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Create a web page like the one shown below. You can select any text but the styling of your page should match the example below
(ex. Appropriate use of multiple columns, gradients, segmentation, background colors, etc)
(100 points) but the styling of your page should match the example below (e.g. appropriate use multiple columns, gradients, segmentation, background color, etc.) 1. Create a Web page like the one shown below. You can select any text n The second one was aimed at given the tact that each university has navigation our attention was centerea on: 0) explolting the subject ornentation of the portal to make the search eficient. () proiding navigation mechanisms that stmulate exploration. Among the pnmary design objectives were to: (1) its own academic structure Our discover OER content (3) studies confirmed that there is a obtaining empircal evidence on how The resutts of the surveys were development of the CS OER Portal demand for a centralized platform where leaming content from various providers can be classtied by subject This is in line with the information seeking behavior theories offer interface where searching and indicating that users prefer to access one centralized site rather than isiting and piecing together information from indiMdual sites 14) Currenty the OER content is and stes and searching in each of them s a signiticant bamer for the large cale uptaire and reuse of OER1 This fact motivated our work on the development the CS OER Portal- repostory and portal for Computer Science OER The goal is to increase the us:@ of 0pen educa0nai browsing operate in a single ftow of interaction. (2) utilice searching patterns for bringing beforehand the content from an anticipated search hus eliminating possible further searches The implemented multi- strategy approach includes navigation (structural and tag-based) search (standard, faceted and advanced search extended with Our preliminary studies indicated that he dominating reason for the low OER use is the insufficient support for Ending needed content 12,3 The problem with resource discovery lies Search and Navigation not onty in the repository's search and We proide two types of support for organcational speciics Current OER repositories are mainty institubon- finding content in the repository The frst one is to brinp users to the ndependent the design of the portal we conducted pased 14) An inssitutional alignmentrepository and the second one starts wo larpe scale studies. The trat of OER content relates to the after their landing there. For the first type we implemented Search Engine recommendation, and a query-by- navigation search he Computer Scence instructors needs of open sducaional resources represent the best structure for users regard to the local search and provider-centered system may not n strategies i with everage the implicit semantics emerging trom both the evolving tag m structure and domain vocabulary For social bo example. community generated taps propose a community-ornented can be used as a source of terms to aupment the evoling domain taxonomy as they tend to represent he current domain terminology meeting common neeas of their members Inspired by the successful annotation Web 2.0 enabies large scale community collaboration informaiona The advantages and disadvantages of ontologies and tolks onomies are well known (1,171 Ontologies can make content well organzed but their creation requires time and expertise On the other hand user-generated folksonomles can be more relevant and inspire discovery but users tack discipline and expertise Tagging is a simple and effective collaborative method for organizang and sharing web resources using human created metadata Controlled tagging brings discopline but can create a gap between resource provioers and we tramework for rapid knowtedge exchange in the context of users Many applications teg bulilding users to direaty partiopate in collaborative process of content development vWe believe that tapping Sharing Folrsonomies have demonstrated participatory leaming repositories creation A motivating factor for our work is the observation that the unstructured user-resource-tag obvious potential for sharing and collaporation They offer a fresh approach suitable for sharin educational and acadermic resources Emitations in terms of resource search and exploration Another widely recognized linitatio folksonomies do not support an higher semantc quality when the on is that the paciic tem This supges formation that can be further ostered agreed Interpretation of the providing sultabie mechanisms for annotation structure by usersand gents