I am making a Bar graph in Excel and want to know what the independent and dependent variables are in this problem so that I can come up with horizontal and vertical axis titles.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) is a measure of implicit (subconscious) associations, typically used to assess bias that we are unaware of; implicit bias is entirely separate from conscious beliefs or viewpoints. In the IAT, the participant is asked to categorize two classes of stimuli; for example, they may be asked to classify pictures of faces (men and women) and classify words (family or occupation). in some trials, participants must categorize Men's faces and Occupation on the left, and Women's faces and Family on the right; since these category overlaps are consistent with existing stereotypes, this is referred to as Stereotype Congruent. (This is counterbalanced for side presentation). On other trials, participants must categorize Men's Faces and Family on the left, and Women's Faces and Occupation on the right,- this is referred to as Stereotype-lncongruent. (This is also counterbalanced for side presentation.) The IAT measures reaction time (RT) in categorizing these item clusters (e.g., MenFamily, Women- Occupation, etc.) The premise is that faster reaction times indicate a stronger implicit association between the two categories, even if the person does not explicitly/consciously believe the two are or should be linked. This is similar to the Lexical Decision Task, in which the word Doctor would be reacted to faster if preceded by Nurse than if preceded by Pancake. In this study, participants completed a version of the IAT looking at implicit associations between racial group (Black or white) and item type (Dangerous or Harmless). RT was measured in seconds. The researchers predict that stereotype-congruent conditions (Black-Dangerous and White-Harmless) should be categorized faster than the stereotype-incongruent conditions (Black-Harmless and White-De ngerous), because of the implicit association that already exists between these congruent pairings. However, the researchers have no predictions about reaction times for the racial group or for item type