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I am working on a group project for my International Finance class. The object is to predict future spot rates using different methods (RPPP, IFE,

I am working on a group project for my International Finance class. The object is to predict future spot rates using different methods (RPPP, IFE, FUPFS). My part of the project is to determine "real realized appreciation." I cannot understand how to calculate this.

Thank you for your help

image text in transcribed Analysis of Dollar v Pound Sterling Exchange Rates Data Quarterly data on spot and forward direct quote for pound, CPI 1 and 12 month LIBOR 2 for US and UK have been collected from Bloomberg from the 4 th quarter of 1991 (91.4) through the 4th quarter of 2015 (14.4). From these you can calculate twenty four years of annual rates and annualized quarterly rates. Methods for Calculating Annual Rates of Change a) Annual rate of change from the 4th quarter to the 4th quarter of subsequent year. For example, annual rate of change in 1998 will be: 98.4/97.4 - 1. b) Arithmetic mean for annualized subsequent quarter rates of change. For example, in 1998 it will be: [(98.4/98.3 -1)*4 + (98.3/98.2 -1)*4 + (98.2/98.1 -1)*4 + (98.1/97.4 -1)*4] / 4. c) Geometric mean for annualized subsequent quarter rates of change. For example, in 1998 it will be: {[1+(98.4/98.3-1)*4]*[1+(98.3/98.2-1)*4]*[1+(98.2/98.1-1)*4]*[1+(98.1/97.4-1)*4]} 1/4 - 1. d) Arithmetic mean for the same quarters of subsequent year annual change. For example, in 1998 it will be: [(98.4/97.4 -1) + (98.3/97.3 -1) + (98.2/97.2 -1) + (98.1/97.1 -1)] / 4. e) Geometric mean for the same quarters of subsequent year annual change. For example, in 1998 it will be: {[1+(98.4/97.4-1)]*[1+(98.3/97.3-1)]*[1+(98.2/97.2-1)]*[1+(98.1/97.1-1)]} 1/4 - 1. Assignments 1. XLS file due 11/2. Calculate annual realized nominal appreciations of and $ (a-e for each currency). 2. XLS file due 11/2. Calculate annualized forward premiums for and $ using 3, 6 and 12 month forward rates observed in the same quarter (horizontally). forward premiums in 1998 calculated using different methods: a) f360 = F36098.4/S98.4 - 1, f180$ = (F18098.4/S98.4 - 1)*2 and f90$ = (F9098.4/S98.4 - 1)*4. b) [(F36098.4/S98.4 - 1) + (F36098.3/S98.3 - 1) + (F36098.2/S98.2 - 1) + (F36098.1/S98.1 - 1)]/4, [(F18098.4/S98.4 - 1)*2 + (F18098.3/S98.3 - 1)*2 + (F18098.2/S98.2 - 1)*2 + (F18098.1/S98.1 - 1)*2]/4, [(F9098.4/S98.4 - 1)*4 + (F9098.3/S98.3 - 1)*4 + (F9098.2/S98.2 - 1)*4 + (F9098.1/S98.1 - 1)*4]/4. {[1+(F36098.4/S98.4 - 1)] *[1+(F36098.3/S98.3 - 1)] *[1+(F36098.2/S98.2 - 1)] *[1+(F36098.1/S98.1 - 1)]}1/4 - 1, {[1+(F18098.4/S98.4-1)*2] *[1+(F18098.3/S98.3-1)*2] *[1+(F18098.2/S98.2-1)*2] *[1+(F18098.1/S98.1-1)*2]}1/4 - 1 {[1+(F9098.4/S98.4-1)*4] *[1+(F9098.3/S98.3-1)*4] *[1+(F9098.2/S98.2-1)*4] *[1+(F9098.1/S98.1-1)*4]}1/4 - 1. Methods d and e cannot be used for forward premiums. c) 3. XLS file due 11/2. Calculate annual inflation rates of and $ using their respective CPIs (a-e for each currency). Methods c and e cannot be calculated if rate of change in any period is less than -100%. 4. XLS file due 11/2. Calculate annual realized real appreciations of and $. End of period real exchange rate in the 4th quarter of 1998 for methods a, d & e is S98.4' = S98.4[1+(CPI98.4/CPI97.4 - 1)]/[1+(CPI98.4$/CPI97.4$ - 1)]. Real appreciation in 1998 for methods a, d & e is s$' = S98.4' / S97.4 - 1. End of period real exchange rate in the 4th quarter of 1998 for methods b & c is S98.4' = S98.4[1+(CPI98.4/CPI98.3 - 1)]/[1+(CPI98.4$/CPI98.3$ - 1)]. Real appreciation in the 4th quarter of 1998 for methods b & c is s' = (S98.4' / S98.3 - 1)*4. 5. XLS file due 11/2. Test if 3, 6 and 12 month forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate using regression (estimated S = f(F) = 0 + 1F should have Y intercept 0 = 0 and slope coefficient 1 = 1), CPI measures prices of a market basket of consumer goods and services. Its growth rates represent the inflation. London - Interbank Offered Rate (measured in percentages) is recorded each day at 11am & released at 11.45am (London time) as an average of the middle two quartiles of quotations from the banks determined by the ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) Benchmark Administration. 1 2 residuals (sum of differences between S and F should be zero) and graphical analysis (plot S and F on the same graph). Compare staggered data: F9098.1 v S98.2, F18098.1 v S98.3, F36098.1 v S99.1. Use measure analogous to sample standard deviation calculated on the differences between current forward and future spot exchange rate [(S-F)2]/(N-1) to find which forward rate is the best unbiased predictor of future spot. 6. XLS file due 11/2. Calculate relative purchasing power parity implied annual appreciation of and $. Pound appreciation in 1988 for methods a, d and e would be [1+(CPI98.4$/CPI97.4$ - 1)] / [1+(CPI98.4/CPI97.4 - 1)] - 1. Pound appreciation in the fourth quarter of 1998 for methods b and c would be calculated as [1+(CPI98.4$/CPI98.3$ - 1)*4] / [1+(CPI98.4/CPI98.3 - 1)*4] - 1. 7. XLS file due 11/2. Calculate international Fisher's effect implied annual appreciation of and $. Pound appreciation in 1998 for methods a, b and c would be (1 + I98.4$) / (1 + I98.4) - 1, {[(1+I98.4$)/(1+I98.4)-1] + [(1+I98.3$)/(1+I98.3)-1] + [(1+I98.2$)/(1+I98.2)-1] + [(1+I98.1$)/(1+I98.1)-1]} / 4 and {[(1+I98.4$)/(1+I98.4)]*[(1+I98.3$)/(1+I98.3)]*[(1+I98.2$)/(1+I98.2)]*[(1+I98.1$)/(1+I98.1)]}1/4 - 1. International Fisher's effect cannot be calculated for methods d and e. 8. XLS file due 11/2. Test if covered interest arbitrage holds for 12, 6 and 3 month forward rates and 12 month LIBORs for each quarter. Test for the 1 st quarter of 1998 would be 1 + I 98.1 = [S98.1(1 + I98.1$)] / F36098.1, 1 + I98.1/2 = [S98.1(1 + I98.1$/2)] / F18098.1 and 1 + I98.1/4 = [S98.1(1 + I98.1$/4)] / F9098.1. Use measure analogous to the sample standard deviation calculated on the differences between left (LHS) and right hand side (RHS) of the test [(LHS-RHS)2]/(N-1) to find which forward rate leads to the smallest violation of CIA. 9. XLS and PPT files due 12/5.Using available data through the fourth quarter of the previous year to estimate expected future spot nominal exchange rates for each quarter of the following 3 years starting at the first quarter of 1996. You can use all or subset of available data (it might differ as volatility of exchange rates in the estimation period changes). Repeat the exercise for each year through the first quarter of 2012. a) Use realized nominal and realized real appreciation. b) Use expected appreciations implied by 3, 6 and 12 month forward rates, international Fisher's effect and relative purchasing power parity. c) Use expected forward premium based on 3, 6 and 12 month forward rates implied by financial or money market hedge. d) Use regression estimates of y intercept and slope coefficients for historical exchange rates to project future spot rates. e) Team with the lowest standard deviation between estimated (use the same method to calculate appreciation but estimation period can vary) and realized exchange rates averaged over all 17 three year testing periods will earn extra 5%. 10. What are the three methods (used to calculate appreciation) with the most predictive power? Does the ranking of methods stay the same in every testing period? Does estimation period change over time? Discuss theoretical differences between arithmetic and geometric means, nominal and real realized appreciations, as well as appreciations calculated in different ways (e.g. realized and RPPP are backward looking while the others are forward looking since they are based on expectations about the future). 11. In addition to e-mailing me the spreadsheet with assignments on indicated dates, each team has to e-mail me their presentation (powerpoint file) and excel file on which it was based before the first presentation class. Each team also has to submit the print out of their presentation. Date S$/ F$/90 F$/180 F$/360 CPI$ 1983=100 CPI 2014=100 % LIBOR$360 % LIBOR360 12/31/2015 9/30/2015 6/30/2015 3/31/2015 12/31/2014 9/30/2014 6/30/2014 3/31/2014 12/31/2013 9/30/2013 6/28/2013 3/29/2013 12/31/2012 9/28/2012 6/29/2012 3/30/2012 12/30/2011 9/30/2011 6/30/2011 3/31/2011 12/31/2010 9/30/2010 6/30/2010 3/31/2010 12/31/2009 9/30/2009 6/30/2009 3/31/2009 12/31/2008 9/30/2008 6/30/2008 3/31/2008 12/31/2007 9/28/2007 6/29/2007 3/30/2007 12/29/2006 9/29/2006 6/30/2006 3/31/2006 12/30/2005 9/30/2005 1.4736 1.5128 1.5712 1.4818 1.5577 1.6213 1.7106 1.6662 1.6557 1.6186 1.5213 1.5198 1.6255 1.6167 1.5707 1.6008 1.5543 1.5584 1.6053 1.6028 1.5612 1.5716 1.4945 1.5184 1.6170 1.5982 1.6458 1.4323 1.4593 1.7805 1.9923 1.9837 1.9850 2.0473 2.0087 1.9678 1.9588 1.8721 1.8483 1.7372 1.7230 1.7643 1.473824 1.512345 1.570132 1.480881 1.556536 1.619993 1.709302 1.665061 1.654627 1.617535 1.520385 1.519103 1.625020 1.616300 1.570319 1.599821 1.552940 1.557044 1.603500 1.600730 1.560092 1.570595 1.494435 1.517575 1.616065 1.597822 1.645535 1.432811 1.456971 1.785499 1.978459 1.969460 1.980128 2.043160 2.005988 1.966931 1.959395 1.873865 1.852200 1.739215 1.722975 1.762328 1.474465 1.511745 1.569300 1.480160 1.555421 1.618245 1.707479 1.663866 1.653385 1.616532 1.519600 1.518610 1.624480 1.615793 1.569830 1.598847 1.551435 1.555890 1.601690 1.598003 1.558461 1.569532 1.494332 1.516806 1.615270 1.597664 1.645150 1.433800 1.456875 1.778715 1.964614 1.954568 1.974100 2.037504 2.002155 1.964731 1.958980 1.874540 1.856170 1.742030 1.724700 1.762251 1.476359 1.511175 1.568197 1.480249 1.554732 1.614344 1.701640 1.660590 1.650085 1.614550 1.518265 1.518401 1.623450 1.614775 1.568992 1.596605 1.548629 1.553705 1.597407 1.591405 1.554547 1.567250 1.494175 1.515908 1.613524 1.597204 1.644010 1.435725 1.457406 1.763382 1.939065 1.928599 1.959667 2.026584 1.992487 1.957310 1.956063 1.873800 1.861865 1.747075 1.728895 1.764650 238.041 237.489 237.423 235.859 236.464 237.510 237.016 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61.7 61.5 6.31250 5.81250 4.75000 3.81250 3.56250 3.75000 3.62500 4.06250 3.31250 4.31250 5.06250 4.31250 7.50000 6.25000 5.81250 5.50000 5.81250 6.00000 5.87500 6.68750 8.56250 9.75000 11.06250 10.93750

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