferred delivery method: Opening balance None 06/01/2018 First name Last name Company: Display name as Breathe Easy A/C Contractors Breathe Easy A/C Contractors Mobile: 556 Atlantic Ave. Billing address: Freeport NY 11634 Check Net 30 Preferred payment method: Preferred delivery method: Opening balance as of None 06/01/2018 First name: Last name: Thrifty Stores Thrifty Stores 718-555-2445 718-555-2446 23 Boston Ave. Display name as Phone Mobile Billing address: Bronx NY 11693 Check Net 30 Preferred payment method: Preferred delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 28 CHAPTER 4 irst name Last name Company Sehoin Sehorn & Smith Sehorn & Smith 212-555-3339 iplay name Phone: 212-555-3338 510 Fifth Ave. New YorkNY 10022 Mobile illing address Polered payment method: Check Net 30 Prferved delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 Joseph First name ast RAM Porter South Shore School District South Shore School District Company: Display name as: Phone Mobile Billing address 516-555-1545 51 6555-1546 3666 Ocean Ave. South Beach NY 11345 Prefered payment method: Check Terms Preferred delivery ethod: None Opening balance Net 30 06/01/2018 HINT5. Using the appropriate window, record the following transactions for All cash receipts should be deposited to June 2018: Jun. 11 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 10 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Long Island Water Works, Invoice no. 1001, Net 30 Days. Jun. 14 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Sehorn & Smith, Invoice no. 1002, Net 30 Days. Jun. 15 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services orn account to the Schneider Family, Invoice no. 1003. Jun. 17 Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Miguel's Restaurant, Invoice no. 1004, Net 30 Days. Jun. 18 Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services to the Singh Family, Invoice no. 1005. Received payment Undeposited Funds immediately, Check no. 687 Jun. 21 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Breathe Easy, Invoice no. 1006, Net 30 Days. Received payment in full from Long Island Water Works for Invoice no. 1001, Check no. 124554. Jun. 25 Jun. 25 Provided 12 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Thrifty Stores, Invoice no. 1007, Net 30 Days. CUSTOMERS 129 Jun. 28 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services on account to Artie's Auto Repair, Invoice 1008, Net 30 Days. Received payment in full from Sehorn & Smith for Invoice no. 1002, Check no. 3656. Provided 12 hours of Internet Consulting Services on account to South Shore School District, Invoice no. 1009, Net 30 Days. Received payment in full from Miguel's Restaurant for Invoice no. 1004, Check no. 3269. Jun. 28 Jun. 29 Jun. 29 Jun. 30 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services on account to Sehorn &Smith, Invoice no. 1010, Net 30 Days. Received partial payment of $250 from Breathe Easy for Invoice no. 1006, Check no. 1455. Deposited all receipts for the month. Jun. 30 Jun. 30 Display and print the following reports for June 1, 2018, to June 30, 2018: a. Open Invoices b. Customer Balance Detail c. Customer List d. Journal 6. Phone Mobile 516-535-1221 516-555-1231 32 West 11th Street Billing address New Hyde Park NY 11523 Prefered payment method: Check Terws: Net 30 Preferred delivery method None Opening balance as of 06/01/2018 Customer Service First name Last name Company: Display name as Phone: Long Island Water Works Long Island Water Works 516-555-4747 516-355-4748 87-54 Bayview Ave. Glen Cove NY 11563 Mobile: Billing address: Preferred payment method: Terws Check Net 30 None Preferred delivery method: Opening balance 06/01/2018 Johnny Schneider Schneider Family Schneider Family 516-555-8989 First name Last name: Company Display name as Phone: 51 6-555-8990 363 Farmers Rd. Mobile Billing address: Syosset NY 11547 Preferred payment method: Terms: Check Net 30 Preferred delivery method: Opening balance None 06/01/2018 Miguel First name Last name Company Display name as: Phone Mobile: Billing address: Perez Miguel's Restaurant Miguel's Restaurant 516-555-3236 516-535-3237 30 Willis Avenue Roslyn NY 11541 CUSTOMERS 127 Prferred payment method: Check Terms Net 30 Prferred delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 (45 David First name Singh Singh Family Singh Family 516-555-3233 516-555-3239 Last name: Company Display name as: Phone: Mobile Billing address: 363 Marathon Parkway Little Neck NY 11566 Preferred payment method: Terms Check Net 30 Preferred delivery method None Opening balance 06/01/2018 Allen First name: Scott Last name: Breathe Easy A/C Contractors Breathe Easy A/C Contractors 516-555-6868 516-555-6869 556 Atlantic Ave. Company: Display name as Phone: Mobile Billing address: Freeport NY 11634 Preferred payment method: Terms: Check Net 30 Prferred delivery method: None Opening balance 06/01/2018 William Way Thrifty Stores Thrifty Stores 718-555-2445 718-555-2446 First name: Last name: Display name as Mobile Billing address: 23 Boston Ave. Bronx NY 11693 Prferred payment method: Check Terms: Net 30 Preferred delivery method None Opening balance: 0 06/01/2018 as First name: Last name: Jerry Company: Display name as: Phone Mobile Billing address Sehorn & Smith Sehorn &Smith 212-555-3339 212-555-3338 510 Fifth Ave New York NY 10022 Preferred payment method: Chechk Terms: Net 30 Preferred delivery method: Opening balance: None 06/01/2018 Joseph Porter First name: Last name Company Display name as: Phone: South Shore School District South Shore School District Mobile Billing address: 5 I 6-555-4546 3666 Ocean Ave. South Beach NY 11365 Preferred payment method: Terms: Check Net 30 None Preferred delivery method: Opening balance: r5. Using the appropriate window, record the following transactions for June 2018: h receipts be deposited to osited Funds Jun. 11 Provided 8 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 10 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Long Island Water Works, Invoice no. 1001, Net 30 Days. Jun. 14 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Sehorn & Smith, Invoice no. 1002, Net 30 Days. Jun. 15 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on ol account to the Schneider Family, Invoice no. 1003. Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services and 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Miguel's Restaurant, Invoice no. 1004, Net 30 Days. Provided 4 hours of Internet Consulting Services to the Singh Family, Invoice no. 1005. Received payment Jun. 17 Jun. 18 immediately, Check no. 687 Jun. 21 Provided 8 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Breathe Easy, Invoice no. 1006, Net 30 Days. Jun. 25 Received payment in full from Long Island Water Works for Invoice no. 1001, Check no. 124554. Jun. 25 Provided 12 hours of Web Page Design Services on account to Thrifty Stores, Invoice no. 1007, Net 30 Days. GUSTOMERS 129

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