How to write MD&A based on information as below? Please help
FY - 10 21- 15 212 - 15 93- 19 24 - 15 FY - 19 HEVENUE* 26, 250. QUO 27.562.50 0 12.592, 656 LIE, Q``. BAN| A SEQUEntial Growth 5. 09^ 5. 0^ IE . OIV` Lost Of balES 21. 511, 875 26. 522,270 13, 281. 5012 LICHT, 290. 148| E Gross Profit 2. 538, 125 1. 790. 703 1.0107, $ 13 $. 308, 155 1 1, 194. 395 Gross Margin 10. 015^ 10. 125%^ 10. 15^ 10. 15%^ 10. 12%^ Increase from Base Line FY' - 2017 5. Lips. 12. 5 DIPS 15. 6IF`` 15. 6`` 12 Lips Operating EXPENSE Payroll EXPENSES 1.503. 373| [ Payroll Taxes & Benefits / Load ! 155 , 3:33 197 , 0100 202. 373 THE, GET| DF Sales & Marketing Expenses 1.500. 000 6.56, 250 $3, 053 $14, BIG 1.900. 871| E Other General & Administrative Expenses 1, 50 0, 1 103, 750 132. 125 194. 05.4 597 , 713 1, 922, 681\\ F Depreciation 31, 0010 37. 0100 130,000| 6 Total Operating*EXPENSES 1. 245, 18B 1.563. 529 $.373. 552\\ OFEX` T.GEN` $. 15^ $. 17^ Operating Profit G24, 125 5-15, 5, 10 5:5 2, 57!) 2.370, 2:` Operating Margin 2.30^ 2.395^ 1 . 98^ 1. BES` 1 . 98^ Interest Income* 175 181 FAT 5 74 Interest EXPENSES 1130,000) 1135, 010:01 |145, 00 0) 5.50, 00 01 Profit Before Tax 1. QUO. 6 25 194, 2:4.4 112, 752 1. 6 21, 531 PET`` 1 . BUY` 1 . 90^ 1. 19 9^ 1 . 39 9^ 1. 53^ 1. 57^ Income Tax EXPENSE 128 8^ 5 041, 175 179, 521 1 14. 49 2 115, 571 Net Income 1, 296, $50 295, 693. 297, 182 159, 461 1, 3:1 1, 502 Net Margin 1. 304^ 1.37^ 1. 07^ 1 . DO`` 1 . 13^^ EEITZIA 6.56, 125 STE . 5 10 BE. 57 !) EBL , GZE 2. 5010. 8^ EEITUA*` 2.50^ 1 . 98^ 2.05^\\ ACCOUNTS HECENABLE 3, 0.1 1, 095 2, 3 33, 323 2, 373,130 2,959, 141 2, 525, 520 3. 801, 131 Inventory* 1. 397, 260 1, 926, 695 1, 495 , 671 2. 114.992 1.940, $25 Accounts Payable 6. 90`, 110 1, 902 , 1 2, 05`, 316 2, 292, $74 $.861, 925 FF IF HE 26 OPO 28 $1 12 CCC 3.5 13 12 71 Compute AIR, Inventory & AMP to improve CCC by 1 day per quarter