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How to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x

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How to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In 1 16 + 116% Y A Ascend Search 'Rotate Page Where your work meets your life. Convert PDF ~ Harvard Adobe Convert PDF Business Convert PDF Files to Word Review or Excel Online Select PDF File Decision Making And Problem Solving How to Mak..uickly.pdf X How to Make Great Convert to Decisions, Quickly Microsoft Word (*.docx) by Martin G. Moore Document Language: English (U.S.) Change March 22, 2022 Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements Free 7-Day Trial a 6 4:54 2023/2/10 ENG() BAG-0 10. WHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In 1 / 6 + 116% Search 'Rotate Page HBR Staff Convert PDF ~ Summary. As a new leader, learning to make good decisions without hesitation and procrastination is a capability that can set you apart from your peers. While Adobe Convert PDF others vacillate on tricky choices, your team could be hitting deadlines and Convert PDF Files to Word producing the type of results... more or Excel Online Select PDF File How to Mak..uickly.pdf X Ascend Convert to Where your work meets your life. See more from Ascend here. Microsoft Word (*.docx) Document Language: English (U.S.) Change Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements Like many young leaders, early in my career, I thought a great Free 7-Day Trial decision was one that attracted widespread approval. When my 6 4:54 2023/2/10 ENG () 970 0 WHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In AWPAEQ 2 16 + 116% colleagues smiled and nodded their collective heads, it reinforced A Search 'Rotate Page (in my mind, at least) that I was an excellent decision maker. Convert PDF ~ But as time wore on, I saw the fallacy of this approach. Seeking broad consensus requires considerable compromise to Adobe Convert PDF incorporate each person's perspective. The result is a decision Convert PDF Files to Word that is the lowest common denominator: a choice that everyone or Excel Online can live with, but no one is really happy with. Select PDF File How to Mak.uickly.pdf X Worse, consensus-seeking is almost always excruciatingly slow, and the higher up a leader climbs, the less often they are afforded Convert to the luxury of time. During my years as a senior executive, I was Microsoft Word (*.docx) regularly asked to make quick, critical decisions in response to Document Language: sensitive events - a negative media story that required an English (U.S.) Change immediate response, a procedural breach that was being investigated by regulators, a material change to financial guidance, a catastrophic asset failure, and so on. Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements What I found was that the decisions I made under pressure were at least as good, if not better than the ones that I spent days Free 7-Day Trial agonizing over. . 4:55 2023/2/10 ENG () 9 10 0 wHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In 2 16 + 116% Y A This led me to ask myself two questions: Search 'Rotate Page . Knowing that I can make good decisions under severe time Convert PDF ~ pressure, what's the DNA of those decisions - what actually makes them good? Adobe Convert PDF Convert PDF Files to Word . If I could be disciplined enough to impose my own time or Excel Online pressure on decision-making, could the resulting decisions be Select PDF File both faster and better? How to Mak..uickly.pdf X Convert to I distilled my learnings into the eight elements that optimize both Microsoft Word (*.docx) the speed and accuracy of my decisions. Over the last 10+ years of my corporate career, putting this philosophy into practice has Document Language: English (U.S.) Change helped me lift my leadership performance and greatly enhance the outcomes of my team. The Eight Elements of a Great Decision Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements As a new leader, learning to make good decisions without hesitation or procrastination is a capability that can set you apart Free 7-Day Trial from your peers. While others vacillate on tricky choices, your . 4:55 2023/2/10 ENG () 9 10 14 C Whe pile WHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In AWPAERO 3 /6 + 116% team could be hitting deadlines and producing the type of results Search 'Rotate Page that deliver true value. That's something that will get you - and the team - noticed. Convert PDF ~ Adobe Convert PDF The only surefire way to evaluate the efficacy of a decision is to Convert PDF Files to Word assess the outcomes. You'll discover, over time, whether a or Excel Online decision was good, bad, or indifferent. But if you rely only on Select PDF File retrospective analysis, the path to better decisions can be How to Mak..uickly.pdf X tenuous: Hindsight is incredibly prone to attribution bias. Convert to Microsoft Word (*.docx) That said, if you had a checklist of attributes to prospectively evaluate a decision (like the one provided below), you could Document Language: English (U.S.) Change predict in advance whether or not it is likely to be a good one. Based on my experience, these are the eight core elements of great decisions. Convert, edit and e-sign PDF 1) Great decisions are shaped by consideration of many different forms & agreements viewpoints. Free 7-Day Trial While consensus-seeking should never be your goal, this doesn't . 4:55 2023/2/10 ENG () 9 3-9A 14 C WL pile WHnwtn Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf-AdnheAtrob5t Reader (32-bit) X FllE Edit 'v'levv Slgn \\I'nntlow Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... 3: Sign In Q3t5k@t153$''?|azf>il0 came give you the freedom to act unilaterally. For a decision to be properly formed, you need to consult with those who can contribute in a meaningful way. DB Convert pm: 0 A This doesn t mean you should seek out everyone 3 opinion. The Add\" Convert PDF I ' right people with the relevant expertise need to clearly articulate Cm,\" FDF F- as to We: their views to help the accountable decision-maker (aka you) W EXCE' 0mm broaden their perspective and make the best choice. Seeking SE'EEt PDF F '9 valuable input is the primary source of healthy, robust debate. It How to Maker-Jickly-pcl' X will help you gain a greater understanding of the problem you are (men to ' trying to solve and come up with smart, effective solutions. ' . _ _. , , _, Mcrosc t Word if clc-cx, V 2) Great decisions are made as close as possible to the action. BC-cumer'i La 19 rage English MS.) Change Who exactly should you seek feedback from before making a decision? People who have the most extensive knowledge, V experience, and perspective on the issues at hand. This is . . . Convert, edit and aesign PDF generally someone who works at a lower level in the organization farms 5!. agreements not necessarily someone in the room where the decision is . F TD 1' I EN 13 [211! it! How to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In AWPAERO 3 /6 + 116% Remember that the most powerful people at your company are A Search 'Rotate Page rarely on the ground doing the hands-on work. Seek input and guidance from team members who are closest to the action - and Convert PDF ~ give them credit for actually making your decision a better one. Adobe Convert PDF 3) Great decisions address the root cause, not just the Convert PDF Files to Word symptoms. or Excel Online Select PDF File You may be wondering what kind of information you should seek How to Mak.uickly.pdf X out from your team members or colleagues. Often, when faced with a difficult problem, we focus on identifying the symptoms, Convert to Microsoft Word (*.docx) Document Language: not the core issue that caused the problem in the first place. If you English (U.S.) Change do this, the same problem is sure to reappear down the road. Although you may need to urgently address the symptoms, once this is done, you should always develop a plan to fix the root Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements cause. Reaching out to people who are closest to the issue at hand will help you identify what this is. Use your time with them to Free 7-Day Trial gather that information. . 4:55 2023/2/10 ENG () 9AG-94 14 C Whe pile WHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In 4 /6 + 116% Y A Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter Search 'Rotate Page Ascend Career and life advice for young professionals. Convert PDF ~ Sign Up Adobe Convert PDF Convert PDF Files to Word or Excel Online Select PDF File 4) Great decisions are made by a clearly accountable person. How to Mak..uickly.pdf X Even after receiving the feedback you need to make an informed Convert to decision, remember that you and you alone must be ready to Microsoft Word (*.docx) claim responsibility for your choice. Weak leaders find it Document Language: comforting to have their decisions endorsed by the people around English (U.S.) Change them. They don't want to feel exposed by making a decisive call that might prove unpopular, regardless of how necessary it might be. But when accountability is shared, it dilutes your decision and your effectiveness as the person making the call. Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements When you're finding your footing as a leader, going out on a limb Free 7-Day Trial can feel scary, especially when you're just starting to build your confidence Tuon ce taking control and ancuring that swore maior . 4:55 2023/2/10 ENG () 9 AG-0A 14 C Whe pile wHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In 4 16 116% confidence. Even so, taking control and ensuring that every major A decision is made by a clearly accountable person is key to Search 'Rotate Page building trust with your team members and your superiors, Convert PDF ~ modeling autonomy, and improving overall performance. Without accountability, the only weapons in your arsenal are Adobe Convert PDF management by committee and decision-making by consensus. Convert PDF Files to Word or Excel Online 5) Great decisions consider the holistic impacts of a problem. Select PDF File How to Mak..uickly.pdf One way to build up your confidence is to regularly practice X balancing the risks and potential impacts of each decision you Convert to make. This is simply a matter of thinking as broadly as you can to Microsoft Word (*.docx) identify the "what ifs" of your choice. How likely is it that a Document Language: potential negative outcome will arise and, if it does, what would English (U.S.) Change the consequences be? Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements Free 7-Day Trial For example, even making a relatively simple decision to alter the 6 4:55 2023/2/10 ENG () 9 AG-0A 14 C Whe pile WHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In AWPAERO 5 16 116% scope of one of your team's projects might require you to consider A the possible impacts on budget, resource allocations, timeframe, Search 'Rotate Page quality, and customer satisfaction. Convert PDF ~ 6) Great decisions balance short-term and long-term value. Adobe Convert PDF As you're thinking about risk vs. impact, also consider the short- Convert PDF Files to Word or Excel Online term vs. long term costs and benefits. Short-termism is a curse Select PDF File that plagues many leaders' decision-making frames. It's seductive How to Mak..uickly.pdf X to only consider short-term outcomes, particularly when you're judged purely on the delivery of your annual work. Convert to Microsoft Word (*.docx) The further you progress in your career, however, the more obvious it becomes when you don't pay sufficient attention to the Document Language: English (U.S.) Change long-term implications of your choices. Finding the right balance between short-term and long-term considerations is key to unlocking true value. The earlier you can incorporate this into your decision-making process, the better. Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements 7) Great decisions are communicated well to stakeholders. Free 7-Day Trial Whereas you don't necessarily want everyone with a passing . 4:55 2023/2/10 ENG () AG-9A 14 C Whe pile wHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In 5 16 O + 116% interest to participate in the decision-making process, you do A want everyone aligned on the outcome. That's why Search 'Rotate Page communicating the substance and reasoning behind your Convert PDF ~ decisions to the stakeholders (including the powerful people in the room) is so important. Adobe Convert PDF Convert PDF Files to Word The purpose of this communication is not to seek approval or or Excel Online consensus on how you will solve the problem. Rather, you're Select PDF File looking to bring everyone up to a consistent level of How to Mak..uickly.pdf X understanding, which is often necessary for the smooth Convert to implementation of a major decision. Microsoft Word (*.docx) 8) Great decisions are timely. Document Language: English (U.S.) Change Speeding up your decision-making process starts with understanding the core elements of a good decision. If you consider all of the elements listed above, then it's simply a matter of addressing each one with a heightened sense of urgency. Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements For example, instead of painstakingly consulting everyone who Free 7-Day Trial wants to share their opinion, seek feedback only from those who and don't unit for all of than 4:56 2023/2/10 ENG () 90 70 0 14 C Whe pile wHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In 6 16 116% For example, instead of painstakingly consulting everyone who A wants to share their opinion, seek feedback only from those who Search 'Rotate Page can genuinely add value - and don't wait for all of them to agree. Instead, use your own judgment, and a cost-benefit analysis, to Convert PDF ~ chart the best course forward with the information you receive. Adobe Convert PDF Convert PDF Files to Word or Excel Online Select PDF File Many leaders procrastinate on decisions because they're How to Mak..uickly.pdf X overwhelmed by fear of making a mistake or, even worse, of not Convert to being liked. But the extent to which you might labor on any Microsoft Word (*.docx) particular facet of the decision-making process should be determined by one thing: risk. Your assessment of risk will dictate Document Language: English (U.S.) Change whether you should take a more or less cautious approach. With a commitment to prospectively evaluating your decisions, you'll find yourself able to make better decisions, faster than Convert, edit and e-sign PDF you've ever done before. Learning this as a young leader will forms & agreements accelerate your development and lift the performance of your team. The higher up you go, the greater the impact this skill will Free 7-Day Trial have on your organization's culture and performance. 4:56 2023/2/10 ENG () G-9A 14 C Whe Aile wHow to Make Great Decisions, Quickly.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader (32-bit) X File Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools How to Make Grea... x (? A Sign In AWPAEQ 6 16 116% wall. The ingnel up you go, the greater the impact Is SKIII WIII A have on your organization's culture and performance. Search 'Rotate Page MM Convert PDF ~ Adobe Convert PDF Martin G. Moore is the founder of Your CEO Convert PDF Files to Word Mentor and author of No Bullshit Leadership or Excel Online and host of the No Bullshit Leadership podcast. His purpose is to improve the quality of leaders Select PDF File globally through practical, real world How to Mak..uickly.pdf X leadership content. For more information, please visit, Convert to Microsoft Word (*.docx) Document Language: English (U.S.) Change X OneDrive P Convert, edit and e-sign PDF forms & agreements OneDrive wl awlall abal aolio! choi Free 7-Day Trial 4:56 2023/2/10 ENG () 9 5-9A 14 C Whe pile W

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