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I am working on a group project with several other people and i think we have been working on this sooo long now that we

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I am working on a group project with several other people and i think we have been working on this sooo long now that we are all just confused. Can you please help us fix this assignment? image text in transcribed

Ba ir Compa ny is a ma nufa cturer of sta nda rd a nd custom-designed bottling equipment. Ea rly in December 20x0 Lya n Compa ny a sked Ba ir to quote a price for a custom-designed bottling ma chine to be delivered in April. Lya n intends to ma ke a decision on the purcha se of such a ma chine by Ja nua ry 1, so Ba ir would ha ve the entire first qua rter of 20x1 to build the equipment. Ba ir's pricing policy for custom-designed equipment is 50 percent ma rkup on a bsorption ma nufa cturing cost. Lya n's specifica tions for the equipment ha ve been reviewed by Ba ir's Engineering a nd Cost Ma na gement depa rtments, which ma de the following estima tes for direct ma teria l a nd direct la bor. Direct ma teria l ............................................................................................................................................ $ 307,200 Direct la bor (11,000 hours a t $ 18 ) ................................................................................................................ 19 8 ,000 Ma nufa cturing overhea d is a pplied on the ba sis of direct-la bor hours. Ba ir norma lly pla ns to run its pla nt a t a level of 15,000 direct-la bor hours per month a nd a ssigns overhea d on the ba sis of 18 0,000 direct-la bor hours per yea r. T he overhea d a pplica tion ra te for 20x1 of $ 10.8 0 per hour is ba sed on the following budgeted ma nufa cturing overhea d costs for 20x1. Va ria ble ma nufa cturing overhea d ............................................................................................................... $ 1,16 6 ,4 00 Fixed ma nufa cturing overhea d ................................................................................................................... 777,6 00 T ota l ma nufa cturing overhea d .................................................................................................................... $ 1,9 4 4 ,000 Ba ir's production schedule ca lls for 12,000 direct-la bor hours per month during the first qua rter. I f Ba ir is a wa rded the contra ct for the Lya n equipment, production of one of its sta nda rd products would ha ve to be reduced. T his is necessa ry beca use production levels ca n only be increa sed to 15,000 directla bor hours ea ch month on short notice. Furthermore, Ba ir's employees a re unwilling to work overtime. S a les of the sta nda rd product equa l to the reduced production would be lost, but there would be no perma nent loss of future sa les or customers. T he sta nda rd product for which the production schedule would be reduced ha s a unit sa les price of $ 14 ,4 00 a nd the following cost structure. Direct ma teria l ........................................................................................................................................... $ 3,000 Direct la bor (250 hours a t $ 18 ) .................................................................................................................... 4 ,500 Ma nufa cturing overhea d (250 hours a t $ 10.8 0) ............................................................................................ 2,700 T ota l cost .............................................................................................................................................. $ 10,200 Lya n needs the custom-designed equipment to increa se its bottle-ma king ca pa city so tha t it will not ha ve to buy bottles from a n outside supplier. Lya n Compa ny requires 5,000,000 bottles a nnua lly. I ts present equipment ha s a ma ximum ca pa city of 4 ,500,000 bottles with a directly tra cea ble ca sh outla y cost of 18 cents per bottle. T hus, Lya n ha s ha d to purcha se 500,000 bottles from a supplier a t 4 8 cents ea ch. T he new equipment would a llow Lya n to ma nufa cture its entire a nnua l dema nd for bottles a t a direct-ma teria l cost sa vings of 1.2 cents per bottle. Ba ir estima tes tha t Lya n's a nnua l bottle dema nd will continue to be 5,000,000 bottles over the next five yea rs, the estima ted life of the specia l-purpose equipment. Required: Ba ir Compa ny's ma na gement pla ns to submit a bid to Lya n Compa ny for the ma nufa cture of the specia l-purpose bottling equipment. 1. Ca lcula te the bid Ba ir would submit if it follows its sta nda rd pricing policy for specia l-purpose equipment. 1.) T ota l la bor hours /Bottler 11,000 hours for QT 1 Reg 1st Quarter 2001 Bottler Direct La bor Direct Ma teria l 11,000*18 .00 307200 $ 19 8 ,000 $ 307,200 505,200 Monthly Ca pa city T ota l for 1st QT la bor hours/a ll production 3,6 6 6 per month 4 5,000 -11,000 34 ,000 for sta nda rd production Bid $ 757,8 00.00 $ 505,200 Standard Production/Bottler 1st Qt Direct la bor Ma nufa cturing OH $252,6 00 $757,800 36 7,200 1st QT only 118 ,8 00 307,200 6 50,9 6 0 34 ,000*10.80 11,000* 10.8 0 Direct Ma teria l Standard Bid 1st QT Direct Ma teria l Direct La bor Ma nufa cturing OH Tota l Ma nufa cturing cost 50% ma rk up 772,200 515,4 00 256 ,8 00 (4 224 0) loss from production of sta nda rd product CM=312,000 Requirement 1 307200 11,000*18 .000 11,000* 10.8 0 $ 307,200 $ 19 8 ,000 118 ,8 00 312,000 CM 1st Qt 312,000 9 36 ,000 2. Ca lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t 2. 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Bottler Bid 2.) Minimum Bid 4 8 units $ 9 24 ,210.00 18 ,36 3 Lost S a les Standard Capacity Quarterly Specia l Order hours Hours required Ca pa city of hours/qt Shorta ge in Hours Contribution ma rgin Tota l Ma rk up @50% Shorta ge hours Lost units 3,000/4 8 4 500/4 8 2700/4 8 16 20/4 8 Qua rterly $ 7,74 0 Contribution Margin Sales Direct La bor/S ta nda rd $ 4 2,24 0 ta rget Opportunity cost 6 24 ,000 312,000 2. Ca lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would result in the sa me tota l contribution ma rgin a s pla nned for the first qua rter of 20x1. Direct Ma teria l Direct la bor Ma nufa cturing OH Va ria ble OH costs ma rk up a t 50% 7578 00 Bottler/S pecia l S ta nda rd T ota l 757,8 00 14 ,4 00 505,200 10,200 252,6 00 S a les Cost of Goods S old Gross profit 4 3,200 250*18 250*10.8 0 116 6 4 00/18 000*250 Monthly $ 3,000 $ 4 ,500 $ 2,700 $ 1,6 20 $ 11,8 20 15,000*3=4 5,000 Ca pa city hours 12,000*3=36 ,000 hours*10.8 0 11000*18 .00 4 7,000 4 5,000 2,000*10.8 0 2,000 8 Qua rterly $ 38 8 ,8 00 $ 19 8 ,000 $ 21,6 00 $ 7,74 0 $ 6 16 ,14 0 $ 308 ,070 $ 9 24 ,210 Qt cost Unit Cost 9 ,000 13,500 8 ,100 4 ,8 6 0 35,4 6 0 $ 6 2.50 notes: $ 9 3.75 4 8*3 is 14 4 $ 56 .25 24 6 .25 *14 4 $ 33.75 $ 24 6 .25 Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t would lcula te the minimum bid Ba ir would be willing to submit on the Lya n equipment tha t 2. 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